ACTIVITY 6: Handout 2
What Does �Separate but Equal� Look Like?
For over 50 years, African Americans were forced to live under a system of segregation made legal by the Plessy v. Ferguson precedent. What did this system look like on a day-to-day basis for Americans? What were the social and emotional ramifications for all people? Below, describe some of the features of a racially segregated way of living.
Example: Black children often had to travel great distances and endure physical hardships on a daily basis to get to a �colored� school.
The Vermont state legislature will soon determine whether or not same-sex couples will live within a �separate but equal� segregated system of partnership. What would this look like on a day-to-day basis? What would be the social and emotional ramifications for all people? Below, describe some of the features of a segregated system of partnership.
Example: Friends, colleagues, and family members might not consider same-sex partners to be really married and might treat them differently (e.g., not inviting a spouse to Thanksgiving dinner).