Issue #3
Human Rights
Education and the Arts Workshop
Explore how issues
of peace, human rights, and justice
can be expressed and taught through
mediums such as literature, theater,
music, dance, painting and sculpture.
On Wednesday, January 24, 1996,
the Partners Project will hold a Human
Rights Education and the Arts Workshop
for team members. Materials on lesson
activities and community action projects
on human rights education and the arts
will be available for participants.
For more information and to register,
please call the Partners Project at
(612) 626-0041.
Team Tip
Time to start the
New Year -- And for many, a new semester
or quarter! The following tips may help
you in getting off to a new start.
Meet in early January to develop your
strategies and topics for the second
half of the year. Make "snow
plans" for the days that your
team members cannot make it to the
Consider inviting outside speakers
to speak with your students about
their work for human rights. Past
Partners Project Fellows may be a
perfect addition to a lesson. Contact
the Partners Project for speaker referrals.
Lead a brainstorming discussion with
the students about what they believe
is a need in the local, state, national,
or international community. Assist
the students with developing their
Community Action projects.
Start planning for an end of the year
celebration to recognize the students
for their efforts.
Please let us know
about sources for human rights education
posters, bookmarks, and other materials
that you find helpful.
Educating for Human Dignity: Learning
about Rights and Responsibilities.
This K-12 teaching resource contains
lesson plans, handouts, and activities
as well as suggestions for a holistic
approach to human rights education.
By Betty Reardon.
University of Pennsylvania Press. Available
in Partners Project Human Rights Education
Library. (612) 626-0041.
Take A Look
at A Book!
Please share with
us a brief description of any book about
human rights that you or your students
have found inspiring.
Hispanic, Female and Young: An
Anthology. To be young, female
and Latina in New York City is captured
powerfully in this multifaceted book
which combines poems, stories, essays,
and interviews by Las Mujeres Hispanas,
a group of teenagers at a New York
public alternative school. A celebration
of youth and ethnic diversity. Edited
by Phyllis Tashlik. Arte Publico Press,
1994. Available from the Resource
Center of the Americas, (612) 627-9445.
A Note about
the "Net"
On November 29,
1995, the Partners Project held
the Human Rights Education and Technology
Workshop. Fifteen team members and
presenters attended. The Partners Project
thanks Mighty Media, Brian Pierce, Ed
Rice, and West Publishing for their
assistance in presenting the workshop.
If your class is
interested in connecting with other
classes on the Internet, please contact
the Partners Project. A list of Internet
addresses will be sent to those who
have submitted their Internet addresses
at the end of January.
The handout from
the workshop is included in this newsletter.
A quick reminder: The home page address
for the University of Minnesota Human
Rights Library is http://hrlibrary.law.umn.edu.
Mighty Media Inc.
is an interactive learning company based
in Minneapolis, MN that provides user-driven
services on the World Wide Web for youth
and educators. Teacher Talk is
a free public online forum where teachers
can exchange ideas and resources and
debate issues. The Youth In Action
Network allows students to learn
about the environment and human rights,
communicate with other students and
take action. "Power Tools"
within the Youth in Action Network
help students to create petitions,
reach out to the media, and write to
their representatives in local and national
government. Youth in Action Network
will be available to the general
public in January 1996. Visit Mighty
Media at http://www.mightymedia.com,
or call 1-800-644-4898 for more information.
Partners Project Fellowships
Applications are
available for Partners Project team
members who are interested in applying
for a 1995-96 fellowship for local,
national, or international human rights
opportunities. Completed applications
including a letter from a human rights
organization must be received by the
Partners Project on or before March
1, 1996.
Based on information
received from this past summer's fellows,
the Fellowship Sub-Committee has been
working to implement changes for the
1995-96 Fellows. First, the next Fellows
will be matched with past Fellows in
a mentoring program. Second, a training
manual is being developed. Third, the
training will last for eight hours in
April. Fourth, the Fellows will gather
at the Human Rights Fair for a send-off
in May. Finally, the Fellows will gather
upon their return to share and process
their experiences.
Possible fellowship
placements are available through the
University of Minnesota Human Rights
Center and the Partners Project:
University of Minnesota Human Rights
Library Assistant: A volunteer with
a technology background is needed immediately
to assist Brian Pierce and Marci Hoffman
with posting documents on the U of M
Human Rights Electronic Library on the
Internet. The person must commit to
10-15 hours per week and will receive
$7.00 per hour. The position will probably
turn into a fellowship opportunity during
the summer. For more information, contact
Marci Hoffman at (612)625-0740 or [email protected]
by January 12, 1996.
African Centre for Human and People's
Rights in Banjul, Gambia: An individual
with a computer background is needed
to work with the African Centre to develop
an electronic resource library for the
African Centre and help connect the
African Centre with the World Wide Web.
Knowledge of French, experience in living
outside the U.S., and good people skills
are desirable. Also, the human rights
and political situation in Gambia has
been unstable; elections are scheduled
for June 1996. The fellow should be
willing to deal with the possibly unstable
situation following the election. Interested
persons should submit their fellowship
application indicating their qualifications
to the Human Rights Center, (612) 626-0041
by February 1, 1996.
Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination
and Protection of Minorities: A
volunteer with a legal background will
assist the U.S. member of the Sub-Commission
in Geneva, Switzerland. The volunteer
will do research in Minnesota during
June and July and then assist the member
in Geneva during the August Sub-Commission
session. Applicants should submit a
writing sample, resume, and indication
of interest to David Weissbrodt at the
University of Minnesota Human Rights
Center or through [email protected]
by February 1, 1996.
