
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights: A Human Rights Perspective is a joint effort by Amnesty International, USA, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, and the Human Rights Resource Center. It was written by Dave Donahue of Amnesty International�s Human Rights Educators Network. Meg Satterthwaite of Amnesty International Members for Lesbian and Gay Concerns contributed to an earlier version of this curriculum in 1994.

Special thanks to Reading International Support Centre (RISC) for permission to adapt and reprint material in Activities 4 and 5. For more information about their excellent resource, Human Rights for All?, write to RISC at:

103 London Street


Berkshire RG1 4QA5


Thanks to the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), for materials used throughout this curriculum, such as the background material on Kelli Peterson in Activity 3 and the testimonials in Activity 7. Activity 6, �I Now Pronounce You� Same- Sex Marriage Legislation,� is taken from GLSEN�s At Issue: Marriage, Exploring the Debate over Marriage Rights for Same-Sex Couples. The complete curriculum on same-sex marriage is available through the GLSEN Bookstore (800/247-6553 or

Thanks also to David Shiman of Amnesty International�s Educators Network and Kristi Rudelius-Palmer of the Human Rights Resource Center for allowing Activity 9, �Taking Your School�s Human Rights Temperature,� to be adapted for this curriculum.

Many thanks to Nancy Flowers of Amnesty International�s Educators Network and Scott Hirschfeld of GLSEN who provided new ideas, fresh material, critical judgment, and invaluable support throughout the project.


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