African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (45)
cited in domestic courts (57)
implementation of/implementing legislation (16), (21), (44), (45), (47), (48), (68)
incorporation of (21), (47), (50), (59)
see also national human rights organizations
Amnesty International see also NGOs (13-15), (21), (26)
Bar association (16)
organization of (70)
Colonialism (35)
absence of (57)
Committee Against Torture (14), (24), (27)
Article 47 (state to state) (50)
confidentiality (15), (18)
Constitutions (16), (21)
see also government
Convention against Torture (59)
Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (68), (70)
Courts (68), (70)
accessibility (46)
ajudication of rights in (45)
judgments of (48)
structure of (16)
see also judicial independence
see also national human rights commissions
Detention (21)
Discrimination (73)
ethnic (65-67), (71), (72), (75)
quotas (73), (74)
Duties (34)
Economic, social, and cultural rights (16), (46), (58), (59), (68)
ECOSOC (12), (14)
Education (73), (75)
for human rights (49)
system of (45), (66)
Ethnic conflict (33), (36), (69), (71), (75)
Fair trial
right to appeal (46)
right to be heard (68), (69)
right to defence (46), (70)
rights of accused (47)
see also courts
Federalism (76)
Gaddafi, Muammar (47)
Geneva Conventions (50)
structure (47)
Green Book (13), (45), (48)
Group rights see peoples' rights (34)
Health, right to (46)
Human Rights Internet see also NGOs (14), (27)
Hutu (66), (67), (69), (72), (73)
ICJ (International Commission of Jurists) see also NGOs (14)
ID cards (75)
Impunity (49)
Individual liberty/rights (34), (71)
International Instruments (57), (59)
Judicial independence (16), (19), (46), (56), (59), (66), (67)
see also courts
Koran (47)
administrative (49)
annexed to state reports (48)
in violation of human rights (49)
legislation in violation of human rights (67)
Legislature (49)
National human rights commissions (45)
Nigeria (15), (29)
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) (25), (59)
providing information additional to state reports (18), (20)
OAU (26), (33), (68)
Peoples' Rights (33-35), (71)
Prisoners of war (50)
Promotion of human rights
African Day on Human and Peoples' Rights (49)
use of the media (49)
see also national human rights commissions
Rapporteurs on state reports (9-13), (19), (35)
Right to life
capital punishment/death penalty (21)
Self-determination (36)
of peoples (36)
see also government
State reports
absence of state representatives (30), (31)
additional information to (72)
appellation of (16)
as dialogue (18), (24), (25), (29), (31), (43), (44), (48), (56), (72)
corrections to (65)
counter reports by non-government organizations see NGOs (25), (26)
dates of submission (43)
delegation presenting (24), (25), (44)
dissemination of (15), (16), (25), (28), (58)
distribution of (to Commissioners) (10), (11), (13), (14), (20), (23), (24)
follow up (32), (34-36), (51)
general directives for preparation of (16)
honesty in (44), (75)
incompleteness (15), (17), (19), (22), (23), (45), (46), (56)
initial/preliminary (11), (14), (16), (20), (46)
overdue (27), (28)
periodic (14), (16)
preparation of (58), (59)
procedure of examination (9-14), (16-19), (21-23), (25), (26), (29), (31), (35), (44), (51), (73)
questions prepared on (45)
questions sent in advance (11)
secretariat's handling of (11), (13), (15), (22), (24), (26)
submission of (16), (17), (22), (24), (26-28)
summaries of (18), (19), (21), (35)
supplementary information requested (15), (17), (22), (23), (32), (33)
Torture (20), (21)
Tua (66), (69), (72), (73)
Tunisia (20), (21)
Constitutional Council (56), (59)
Tutsi (66), (67), (69), (73)
UN Human Rights Committee (13), (14), (20), (24), (27), (28)
United States of America (50)
education of (74)
rights of (45)
Work, right to (46)
The First Periodic Report of Libya
The Initial Report of Tunisia
The Initial Report of Rwanda
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