Omar Hall v. Bahamas, Case 12.068, Report Nº 25/00, OEA/Ser.L/V/II.106 Doc. 3 rev. at 184 (1999).
March 7, 2000
This report concerns a petition presented to the Inter-American Commission
on Human Rights (hereinafter the Commission) by Gary Hickinbottom, Solicitor,
of Messrs. Cameron McKenna, Solicitors, in London, United Kingdom (hereinafter
the petitioners) by letter dated December 3, 1998, on behalf of Omar Hall.
The petition alleges that the Commonwealth of The Bahamas (hereinafter
the State or The Bahamas) violated Mr. Halls rights under the American
Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man (hereinafter the Declaration).
The petitioners state that Mr. Hall, a national of The Bahamas, was
convicted of murder on September 2, 1996, and a mandatory death sentence was
imposed on him. According to the petitioners, Mr. Hall appealed to the Court
of Appeal of The Bahamas against his conviction and sentence, and his appeal
was dismissed by the Court on May 2, 1997, and the judgment was issued on
July 23, 1997. Mr. Hall then petitioned the Judicial Committee of the Privy
Council for Special Leave to Appeal his conviction and sentence, and the Privy
Council dismissed his petition on June 3, 1998.
The petitioners claim that Mr. Hall exhausted the domestic remedies
of The Bahamas when the Privy Council dismissed his petition on June 3, 1998.
The petitioners also allege that the State has violated Mr. Halls rights
under Articles I, II, XVII, XVIII, and XXVI of the Declaration.
In their petition, the petitioners requested that the Commission recommend
to the State that it commute Mr. Halls death sentence so that he can be removed
from the death row regime in Foxhill Prison.
The petitioners also invited the Commission to recommend to the State
that it amend its penal code to restrict the death penalty to the most heinous
forms of murder and to institute a sentencing hearing in which aggravating
or mitigating factors can be examined.
In addition, the petitioners asked the Commission to reach a decision
in the case as soon possible, and they requested that the Commission make
the strongest possible representations to the State to stay the execution
of Mr. Hall until the Commission completes its investigation of the case.
In this report, the Commission concludes that the petition is admissible
pursuant to Articles 37 and 38 of the Commission's Regulations.
Upon receipt of the petition and submissions of the parties, the Commission
complied with the requirements of its Regulations. The Commission studied
the petition, and requested information from the parties, and forwarded the
pertinent parts of the petitioners submissions to the State.
On December 10, 1998, the Commission forwarded the pertinent parts
of the petition to the State and requested its observations within 90 days
with regard to the exhaustion of domestic remedies and the claims raised in
the petition. The Commission also requested that the State stay Mr. Halls
execution pending the Commission's investigation of the alleged facts.
On October 19, 1999, the Commission reiterated its request to the State
for its observations within 30 days with regard to the claims raised in the
To date, the Commission has not received any response from the State
in respect of the petitioners' petition, despite the Commission's requests
for information dated December 10, 1998, and October 19, 1999.
Position of the petitioners
The petitioners allege violations of
Articles I, II, XVII, XVIII,
and XXVI, of the American
Declaration, in connection with the trial, conviction and sentencing of Mr.
Hall for the crime of murder in The Bahamas. In addition, the petitioners
argue that the mandatory death sentence imposed by the State pursuant to its
penal law on every person convicted of murder, and the States pardon and
commutation procedure, violate Mr. Halls rights under Articles I, II, XVII,
and XVIII, of the Declaration, and his right to humane treatment under
Article XXVI of the Declaration. More
particularly, the petitioners argue that the domestic law of The Bahamas does
not provide the victims with the right to make representations to the Advisory
Committee on the Prerogative of Mercy, the body in The Bahamas with authority
to grant amnesties, pardons and commutations of sentences.
The petitioners also argue that Mr. Hall has suffered cruel and inhuman
treatment and punishment pursuant to Article XXVI of the Declaration, because
he has been incarcerated for a total of over 3 years and nine months.
The petitioners claim that Mr. Hall was incarcerated on remand from
the time of his arrest in July 1994, until he was bailed in January 1996.
