Nineteenth session
10 - 21 November 1997
Concluding observations of the Committee against Torture
42. The Committee considered the second periodic report of Cyprus (CAT/C/33/Add.1)
at its 301st and 302nd meetings, on 11 November 1997 (CAT/C/SR.301 and
302), and adopted the following conclusions and recommendations.
1. Introduction
43. The second periodic
report of Cyprus was received in timely fashion and complied with
the general guidelines for periodic reports (CAT/C/14) adopted by
the Committee.
44. The oral presentation
by the delegation complemented the written report, informing the Committee
of the most recent developments in Cyprus. The ensuing discussion
was open and fruitful.
2. Positive aspects
45. The Committee endorses
the conclusions it found in this respect at the time of its consideration
of the initial report and welcomes the legislative initiatives concerning
mental health, the proposed creation of a National Institution for
the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and reform of the law
of evidence.
46. Moreover, the Committee
acknowledges the activities of the Ombudsman and the response of the
Council of Ministers to established cases of police violence.
47. The Committee especially
welcomes the way in which the Convention has been incorporated into
the domestic law of Cyprus, in particular the Convention definition
of "torture" itself.
3. Factors and difficulties
impeding the application of the provisions of the Convention
48. As stated in the Committee's
views on the initial report, there appears to be no structural impediment
to the implementation of the Convention in Cyprus.
4. Subjects of concern
49. A few cases of casual
violence by police officers continue to be reported, emphasizing the
continuous need for programmes of education and vigorous legal response
to such instances.
50. The fact that a victim
is unable or unwilling to give evidence should not be a reason for
non-prosecution where the case can otherwise be made.
5. Recommendations
51. The legal and administrative
constructs in Cyprus are excellent; in implementing them the Committee
advocates a strong programme of re-education directed to field law