Considering that by its Resolution AHG/Res. 176 (XXIV), the Twenty-fourth Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government reaffirmed its determination to ensure the promotion and protection of human and peoples’ rights in Africa,
Recalling the autonomous nature and the specific role of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government meeting in its Twenty-fourth Ordinary Session had conferred on the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights by adopting the specific financial rules and regulations of the Commission,
Considering that the appropriations voted for the Commission under the 1989/90 budget are inadequate for the realisation of the task assigned to the Commission by the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights,
Considering that the components of the emoluments approved for the members of the Commission are not commensurate with their actual responsibilities,
Considering that the Commission has no administrative staff to carry out human rights promotion and protection tasks as assigned to it by the Charter and that, pending the next financial year’s allocations, it is urgent to provide the Commission with:
- a legal officer responsible for matters relating to human rights promotion;
- a legal officer responsible for human rights protection;
- a documentalist;
- a French/English translator,
1. REAFFIRMS the commitment of the Members of the Commission to do everything possible to carry out missions assigned to them by the Charter;
2. PROPOSES that the emoluments of the Members of the Commission now fixed at US$250 for each day of meeting be raised to US$300;
3. REQUESTS the Assembly of Heads of State and Government to grant the Commission an additional budget, until the next financial year, to enable it to carry out successfully its human rights promotion activities and to appoint the staff needed for the realisation of the above-mentioned promotion and protection task.