Conclusions and recommendations of the Committee against Torture
208. The
second periodic report of Mexico (CAT/C/17/Add.3) was considered by
the Committee at its 130th and 131st meetings, on 17 November 1992
(see CAT/C/SR.130, 131 and 131/Add.2).
209. The
report was introduced by the representative of the reporting State,
who described the most important legislative, administrative and judicial
measures taken to prevent and punish torture during the period 1988
to 1992. In this connection, he drew attention to the establishment
of the National Commission on Human Rights in 1990 and its acquisition
of constitutional status in 1992. The representative also outlined
the activities of that Commission. They included, first, the investigation
of complaints of human rights violations, such as allegations of torture.
In this regard, he indicated that the Commission made public recommendations
to the competent authorities and could request information from them
in the course of its investigations. Secondly, the Commission made
proposals for action, which included the adoption of administrative
measures and the amendment of national legislation, to improve the
State party's compliance with its international human rights obligations.
Thirdly, the Commission was active in developing awareness of human
rights for the public, in general, and in providing training and education
in the area of the prevention of human rights violations for administration
of justice officials, in particular.
210. With
regard to particular legislative reforms, the representative informed
the Committee that the Federal Executive had endorsed a number of
proposals made by the National Commission on Human Rights, which had
led to changes in the Federal and State Penal Codes and in the Federal
and Federal District Codes of Penal Procedure and that those changes
had been approved by Congress. Following another proposal by the Commission,
draft legislation had been introduced to amend the Federal Act on
the Responsibilities of Public Servants with a view to making it obligatory
for the latter to provide information that the Commission requested
in the course of its investigations. The representative also informed
the Committee that the Congress had found it necessary to amend the
1986 Federal Act to Prevent and Punish Torture. This had resulted
in the introduction of the new Federal Act to Prevent and Punish Torture
which had expanded the procedural rights of persons under investigation
for an offence and made provision for the benefits of a pardon or
amnesty to be extended to the most needy. The new Act also provided
for the non-admittance as evidence of both confessions made to police
authorities and statements made to the Public Prosecutor's Department
or judicial authority without the presence of the accused person's
defence counsel or confidant, and where appropriate, interpreter.
In addition, the new Act provided for the harsher penalization of
those found guilty of torture, through the imposition of a possible
3-to--12-year prison sentence and their obligation, in certain cases,
to meet the legal advice, medical and other costs incurred to provide
redress for injury and compensation to the victim or his dependants.
211. With
regard to administrative reforms, the representative made mention
of the various programmes and procedures which had been introduced
by the Attorney General's Office to ensure better treatment of detainees
and respect for their human rights. Such action included the establishment
of an Internal Control Unit, within the Office of the Attorney General,
to detect, investigate and punish torture in order to prevent the
impunity of offenders.
212. Finally,
the representative provided details of the breakdown of the number
of complaints of torture during the period from June 1990 to June
1992, which indicated that such complaints had fallen in number. He
also made mention of the number of investigations, criminal proceedings
and recommendations for action which had emerged from complaints of
human rights violations. In this regard, he stated, inter alia,
that from June 1990 to May 1992 the Commission had made 34 recommendations
concerning torture to the Attorney General's Office. In 13 cases,
criminal proceedings had been instituted. Those 13 cases had involved
37 public officials who had been imprisoned pending trial.
213. The
members of the Committee expressed appreciation to the State party
for its informative report and introductory statement. They also welcomed
the various measures taken by the State party to combat torture which,
they considered, were a reflection of its political commitment to
comply with the provisions of the Convention. However, they expressed
concern at the repots they had received from non-governmental organizations
which appeared to point to the continued practice of torture, particularly
by the judicial police. It also appeared that confessions occupied
an important place in the system of evidence and that the police felt
obliged to obtain confessions even through means of torture. In this
connection, it was stated, inter alia, that an example of that
endemic practice was that State officials prosecuted for having practised
torture themselves complained that they were forced to confess under
torture. Members of the Committee observed with concern that the judicial
police, in particular those officials who were responsible for acts
of torture, seemed to enjoy a high degree of impunity in Mexico.
214. With
regard to matters of a general nature, members of the Committee requested
clarification on how legislation and other measures were actually
applied under the Mexican federal system. They also requested further
information on the work of the National Commission on Human Rights
regarding, in particular, the Commission's classification of complaints;
the number of the complaints that it received which were related to
torture; and the follow-up to the Commission's recommendations regarding
those complaints. They were also interested to know more about the
Commission's conciliation process, which had led to settlements out
of court, and requested clarification as to whether that process might
lead to impunity for those responsible for torture-related offences.
In addition, reference was made to the statement of the National Commission
on Human Rights, contained in the State party's report, according
to which in many cases involving torture there was no evidence or
indication of the alleged torture and that many forms of torture left
no visible marks that might merit a medical certificate. In this regard,
it was indicated that although it took time to detect traces and effects
of torture, it was possible for physicians who had received specialized
training on the subject of the treatment of torture victims to uncover
reliable proof or indications of torture. In addition, further information
was sought on any reports received on the programmes of the Office
of the Attorney General, and the State party's intention of making
a declaration under articles 21 and 22 of the Convention.
215. With
reference to article 1 of the Convention, it was asked why the new
Act to Prevent and Punish Torture did not use the exact wording of
article 1 of the Convention in defining torture.
216. In relation
to article 4 of the Convention, members of the Committee requested
further information on the penalties imposed on those found guilty
of acts of torture, particularly with regard to the 266 officials
referred to in the report. In addition, reference was made to the
report of the National Commission on Human Rights, which indicated
that, contrary to legislation and to article 4, paragraph 2, of the
Convention, there had been a number of cases in which persons responsible
for violations had not been punished. It was observed that such a
statement reinforced the impression that those responsible for torture
were enjoying impunity.
