Burkina Faso
239. The Committee considered the combined second
and third periodic reports of Burkina Faso (CEDAW/C/BFA/2-3)
at its 458th and 459th meeting, on 27 January
1999 (see CEDAW/C/SR.458 and 459).
Introduction by the State party
In introducing the report, the representative
of Burkina Faso informed the Committee that
since ratifying the Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
in 1984, the Government had formulated new policies
and legislation on the equality of rights of
both spouses and children, women's access to
land ownership, income-generating programmes
and employment-support initiatives for women.
She noted that the ratification of the Convention
and the Optional Protocol were incorporated
into the country's struggle for development
and she expressed gratitude to the United Nations
for initiatives to promote women's empowerment.
The representative informed the Committee that
women in her country faced sociocultural and
economic discrimination, particularly in the
rural areas where 84.6 per cent of the population
lived and where deeply-rooted traditions and
customs shaped daily life. The representative
drew attention to the extreme poverty of 44.4
per cent of the population, a majority of them
women, and the slim possibilities they had to
participate in major economic enterprises. She
noted that inequality between women and men
resulted from poverty, illiteracy, traditional
norms and stereotypes nurtured by the patriarchal
The representative indicated that, despite efforts
to promote and improve the situation of women,
challenges remained. The maternal mortality
rate was very high (531 per 100,000 live births),
as was the fertility rate, and contraceptive
use was low. In addition, the majority of the
population was under 18 years of age.
Taking into consideration the high levels of
illiteracy (in rural areas the female literacy
rate was 5 per cent, compared to 15.5 per cent
for men) and the persisting bias against educating
girls, a national plan for the education of
girls had been developed and the goal of reducing
the gap between the educational levels of girls
and boys by one third had been established.
Public funds for education had been increased,
teachers recruited, school infrastructures constructed
and special programmes and incentives to support
girls' education introduced. In addition, 50
per cent of the students in newly established
satellite schools had to be girls.
The representative informed the Committee that
maternal and child health programmes had been
revised and a multisectoral plan to address
HIV/AIDS had been introduced. Training programmes
for medical personnel to assist older people
had also been developed. Insufficient health
coverage in rural areas and lack of resources
and of qualified health personnel hampered the
decentralization of health services, while reproductive
health services did not take the needs of groups
such as men and adolescent girls and boys into
The representative drew attention to the different
forms of violence, including physical and psychological
violence, perpetrated by men against women in
vulnerable situations. Steps had been taken
to eradicate traditional harmful practices against
women, particularly prevalent in the rural areas.
Female genital mutilation had been prohibited
by the Penal Code in 1996, which established
severe punishments for perpetrators of all forms
of genital mutilation. The practice of levirate
had been prohibited by the Individual and Family
Code, while legislation existed with regard
to rape, adultery and polygamy.
Despite specific legislation on agrarian reform,
which established equality of women and men
with regard to access to land, traditional inheritance
practices weakened women's access and security
to land they customarily owned. The Government
was committed to elaborating adequate legislation
to promote the upward economic mobility and
development of rural women. Such women had access
to training, material and agrarian extension
services. Many of the projects were supported
by international and bilateral donor countries.
The representative informed the Committee that
credit was available to women through savings
and credit banks. A Support Fund for Women's
Gainful Activities had been established in 1990,
but obstacles persisted with respect to women's
access to finance, including lack of information
with regard to credit opportunities and the
disapproval expressed by husbands of the economic
and entrepreneurial activities of their wives.
The representative added that legislation had
been enacted in 1998 to ensure equal access
to employment and equal income for women and
men in the public sector.
The representative drew attention to the fact
that, in spite of deeply rooted sociocultural
practices, illiteracy and the social division
of labour that prevents women's empowerment,
the Government of Burkina Faso had been able
to promote women to public decision-making posts.
Since the presentation of the initial report,
the number of women ministers, deputies, members
of parliament and ambassadors had considerably
increased. The representative highlighted strategies
and policies that had been adopted to promote
women into decision-making posts in the public
and private sectors and noted that the national
plan of action included the social mobilization
of different sectors including political parties,
ministries, NGOs and civil society, so as to
ensure the portrayal of a positive image of
The representative described the establishment
of coordination structures, institutional mechanisms
and information and research centres for the
promotion of women, and the introduction of
focal points in various ministries, which were
all part of efforts to mainstream a gender perspective
into all policies, programmes and public life.
In conclusion, the representative noted that
the Government had introduced specific measures
to assist particularly vulnerable women in vulnerable
situations, such as women with disabilities,
prostitutes, older women and women victims of
violence. Measures included policies to prevent
discrimination and trafficking in women and
to increase the empowerment of women, through
protective legislation and economic and social
Concluding comments of the Committee
The Committee commends the Government of Burkina
Faso on the excellent presentation of its second
and third periodic reports and the objective
analysis of the situation of women in Burkina
The Committee expresses its appreciation to
the Government of Burkina Faso for sending a
large, high-level delegation, headed by the
Minister for the Advancement of Women. The Committee
welcomes the fact that the delegation established
a constructive, frank and sincere dialogue with
the members of the Committee and provided, in
its replies to the Committee's questions and
in its oral statement, additional information
and recent statistics concerning areas of concern
to the Committee, namely: education, health
and employment, particularly in rural areas.
The Committee applauds the Government of Burkina
Faso for its steadfast political will and its
determination to achieve progress in the status
of women, despite a difficult socio-economic
situation, and to explain the provisions of
the Convention.
The Committee also commends the Government of
Burkina Faso for having involved women's associations
and NGOs in the preparation of its reports and
for continuing to work in close collaboration
with them.
The Committee applauds the Government for its
expressed desire to ratify the Optional Protocol.
