University of Minnesota

Study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and indigenous populations

Commission on Human Rights decision 1995/109

At its 53rd meeting, on 3 March 1995, the Commission on Human Rights, noting decision 1994/116 of 26 August 1994 of the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, endorsed, without a vote, the recommendation that the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Miguel Alfonso Martínez, make all possible efforts to submit his second progress report in 1995 to the Working Group on Indigenous Populations at its thirteenth session and to the Subcommission at its forty-seventh session, as well as his final report to both bodies in 1996. The Commission also endorsed the recommendation to request the Secretary-General to give the Special Rapporteur all the necessary assistance to allow him to continue his work, in particular by providing for the specialized research assistance required and for the necessary trips to Geneva for consultation with the Centre for Human Rights, and the resources needed for a research mission to the Vatican archives in Rome. The Commission recommended to the Economic and Social Council the following draft decision for adoption:

[For the text, see chap. I, sect. B, draft decision 40, and chap. XIX.]

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