University of Minnesota

ACHPR /Res.9(XV)94: Resolution on South Africa (1994).



The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights meeting in its 15th Ordinary Session in Banjul, The Gambia, from 18 - 27 April, 1994;

Noting the violence that has taken place in South Africa and the loss of lives that has assumed alarming proportions;

Reiterating the importance of protecting human lives and creating a climate conducive to free and fair elections;

Welcoming the positive developments that have emerged towards a consensus for holding the forthcoming election:

1. URGES all parties concerned to cease the violence and create a peaceful atmosphere;

2. URGES the concerned parties in South Africa to take all necessary steps to create an atmosphere conducive for free and fair elections;

3. URGES all political parties and others concerned in South Africa to accept the results of the election if it is declared to be substantially free and fair by the Independent Electoral Commission;

4. URGES the new government to ratify the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and to ensure the protection of the human rights of all South Africans in accordance with the said African Charter and other relevant treaties and standards.

BEARING IN MIND the recommendations made by the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions following his visit to Rwanda in 1993:

1. CONDEMNS very strongly the cycle of violence and the massacre of innocent civilians by the different armed factions;

2. URGES the parties to the conflict to immediately cease hostilities and work towards a peaceful settlement through dialogue between all the peoples of Rwanda;

3. CALLS ON all parties to respect the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the principles of International Humanitarian Law as well as the activities of humanitarian organisations operating in the field;

4. INVITES the Special Rapporteur on extra-judicial summary or arbitrary executions to pay special attention to the situation in Rwanda and report back to the 16th Session.


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