University of Minnesota

ACHPR /Res.39(XXV)99: Resolution concerning the Republic of Seychelles’ refusal to present its Initial Report (1999).



The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, meeting in its 25th Ordinary Session, in Bujumbura, Burundi, 26 April – 5 May 1999,

Considering that, in accordance with article 62 of the Charter, the Republic of Seychelles has been summoned, at several occasions, to present at its 17th session, its initial report submitted on September 1994;

Considering that the Republic of Seychelles, despite repeated demands made to its Government, has refused, on several occasions, to abide by the Commission’s request, under the pretext that the resources to implement such an obligation were not provided by the State;

Considering that such a persistent behaviour represents a deliberate violation of the Charter to which the Republic of Seychelles is party;

Considering that the Commission, at its 25th ordinary session in Bujumbura, Burundi, firmly condemned this unspeakable behaviour on behalf of an OAU Member State, party to the Charter;

INVITES the Heads of State and Government Conference to be held in Algiers, in July 1999, to express their disapproval of such a persistent refusal that amounts to a deliberate violation of the Charter by the Republic of Seychelles

REQUESTS the Conference to invite Seychelles to abide by the Charter and to consider the appropriate measures to be taken against the Republic of Seychelles.

Bujumbura, 5th May, 1999.


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