The petitioners also claim that subsequent to Mr. Halls trial in 1996, he
has been incarcerated on death row up to the present time.
The petitioners allege that Mr. Hall did not receive a fair trial pursuant
to Article XXVI of the Declaration, because of the imposition of his mandatory
death sentence, and because Mr. Hall suffered prejudice due to biased reporting
in the daily newspapers and television at the time of his trial.
The petitioners claim that such coverage meant that Mr. Hall was incapable
of receiving a fair trial.
The petitioners argue that the petition is admissible because Mr. Hall
has exhausted the domestic remedies of The Bahamas.
The petitioners contend that Mr. Hall appealed his conviction and sentence
to the Court of Appeal of The Bahamas, and the Court dismissed his appeal
on May 2, 1997, the judgment in his case was issued on July 23, 1997. Mr.
Hall then petitioned the Privy Council for Special Leave to Appeal his conviction
and sentence which was dismissed on June 3, 1998.
The position of the State
The State has not provided the Commission with observations with regard
to the admissibility or merits
of the petition, despite the Commissions communications to the State dated
December 10, 1998, and October 19, 1999.
Commissions competence
In their petition, the petitioners allege violations of Articles I,
and XXVI of the Declaration. Article 26 of the Commission's Regulations
provides that [a]ny person or group of persons, or any non-governmental entity
legally recognized in one or more member states of the Organization, may submit
petitions to the Commission, in accordance with these Regulations, on ones
own behalf or on behalf of third persons, with regard to alleged violations
of a human right recognized, as the case may be, in the American Convention
on human Rights or in the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of
Man. The petition in this case was lodged by the petitioners, Solicitors
from London, United Kingdom, on behalf of Mr. Hall, who is a national of the
State of The Bahamas.
The Declaration became the source of legal norms for application by
the Commission[1]
upon The Bahamas becoming a Member State of the Organization of American
States in 1982. In addition, the Commission has authority under the Charter
of the Organization of American States, Article 20 of the Commission's Statute,[2]
and the Commission's Regulations to entertain the alleged violations of the
Declaration raised by the petitioners against the State, which relate to acts
or omissions that transpired after the State joined the Organization of American
States. Consequently, the Commission has ratione temporis, ratione materiae,
and ratione personae jurisdiction
to consider the violations of the Declaration alleged in this case. Therefore,
the Commission declares that it is competent to address the petitioners' claims
relating to violations of the Declaration.
Other grounds of admissibility
Exhaustion of domestic remedies
The petitioners argue that the petition is admissible because Mr. Hall
has exhausted the domestic remedies of The Bahamas.
The petitioners contend that Mr. Hall appealed his conviction and sentence
to the Court of Appeal of The Bahamas, and the Court dismissed his appeal
on May 2, 1997, the judgment in his case was issued on July 23, 1997. Mr.
Hall then petitioned the Privy Council for Special Leave to Appeal his conviction
and sentence which was dismissed on June 3, 1998.
The State has not provided the Commission with observations with regard
to the admissibility, including the exhaustion of domestic remedies or merits
of the petition, despite the Commissions communications to the State dated
December 10, 1998, and October 19, 1999.
In accordance with generally recognized principles of international
the Commission finds that the State tacitly waived its right to object to
the admissibility of the petitioners' petition based upon the exhaustion of
domestic remedies rule. Consequently, the Commission finds that the petition
is admissible under Article 37(1) of the Commission's Regulations.[4]
Timeliness of petition
As concluded, Mr. Halls petition
for Special Leave to Appeal to the Privy Council was dismissed by it
on June 3, 1998. The Commission
concludes that the petition was filed within six months of the final ruling
in the case and find that it is therefore admissible pursuant to Article 38
of the Commission's Regulations.
Duplication of procedures
20. The record before
the Commission does not indicate that the subject of the petitioners' claims
is pending in another international procedure, or duplicates a petition pending
or already examined by the Commission or another international organization.
