Although videos and films on human rights topics are readily available, using them effectively requires planning:

1. Introduce the film thoughtfully, perhaps providing some preliminary questions to focus viewing.

2. Allow sufficient time to follow up with discussion and/or activities.

3. An especially emotional film might be followed immediately by Buzz Groups. See Buzz Groups under "Method 6: Discussion," p. 63, to give participants an opportunity to express their feelings.

4. Suggest some ways to take action on the issue portrayed in the film.

A human rights perspective is a powerful addition to film studies (e.g., techniques, ethical questions, propaganda and advocacy, critiquing). See Part VII, "Media Resources," p. 163, for recommended commercial films.

Examples of Method:

The Human Rights Education Handbook: "Model 1: Half-day, 3-hour Workshop," p. 119; "Model 4: Three-day Workshop," p. 124;

"Model 5: Five-day Workshop," p. 126.