Indonesian Institute for Children Advocacy/ Lembaga Advokasi Anak Indonesia (LAAI)
Care Foundation Indonesia / Yayasan Peduli Anak Negeri (YPAN)
Center for Study and Child Protection/ Pusat Kajian dan Perlindungan Anak (PKPA)
Consortium of Indonesian Migrant Workers Advocacy/ Konssorsium Pembela Buruh Migran Indonesia (KOPBUMI)
Indonesian Labor Welfare Union/ Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia (SBSI)
Indonesian Women's Association for Justice and Legal Aid Institute / Lembaga Bantuan Hukun Asosiasi Perempuan Indonesia untuk Keadilan (LBH-APIK)
Indonesian Women's Coalition for Justice & Democracy/ Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia
Institute of Community Potency Motivator/ Yayasan Bina Potensi Msyarakat (YAPIM)
Migrant CARE
Network of Indonesian Child Labor NGOs (JARAK)
Star Children/ Arek Lintang (ALIT)
The Indonesian Child Welfare Foundation/Yayasan Kesejahteraan Anak Indonesia (YKAI)
Women's Solidarity for Humanity and Human Rights (SPEK-HAM)
East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN)
Indonesia Human Rights Network (IHRN)
The Commission for Disappearances and Victims of Violence (Kontras)
Tapol, the Indonesia Human Rights Campaign
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