Location of Organization/Basic Contact Information:
HQ: Minneapolis, MN; USA
Field Offices:
Sierra Leone
Serbia and Montenegro
Sri Lanka
ARC World Headquarters
430 Oak Grove Street
Suite 204
Minneapolis, MN 55403 USA
Tel: (612) 872-7060
Toll-free: (800) 875-7060
Fax: (612) 607-6499
Email: [email protected]
Organization Mission Statement:
What are the basic goals of the organization?
The American Refugee Committee is an international nonprofit, nonsectarian organization that has provided humanitarian assistance and training to millions of beneficiaries over the last 27 years. ARC works with refugee communities in 10 countries around the world, helping people regain control of their lives. The people ARC serves have lost everything to events completely beyond their control. ARC provides shelter, clean water and sanitation, health care, skills training, microcredit education, protection and whatever support we can to let people begin again.
Who does this organization employ? (i.e. Graduate degrees; only grant writing background, etc). Why?
A large background is necessary for the ARC. A college education and graduate degree are preferred for many situations, but each job is independent.
What is the preferred gender/race background/religion of employees?
The ARC strives for an even split in genders, religions, and backgrounds of employees. However, the ARC also strives to hire the best candidates.
Do employees need a second language?
Second languages are helpful in many of the positions. Since the particular groups of refugees the ARC helps are fluid, a large background of second languages are represented by our staff. Second languages are not necessary, however, for employment.
Where does this organization advertise when there are job openings?
The ARC advertises on its website and through its listserv, primarily.