217. Concerning
the application of article 10 of the Convention, members of the Committee
wished to receive further information, on the training of medical
personnel. In this connection, the importance of informing doctors
about methods of torture, means of diagnosis and the possibilities
of rehabilitating torture victims was emphasized. It was also indicated
that doctors specialized in that field could assist the National Commission
of Human Rights in its work and in combating the impunity of human
rights violators. In addition, clarification was requested as to whether
the contents of training manuals for the police were in harmony with
the new measures adopted by the State party to prevent and combat
218. In respect
of article 11 of the Convention, further information was sought as
to a detainee's right to a medical examination.
219. With
reference to articles 12 and 13 of the Convention, members of the
Committee sought further information on the procedures of the National
Commission on Human Rights for investigating into complaints of torture
and how such procedures worked in practice. In this connection, concern
was expressed, inter alia, at the difficulties involved in
investigating complaints where victims could not identify the persons
responsible for violating their human rights.
220. In connection
with article 15 of the Convention, the attention of the Government
of Mexico was drawn to information indicating that there were repeated
instances in Mexican courts in which statements made to the police
were admitted as evidence and giving greater credence than subsequent
statements in which they were denied. Furthermore, Amnesty International
and other non-governmental organizations had reported many such cases
in which evidence of torture had been produced, but there appeared
to be no review of the original confessions made by the victims under
police interrogation.
221. Replying
to the questions raised, the representative of Mexico indicated that
his Government was prepared to provide additional information on matters
raised by the Committee and emphasized his Government's commitment
to the task of putting an end to torture. The representative clarified
that the National Commission on Human Rights was an independent body
with branches in various states and regions of the country. It consisted
of representatives from various professional backgrounds and its activities
were interrelated with those of the ombudsman, social bodies and non-governmental
organizations. Actions of the Commission were not simply confined
to investigations but extended to prosecutions and sentences. Arrest
warrants followed from recommendations contained in the Commission's
reports. The Commission's report for the period from December 1992
to June 1992, in particular, included information on the 4,503 complaints
received and on violations of the rights of journalists. It also provided
a detailed account of 110 recommendations made and an indication of
the follow-up to the recommendations. The report also presented programmes
concerning disappeared persons, the prison system and a special programme
to examine violations of the rights of journalists. The representative
pointed out that the reports of the National Commission on Human Rights,
particularly its special reports, constituted a way of bringing pressure
to bear on those responsible for torture and ill-treatment by stimulating
the awareness of the public at large. Nevertheless, the impact of
the new machinery could not be felt immediately. The authorities were
encountering resistance at the local level as local bodies did not
always find it easy to accept central State supervision and to be
made accountable for their actions.
222. With
regard to article 4 of the Convention, the representative provided
information on prosecutions and sentences that followed investigations
into human rights abuses. For example, the person responsible for
the ill-treatment of a journalist named Rodolfo Morales had been sentenced
to 15 years' imprisonment. With reference to the enforcement of sentences,
he indicated that proceedings took a long time and illustrated this
point with the case of Richard Lopez who had been tortured and died
as a result in July 1990, yet those found guilty of that act had been
sentenced in October 1992. They had been sentenced to 44 years' imprisonment
for homicide and abuse of authority.
223. Concerning
article 10 of the Convention, the representative informed the Committee
that a National Day against Torture had been proclaimed in Mexico.
He also indicated that efforts were being made to stimulate awareness
of human rights and that although it was difficult for such efforts
to take root, non-governmental organizations were providing valuable
support in this regard.
224. In connection
with article 11 of the Convention, the representative explained that
information on the rights of detainees and the remedies available
to them for the protection of their rights had been widely disseminated.
In this regard, mention was made of the circular from the Procurator
General which stated that every detainee had to undergo a medical
examination at the time of his arrest, and of a press communiqué,
issued by the Office of the Attorney General, which had indicated
that a medical examination of a detainee would be given at the time
of his arrest or imprisonment and upon his release.
225. With
regard to articles 12 and 13 of the Convention, the representative
pointed out that under paragraph 31 of the Organic Law, a complaint
of human rights abuse could be admitted, even if a complainant were
unable to identify the State officials who had violated his rights,
if the subsequent investigation made it possible to establish responsibility.
Conclusions and recommendations
226. The
Committee expressed its sincere thanks to the Government of Mexico
for its well-documented periodic report, and for the frank explanations
provided orally in response to questions raised.
227. The
Committee noted with satisfaction the many legislative, judicial and
administrative measures that had been adopted by that Government with
a view to the implementation of the provisions of the Convention.
It noted in particular the establishment of the National Commission
on Human Rights with the status of a constitutional body, the promulgation
of the Federal Act to Prevent and Punish Torture, the amendment of
the Federal Code of Penal Procedure, the various measures taken by
the Procurator General of the Republic, as well as the many human
rights education, training and information programmes.
228. However,
the Committee noted with deep concern that, according even to the
official sources, an extremely large number of acts of torture of
all kinds were perpetrated in Mexico despite the existence of a legal
and administrative act designed to prevent and punish them. In that
respect, the number of torturers that have been punished is small
in comparison to the number of complaints.
229. The
Committee hoped that the Government's political will and the various
measures adopted will have the desired effect, and in particular that
those guilty of acts of torture will not remain unpunished. The Committee
would be grateful if the Government of Mexico transmitted to it, within
18 months, additional information on the specific measures already
adopted, in particular on the punishment of those responsible for
acts of torture.