The State has not provided any observations on the issue of duplication of
procedures. The Commission therefore finds that the petition is not inadmissible
under Article 39(1) of its Regulations.[5]
Colorable claim
21. The petitioners
have alleged that the State has violated Mr. Halls rights under Articles
I, II, XVII, XVIII, and XXVI of the Declaration. In addition, the petitioners
have provided factual allegations that if proven would tend to establish that
the alleged violations may be well-founded. The Commission therefore concludes,
without prejudging the merits of the case, that the petitioners' petition
is not barred from consideration under Article 41(c) of the Commission's Regulations.[6]
Conclusion on admissibility
As noted previously, the State has not replied to the Commissions
communications to it dated December 10, 1998, and October 19, 1999, which
requested that the State provide the Commission with information that the
State deemed relevant pertaining to the exhaustion of domestic remedies and
the claims raised in the petitions. As a consequence, in determining the admissibility
of this case, the Commission has presumed the facts as reported in the petition
to be true, provided that the evidence does not lead to a different conclusion,
in accordance with Article 42 of the Commission's Regulations.[7]
In accordance with the foregoing analysis, and without prejudging the
merits of this petition, the Commission decides to declare admissible the
alleged violations of the Declaration presented on behalf of Mr. Hall.
Declare the petition admissible with respect to the claimed violations
of Articles I, II, XVII, XVIII, and XXVI of the American Declaration.
Transmit this report to the State of The Bahamas and to the petitioners.
Place itself at the disposal of the parties concerned with a view to
reaching a friendly settlement of the matter.
Maintain in effect the precautionary measures issued on December 10,
To make public this report and to publish it in its Annual Report to
the OAS General Assembly.
and signed in the city of Washington, D.C., on the 7th day of the month of
March, 2000 (Signed): Hélio Bicudo, Chairman; Claudio Grossman, First
Vice-Chairman; Juan Mendez, Second Vice-Chairman; Commissioners: Marta Altolaguirre,
Robert K. Goldman, Peter Laurie and Julio Prado Vallejo.
I/A Court H.R., Advisory Opinion
OC-10/89 (Interpretation of the American Declaration of the Rights
and Duties of Man Within the Framework of Article 64 of the American Convention
on Human Rights), 14 July
Article 20 of the Commissions Statute provides as follows:
relation to those member states of the Organization that are not parties
to the American Convention on Human Rights, the Commission shall have
the following powers, in addition to those designated in article 18:
To pay particular attention to the observance of the human rights
referred to in Articles I, II, III, IV, XVIII, XXV, and XXVI of the American
Declaration of the rights and Duties of Man;
To examine communications submitted to it and any other available
information, to address the government of any member state not a Party
to the Convention for information deemed pertinent by this Commission,
and to make recommendations to it, when it finds this appropriate, in
order to bring about more effective observance of fundamental human rights;
To verify, as a prior condition to the exercise of the powers granted
under subparagraph b. above, whether the domestic legal procedures and
remedies of each member state not a Party to the Convention have been
duly applied and exhausted.
See I/A Court H.R., Viviana Gallarado et al., Judgment of
November 13, 1981, No. G 101/81. Series A, para. 26.
Article 37(1) of the Commissions Regulations provides that: For a petition
to be admitted by the Commission, the remedies under domestic jurisdiction
must have been invoked and exhausted in accordance with the general principles
of international law.
Article 39(1) of the Commissions Regulations provides that the Commission
shall not consider a petition in cases where the subject of the petition
is not pending in another international procedure under an international
governmental organization of which the State concerned is a member, or
essentially duplicates a petition pending or already examined and settled
by the Commission or by another international governmental organization
of which the state concerned is a member.
Article 41(c) of the Commissions Regulations provides that the Commission
shall declare a petition inadmissible if the petition is manifestly groundless
or inadmissible on the basis of the statement by the petitioner himself
or the government.
[7] Article 42 of the Commission's Regulations provides that "[t]he facts reported in the petition whose pertinent parts have been transmitted to the government of the State in reference shall be presumed to be true if, during the maximum period set by the Commission under the provisions of Article 34 paragraph 5, the government has not provided the pertinent information, as long as other evidence does not lead to a different conclusion." Article 34(5) of the Commissions Regulations provides that "[t]he Commission shall request the affected government to provide the information requested within 90 days after the date on which the request is sent."