Twenty-first session
9-20 November 1998
Conclusions and recommendations of
the Committee against Torture
35. The Committee considered the initial report of Yugoslavia (CAT/C/16/Add.2)
at its 348th, 349th and 354th meetings, held on 11 and 16 November
1998 (CAT/C/SR.348, 349 and 354) and has adopted the following conclusions
and recommendations:
1. Introduction
36. Yugoslavia signed
the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment on 18 April 1989 and ratified it on 20 June
1991. It recognized the competence of the Committee against Torture
to receive and consider communications under articles 21 and 22 of
the Convention.
37. The initial report
of Yugoslavia was due in 1992. The Committee expresses concern over
the fact that the report was submitted on 20 January 1998 only. The
report contains background information, information on international
instruments, on competent authorities, on court and police procedures
and information concerning the compliance with articles 2 to 16 of
the Convention.
2. Positive aspects
38. As a positive aspect,
it can be mentioned that the provisions of article 25 of the Constitution
of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia forbid all violence against
a person deprived of liberty, any extortion of a confession or statement.
This article proclaims that no one may be subjected to torture, degrading
treatment or punishment. The same norm is contained in the Constitutions
of the constituent republics of Serbia and Montenegro.
39. The Criminal Code
of Yugoslavia defines the punishable offences of unlawful deprivation
of freedom, extortion of depositions and maltreatment in the discharge
of office. Similar provisions are contained in the criminal codes
of Serbia and of Montenegro. The Law on Criminal Procedure applicable
throughout the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia contains a provision
according to which any extortion of a confession or statement from
an accused person or any other person involved in the proceedings
is forbidden and punishable. This code also provides that during detention
neither the personality nor the dignity of an accused may be offended.
40. The police regulations
in Yugoslavia provide disciplinary and other measures, including termination
of employment and criminal charges in cases of acts by police officers
violating the provisions of the Convention.
41. The current legislative
reform in the area of criminal law, and especially criminal procedure,
envisions specific provisions, which will, hopefully, contribute to
the improved prevention of torture in Yugoslavia.
3. Factors and difficulties
impeding the application of the provisions of the Convention
42. The Committee took
into account the situation in which Yugoslavia currently finds itself,
especially with respect to the unrest and ethnic friction in the province
of Kosovo. However, the Committee emphasizes that no exceptional circumstances
can ever provide a justification for failure to comply with the terms
of the Convention.
4. Subjects of concern
43. The Committee's concerns
relate mainly to legislation not complying with the Convention and,
more gravely, the situation regarding the implementation in practice
of the Convention.
44. With respect to legislation,
the Committee is concerned over the absence in the criminal law of
Yugoslavia of a provision defining torture as a specific crime in
accordance with article 1 of the Convention. The incorporation of
the definition contained in article 1 of the Convention, in compliance
with article 4, paragraph 1 and article 2, paragraph 1, requires specific
as well as systematic legislative treatment in the area of substantive
criminal law. Article 4 of the Convention demands that each State
party shall ensure that all acts of torture are offences under its
own criminal law. A verbatim incorporation of this definition into
the Yugoslav Criminal Code would permit the current Yugoslav criminal
code formula defining the "extortion of confession" to be made more
precise, clear and effective.
45. One of the essential
means in preventing torture is the existence, in procedural legislation,
of detailed provisions on the inadmissibility of unlawfully obtained
confessions and other tainted evidence. In this respect the report
of the State party (para. 70) only mentions the "general principles"
of national criminal legislation. However, the absence of detailed
procedural norms pertaining to the exclusion of tainted evidence can
diminish the practical applicability of these general principles as
well as of other relevant norms of the Law on Criminal Procedure.
Evidence obtained in violation of article 1 of the Convention should
never be permitted to reach the cognizance of the judges deciding
the case, in any legal procedure.
46. Regulating pre-trial
detention is of specific significance for the prevention of torture.
Two issues are crucial in this respect, namely incommunicado detention
and access to counsel. Article 23 of the Constitution of Yugoslavia
requires that the detained person should have prompt access to counsel.
This would imply that such access to counsel must be made possible
immediately after the arrest. However, article 196 of the Law on Criminal
Procedure permits the police to keep a person, in specific instances,
in detention for a 72 hour period, without access either to counsel
or an investigating judge. The report does not mention the duration
of the post-indictment pre-trial detention, which should not be unduly
47. With respect to the
factual situation in Yugoslavia, the Committee is extremely concerned
over the numerous accounts of the use of torture by the State police
forces it has received from non-governmental organizations. Reliable
data received by the Committee from non-governmental organizations
include information describing numerous instances of brutality and
torture by the police, particularly in the districts of Kosovo and
Sandjack. The acts of torture perpetrated by the police, and especially
by its special units, include beatings by fists and wooden or metallic
clubs, mainly on the head, the kidney area and on the soles of the
feet, resulting in mutilations and even death in some cases. There
were instances of use of electroshock. The concern of the Committee
derives also from reliable information that confessions obtained by
torture were admitted as evidence by the courts even in cases where
the use of torture had been confirmed by pre-trial medical examinations.
48. The Committee is also
gravely concerned over the lack of sufficient investigation, prosecution
and punishment by the competent authorities (article 12 of the Convention)
of suspected torturers or those breaching article 16 of the Convention,
as well as with the insufficient reaction to the complaints of such
abused persons, resulting in the de facto impunity of the perpetrators
of acts of torture. De jure impunity of the perpetrators of
torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
results, inter alia, from amnesties, suspended sentences and
reinstatement of discharged officers that have been granted by the
authorities. Neither the report nor the oral statement of the Yugoslav
delegation said anything about the Yugoslav Government's efforts concerning
the rehabilitation of the torture victims, the amount of compensation
they receive and the actual extent of redress afforded them.
49. The Committee hopes
that in the future it will be possible to bridge the disconcerting
discrepancy between the Yugoslav report and the apparent reality of
abuse. However, the Committee is also concerned with the apparent
lack of political will on the part of the State party to comply with
its obligations under the Convention.
5. Recommendations
50. The Committee calls
upon the State party to fulfil the legal, political and moral obligations
it undertook when it ratified the Convention. The Committee expects
the second periodic report of Yugoslavia, already overdue, to address
allegations of torture under Yugoslav jurisdiction and respond directly
to them. The Committee expects, in particular, that the State party
provides information concerning all specific allegations of torture
handed over to its representatives during the dialogue with the Committee.
In compliance with articles 10, 12, 13 and 14 of the Convention, the
Committee would appreciate information on all the educational efforts
that the Yugoslav Government intends to undertake with a view to preventing
torture and breaches of article 16 of the Convention. In addition,
the Committee would appreciate receiving information on legislative
and practical measures the State party intends to undertake in order
to provide victims of torture with appropriate redress, compensation
and rehabilitation.
51. The Committee recommends
the verbatim incorporation of the crime of torture into the Yugoslav
criminal codes. In order to diminish the recurrence of torture in
Yugoslavia, the Committee recommends that the State party legally
and practically ensure the independence of the judiciary, the unrestricted
access to counsel immediately after arrest, the shortening of the
length of police custody to a maximum period of 48 hours, the shortening
of the period of pre-trial post-indictment detention, strict exclusion
of all evidence directly or indirectly derived from torture, effective
civil redress and a vigorous criminal prosecution in all cases of
torture and breaches of article 16 of the Convention.
52. The Committee finally
calls upon the State party to submit its second periodic report by
30 November 1999.