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
Against Women: A volunteer will
assist Ivanka Corti, the Chair of this
Committee in Rome, Italy. Contact Johanna
Ronnei at the Partners Project, (612)
626-0041 by February 1, 1996.
Past Fellows are
available through the Speaker's Bureau
to share their experiences with your
team and students. For more information
about the Speaker's Bureau or the Fellowship
Program, to receive an application packet,
or to discuss fellowship opportunities,
please call (612) 626-0041.
Update on
"What Happens Now?"
On December 11,
1995, more than 750 students attended
"What Happens Now?." The play
followed the downward spiral of a Minnesota
family caught in the web of poverty
that can overtake anyone who suffers
a series of unforeseen difficulties,
including loss of employment, eviction,
and the welfare system. The play was
created by Caucasian, African-American,
and Cambodian students from the Twin
Over 700 toys and
books were donated to the Star Tribune's
Santa Anonymous Program by students
attending the play from Pike Lake Elementary,
St. Paul Central High School, J.J. Hill
Montessori, Minnetonka Middle School
East, the Intensive Day Treatment Program,
the Work Opportunity Center, and Cretin-Derham-Hall
School. The play was written, produced,
and presented by the Youth Visions Program
of Creative Theatre Unlimited, and was
sponsored by The City, Inc., The United
Cambodian Association of Minnesota,
The Minneapolis Star Tribune, and the
Partners in Human Rights Education.
The Public Achievement Project and the
Humphrey Center for Public Affairs also
Human Rights
Events Calendar
Note: Please submit
any activities that your students and/or
school are involved in and that are
open to the public.
2 - 19 Faces
and Images of Women at the International
Women's Conference in Beijing Gallery
Exhibit. Paul Whitney Larson
Gallery, St. Paul Student Center, St.
Paul Campus, University of Minnesota.
FFI Heather Holland at (612) 625-0241.
6 From
the Streets of Colombia: Children Living
on the Edge. Luz Dalia Sanchez,
a medical doctor who works with street
children in Bogota, Colombia, will present
the reality of their lives and discuss
the growing crisis and the world responses
to this situation. Resource Center of
the Americas. 10:30 a.m. FFI (612) 647-9445.
13 Thirty
Years Later in Paraguay.
John and Renee Carter, educators in
Paraguay for three decades, work with
the Campamento Jack Notrment, a camp
that teaches about ecology, the women's
movement, community building and popular
education. Screening segments of their
upcoming video, they share insights
into today's realities of Paraguay.
Resource Center of the Americas. 10:30
a.m. FFI (612) 647-9445.
18 Introductory
Partners Project Training in Twin Cities.
Due to continued requests by
individuals interested in participating
in the Partners Project, another training
is scheduled. For registration and/or
more information, teachers, lawyers,
or community resource people should
call Johanna Ronnei at the Partners
Project, (612) 626-0041.
20 Haiti's
Elections, the CIA and the Future.
Dee Schaefer, a French professor at
St. Catherine College, reports her observations
of Haiti's presidential election. Joining
her is Jeremy Allaire, who has been
closely following Haiti developments
over the Internet. He shares revelations
of CIA connections to Aristide's opponents
and the prospects for Haiti under the
next president.
27 Schooling
in Today's Nicaragua. "Nicaragua:
Where Everyone is Learning" was
a slogan during the 1980s. A panel of
Twin Cities educators share what has
happened since 1990 from their findings
of a tour of schools in Managua, Leon,
and the town of Santa Rosa. The panel
shows how economic conditions have affected
children and shares ideas about how
Minnesota educators can connect their
classrooms with Nicaraguan schools.
Action! Projects
A Reminder: Please
call or send in your students' projects
to the Partners Project by February
29, 1996 for the next edition of
the Explorer.
Lesson Plan
Domestic Violence
as a Human Rights Abuse
Robin Phillips,
and 1995 Partners
Project Fellow
Grades 9-12 and adult.
Students will learn
about the international protections
against domestic violence in international
1. Discuss provisions
in the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (articles 3, 5, and 8) that may
be invoked to protect women from domestic
2. Read the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
Against Women (CEDAW). Discuss reasons
why domestic violence may have been
omitted from the Convention.
3. Read the discussion
of violence against women in the General
Recommendation No. 19 of the Committee
of the Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination against
4. Discuss the 1993
UN Declaration on the Elimination of
Violence against Women.
5. Review the attached
story about domestic violence in Romania.
Divide into small groups to discuss
how the response of the government is
inconsistent with the protections in
international law.
6. Alternative activity:
Break into groups to discuss whether
the United States is in compliance with
the provisions of Article 4 of the Declaration
on the Elimination of Violence against
Kristi Rudelius-Palmer
Director of the
Partners Project
on the birth of
her daughter Kandra Taylor
on December 19, 1995!
Project 1996 Dates to Remember
January 18
Introductory Training in Twin
Cities. University of Minnesota
Law School, 5:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
January 20
Introductory Training in Worthington.
9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.
January 24 Human
Rights Education and the Arts Workshop.
University of Minnesota Law School,
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
January 27
Follow-up Workshop in Madison.
University of Wisconsin Campus Union,
9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.
February 3
Follow-up Workshop in Grand Rapids.
10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
March 1 Deadline
for 1995-96 Partners Project Fellowship
Applications. 4:00 p.m.
March 20
Follow-up Workshop in St. Cloud.
Courthouse, 3:30 -5:30 p.m.
May 10 1995-96
Human Rights Fair and Recognition Event.
Como Park Pavilion, St. Paul, 4:00 p.m.
-8:00 p.m.
Partners in Human
Rights Education
U of M Human Rights Center/
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights
437 Law Center
229 - 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455
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