At its 63rd meeting, on 15 April 1997, the Commission on Human Rights, taking note of resolution 1996/26 of 29 August 1996 of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, decided, without a vote, to defer a decision on the Sub-Commission's request to the Economic and Social Council that the Secretary-General organize a seminar of experts to develop appropriate indicators, as provided for in paragraph 36 (n) of the Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development (A/CONF.166/9, chap. I), and to monitor the implementation of the commitments made by Governments, as set out in paragraph 36 (a) to (m) of the Programme of Action, with a view to deciding whether the activity should be held under the Commission for Social Development or under the Commission on Human Rights.
[See chap. V.]