University of Minnesota

Decisions of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights


List of Decisions by Country

104/93 Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers vs. Algeria
13/88 Hadjali Mohamad vs. Algeria
24/89 Union Nationale de Liberation de Cabinda vs. Angola
159/96 Union InterAfricaine des Droits de l’Homme, Federation Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l’Homme, Rencontre Africaine des Droits de l’Homme, Organisation Nationale des Droits de l’Homme au Sénégal and Association Malienne des Droits de I'Homme vs. Angola
16/88 Comite Culturel pour la Democratie au Benin vs. Benin
17/88 Badjogoume Hilaire vs. Benin
18/88 El Hadj Boubacar Diawara vs. Benin
97/93 John K. Modise vs. Botswana
97/93 John K. Modise/Botswana
Burkina Faso
22/88 Internrrrational PEN vs. Burkina Faso
26/89 Austrian Committee Against Torture vs. Burundi
19/88 International PEN vs. Malawi, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Kenya
106/93 Amuh Joseph Vitine vs. Cameroon
39/90 Annette Pagnoule vs. Cameroon
59/91 Embga Mekongo Louis vs. Cameroon
39/90 Annette Pagnoulle (on behalf of Abdoulaye Mazou)/Cameroon
65/92 Ligue Camerounaise des Droits de l’Homme/ Cameroon
74/92 Commission Nationale des Droits de l’Homme et des Libertes/Chad
Côte d’Ivoire
138/94 International PEN on behalf of Senn and Sangare vs. Côte d’Ivoire
40/90 Bob Ngozi Njoku/ Egypt
Equatorial Guinea
144/95 William A. Courson/Equatorial Guinea
9/88 International Lawyers Committee for Family Reunification vs. Ethiopia
10/88 Getachew Abebe vs. Ethiopia
14/88 Dr. Abd Eldayem A.E. Sanussi vs. Ethiopia
19/88 International PEN vs. Malawi, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Kenya
21/88 Centre Haitien des Libertés Publiques vs. Ethiopia
28/89 Association Internationale des Juristes Democrates vs. Ethiopia
29/89 Commission Française Justice et Paix vs. Ethiopia
73/92 Mohamed L. Diakité vs. Gabon
131/94,Ousman Manjang vs. The Gambia
86/93 M. S. Ceesay vs. The Gambia
90/93 Paul S. Haye vs. The Gambia
127/94 Sana Dumbaya v. The Gambia
44/90 Peoples’ Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism / The Gambia
6/88 Dr. Kodji Kofi vs. Ghana
93/93 International PEN vs. Ghana
103/93 Alhassan Abubakar/Ghana
70/92 Ibrahima Dioumessi, Sekou Kande, Ousmane Kaba/Guinea
19/88 International PEN vs. Malawi, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Kenya
142/94 Muthuthurin Njoka v. Kenya (previously 56/91)
135/94 Kenya Human Rights Commission/Kenya
33/89 Simon B. Ntaka vs. Lesotho
1/88 Frederick Korvah vs. Liberia
108/93 Monja Joana/Madagascar
19/88 International PEN vs. Malawi, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Kenya
42/90 International PEN vs. Malawi
63/92 Congress for the Second Republic of Malawi vs. Malawi
64/92 Krishna Achutan (On behalf of Aleke Banda),
68/92 Amnesty International on behalf of Orton and Vera Chir­wa
78/92 Amnesty International on behalf of Orton and Vera Chirwa vs. Malawi
20/88 Austrian Committee Against Torture vs. Morocco
41/90 Andre Houver vs. Morocco
45/90 Civil Liberties Organization vs. Nigeria
57/91 Tanko Bariga vs. Nigeria
72/92 Bamidele Aturu vs. Nigeria
107/93 Academic Staff of Nigerian Universities vs. Nigeria
60/91 Constitutional Rights Project vs. Nigeria, in respect of Wahab Akamu, G. Adega and others.
62/91 Committee for the Defense of Human Rights vs. Nigeria
87/93 The Constitutional Rights Project (in respect of Zamani Lakwot and 6 Others) vs. Nigeria
101/93 Civil Liberties Organisation vs. Nigeria
129/94 Civil Liberties Organisation vs. Nigeria
27/89, 46/91, 49/91, 99/93 Organisation Mondiale Contre La Torture and Association Internationale des juristes Democrates) Commission Internationale des Juristes (C.I.J) Union Interafricaine des Droits de l’Homme/Rwanda
162/97 Mouvement des Réfugiés Mauritaniens au Sénégal vs.Sénégal
92/93 International PEN vs. Soudan (in respect of Kemal al-Jazouli)
66/92 Lawyers Committee for Human Rights vs. Tanzania
53/91 Alberto Capitao vs. Tanzania
35/89 Seyoum Ayele vs. Togo
83/92 Jean Y. Degli (on behalf of N. BIKAGNI) vs. Togo.
88/93 Union Interafricaine des droits de 1’Homme vs. Togo
91/93 Commission International de Juristes / Togo
69/92 Amnesty International vs. Tunisia
8/88 Nziwa Buyingo vs. Uganda
11/88.Henry Kalenga vs. Zambia
71/92 Rencontre Africaine pour la Defense des Droits de l’Homme/Zambia
15/88 Mpaka‑Nsusu Andre Alphonse vs. Zaire
47/90 Lawyers Committee for Human Rights vs. Zaire
31/89 Maria Baes vs. Zaïre
75/92 Congrès du Peuple Katangais vs. Zaire
Communications 25/89, 47/90, 56/91, 100/93 Free Legal Assistance Group, Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights, Union Interafricaine des Droits de l’Homme, Les Témoins de Jehovah/Zaire
136/94 William A. Courson v. Zimbawe
Non-African countries or Non-State Entities
2/88 Iheanyichukwu A. Ihebereme vs. USA
3/88 Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers vs. Yugoslavia
5/88 Prince J.N. Makoge vs. USA
7/88 Committee for the Defence of Political Prisoners vs. Bahrain
12/88 Mohamed El‑Nekheily vs. OAU
37/90 Georges Eugene vs. USA, Haiti
38/90 Wesley Parish vs. Indonesia


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