Whereas the Turkish Cypriot People is an inseparable part of the great Turkish Nation which lived independent and fought for its rights and liberties all along its history; and
Whereas the Turkish Cypriot People, in the face of events directed against its national existence and right to life, since 1878 when it was broken away from its motherland, which were intensified especially after 1955 and took the form of armed terrorism, aggression and suppression, has organised its resistance as a mature community in unity and integrity; and
Whereas the Turkish Cypriot People has established that there cannot be individual rights and liberties without the acquisition of communal rights and Liberties, through the bitter experiences it had undergone until the year 1974 when the Peace Operation, which was carried out by the Heroic Turkish Armed Forces by virtue of the Motherland's natural, historical and legal right of guarantorship emanating from Agreements, provided to the Turkish Cypriots the means of living in peace, security and liberty; and
Whereas, in the face of attempts made to deprive it of all its rights emanating from history, international agreements and from human rights declarations and covenants and to destroy completely its existence in Cyprus; and in the face of a Republic of Cyprus which has, since 21 December 1963. Come under the monopoly of the Greek Cypriots through unlawful means, which has been transformed into a Greek Cypriot State not only from the point of view of its composition but also from the point of view of the policy it followed, and Which has, as a result of its racist and discriminatory policy and actions serving Pan-Hellenist expansionism, departed from the Agreements and the principles embodied in the Constitution and thus lost its legitimacy, the Turkish Cypriot People has, in exercise of its right of self-determination, proclaimed before the world and history the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus; Now, therefore,
For the purposes of:
Giving life to the Proclamation of Independence which was accepted unanimously and with great enthusiasm on 15th November 1983
Continuing its existence in its own homeland in full security and humane order;
Establishing a democratic and secular State with a plural party system based on social justice aiming to protect human rights and liberties, the rule of law and the peace and welfare of the individual and Community; and
Being faithful to the Principles of Atatürk and in particular for spreading His-principle of " Peace in the Homeland, Peace in the World ";
THE TURKISH CYPRIOT PEOPLE with whom the absolute right to sovereignty rests;
Approves and proclaims this Constitution passed by the Constituent Assembly of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as the Constitution of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus established on 15th November 1983;
Entrusts it to the vigilant guarding of its children who are devoted to freedom, justice and virtue, with the belief that the real guarantee lies in the hearts and the will of the citizens.
The Form and Characteristics of the State:
Article 1
The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is a secular republic based on the principles of supremacy of democracy, social justice and law.
The Integrity, Official Language, Flag, National Anthem and Capital of the State:
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Legislative power shall vest in the Assembly of the Republic on behalf of the people of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
The Duties and Powers of the Executive:
Article 5
The executive duties and powers shall be carried out and exercised by the President of the Republic and the Council of Ministers in accordance with the Constitution and laws.
Article 6
The judicial powers shall be exercised on behalf of the people of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus by independent courts.
Supremacy and Binding Force of the Constitution:
Article 7
Article 8
Provisions that cannot be changed:
Article 9
The provisions embodied in Article I, in paragraphs (I) and (2) of Article 2 and In Article 3 of this Constitution cannot be changed; nor can any proposal be made for changing them.
Chapter I
The Nature of Fundamental Rights and their Protection:
Article 10
The Essence and Restriction of Fundamental Rights and Liberties:
Article 11
Fundamental rights and liberties can only be restricted by law, without affecting their essence, for reasons such as public Interest, public order, public morals, social justice, national security, public health and for ensuring the security of life and property of persons.
Fundamental Rights and Liberties and Powers not to be Misused:
Article 12
No provision of this Constitution shall be construed or interpreted as to give any real or legal person, group or class of persons the right and authority to commit acts or to engage in activities aimed at changing the rights and status of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and of the Turkish Cypriot people guaranteed by this Constitution or at destroying the order established by this Constitution or at removing the fundamental rights and liberties recognised by this Constitution.
Article 13
The rights and liberties referred to in this Constitution may be restricted by law in respect of aliens, in accordance with international law.