CEDAW��������� Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

����������������������� �- or -

����������������������� Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against


CERD������������� Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

CESCR����������� Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

CIE����������������� Committee of Independent Experts

COE ��������������� Council of Europe

CRC���������������� Convention on the Rights of the Child - or -

Committee on the Rights of the Child

CSW��������������� Commission on Status of Women

CSO���������������� Civil Society Organization

ECHR������������� European Convention on Human Rights - or -

European Commission on Human Rights

ECtHR������������ European Court of Human Rights

ESC���������������� Economic, social and cultural (as in ESC rights) - or -

European Social Charter

ECOSOC�������� Economic and Social Council

GR������������������ General Recommendations

HRC��������������� Human Rights Committee

ICCPR������������ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

ICERD������������ International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

ICESCR���������� International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

IDA���������������� International Development Agency

IFC����������������� International Finance Corporation

ILO����������������� International Labour Organization

IMF����������������� International Monetary Fund

INCHRITI������� International NGO Committee on Human Rights in Trade and Investment

MDB��������������� Multilateral Development Bank

NGO��������������� Nongovernmental organization

OECD������������� Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

SAP���������������� Structural Adjustment Program

TNC���������������� Transnational Corporation

UDHR������������ Universal Declaration of Human Rights

UN������������������ United Nations

UNCTAD������� United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

UNDP������������� United Nations Development Programme

UNESCO�������� United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization

UNHCHR������� United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Office of the

UNHCR���������� United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Office of the

UNICEF���������� United Nations Children’s Fund

WHO�������������� World Health Organization

WTO��������������� World Trade Organization

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