At its 42nd meeting, on 24 February 1995, the Commission on
Human Rights, taking note of resolution 1994/40 of 26 August 1994
of the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection
of Minorities, approved the decision to appoint Mr. José
Bengoa as Special Rapporteur on the relationship between the enjoyment
of human rights, in particular economic, social and cultural rights,
and income distribution, at both national and international levels,
taking also into account the preliminary and final reports of
the Special Rapporteur of the Subcommission on human rights and
extreme poverty and matters related to the realization of the
right to development, with a view to determining how most effectively
to strengthen activities in this field, and approved further the
request to the Special Rapporteur to submit a preliminary report
to the Subcommission at its forty-seventh session, a progress
report at its forty-eighth session and a final report at its forty-ninth
[See chap. VII.]