Positive aspects
The Committee commends the Government for having
adopted new legal and institutional measures
since the submission of the initial report in
order to implement the Convention and fulfil
its commitments vis-�-vis the international
community. The Committee notes with satisfaction
that the Individual and Family Code restores
to women their fundamental rights and establishes
the principles of equal consent to marriage
choice of residence of the spouses during the
marriage and the right to succession for the
surviving spouse. The Code also regulates the
marriageable age and establishes monogamy as
the legal form of marital union.
The Committee congratulates the Government on
the fact that the 1991 Constitution recognizes
equality and non-discrimination against women.
The Committee commends the Government on the
fact that, as a result of the revision of the
labour code in 1992, the principle of equality
has been confirmed and a definition of discrimination
has been established.
The Committee notes that the May 1996 law on
agrarian and land reorganization has accorded
women the same rights and conditions of access
to land as men.
The Committee welcomes the establishment in
June 1997 of the Ministry for the Advancement
of Women, which demonstrates the Government's
interest in the development of women's rights.
The Committee also notes with satisfaction that
the Ministry for the Advancement of Women has
designated a focal point in all the ministries
involved in the follow-up of national policies
and programmes to benefit women in order to
incorporate a gender-specific approach at the
level of analysis and to evaluate the results
The Committee particularly commends the Government
of Burkina Faso on the provisions and policies
adopted in conjunction with all civil society
to eradicate the practice of genital mutilation,
which infringes on the right to personal security
and the physical and moral integrity of girls
and threatens their lives and health.
The Committee notes with satisfaction the promulgation
of a provision in the penal code in 1996 which
prohibits and punishes female genital mutilation.
Difficulties affecting implementation of the
The Committee notes that the economic difficulties,
resulting mainly from the scarcity of State
resources and the discriminatory customary and
traditional practices, which are still a heavy
burden for the women of Burkina Faso, exacerbate
the very high illiteracy rate in Burkina Faso
and therefore hinder the implementation of the
The Committee also notes that all the human
development indicators — particularly
in rural areas — are among the lowest
in the continent and constitute a serious obstacle
to the implementation of the Convention.
Principal subjects of concern and recommendations
The Committee is concerned about the prevalence
of discriminatory traditions and customs which
accentuate stereotypes and resist all change.
These social practices, attitudes and beliefs
derive from an overwhelmingly rural population
with low levels of literacy and are contributing
to the delay in the advancement of women.
The Committee urges the Government to adopt
all appropriate measures and policies to develop
the sociocultural climate to the benefit of
women. The Committee calls on the Ministry for
the Advancement of Women, with the cooperation
of NGOs, intellectuals, religious leaders and
the media, to encourage a change in people's
way of thinking and accelerate the process of
the emancipation of women through law reform,
information, education and communications activities,
particularly in rural areas, so that a change
takes place in women's view of themselves and
society as a whole recognizes that the participation
of women is necessary for the development of
Burkina Faso.
The Committee is very concerned about the female
illiteracy rate, particularly in rural areas,
which is one of the highest in the world.
The Committee recommends that the Government
accord priority to the education of girls and
women, seeking international assistance, to
ensure and promote universal enrolment of girls
and preclude drop-out. It calls on the Government
to allocate more financial and human resources
to the education sector, to recruit more women
teachers and to ensure that school textbooks
no longer carry negative images of women.
The Committee also recommends that, in addition
to formal education, the Government should focus
its efforts on informal education and the campaign
against illiteracy through programmes targeted
at girls and women. The Committee urges the
Government to take into account the importance
of civic education for women and the family
and the teaching of human rights throughout
the school curriculum.
The Committee, while welcoming the State party's
efforts to analyse and identify the various
forms of violence against women, is concerned
about the absence of legislative texts and policies
which would specifically protect women who are
victims of domestic and sexual violence.
The Committee recommends that the Government
should take adequate legislative and structural
measures and provide assistance to these women.
The Committee also recommends that, as in the
case of the campaign to combat genital mutilation,
education and awareness-raising activities on
the phenomenon of violence within the family
and sexual violence should be directed towards
the police force, judges, health-care providers
and the media so that their efforts can be more
effective. A legal education campaign directed
at women is desirable, so that they are better
aware of their rights.
The Committee is concerned about the low level
of representation of women, particularly in
elective bodies.
The Committee recommends that the State party
implement temporary special measures set forth
in article 4 (1) of the Convention and use a
quota system in order to achieve a substantial
improvement in the number of women in Parliament
and increase their participation in political
life and decision-making.
The Committee is particularly concerned about
the precarious state of women's health, especially
in rural areas. The high rates of maternal and
infant mortality caused by infectious diseases
and malnutrition result from the lack of local
health-care centres and adequate health-care
providers. The Committee notes with concern
the lack of access for women to family planning
The Committee recommends that the Government
should pay particular attention to this problem
in order to improve the indicators of women's
health. It recommends that national reproductive
health programmes should be drawn up both for
women and for girls in order to prevent early
pregnancy and induced abortion.
The Committee recommends that the access of
women to primary health services and drinking
water be facilitated. It encourages the Government
to integrate family planning services in primary
health care so that women can have easier access
to them. The Committee recommends that the State
party should organize awareness-raising and
information activities for women about contraceptive
measures and should involve men in these activities.
It also recommends that the State party should
review its legislation on abortion and provide
for coverage by social security. The Committee
further recommends that the female population
should be made aware of the risks and consequences
of sexually transmitted diseases, including
The Committee is concerned that, despite the
law on agrarian and land reform, which establishes
equality between men and women with regard to
land, prejudices and customary rights are once
again hindering the implementation of this law.
The Committee recommends that the State party
should encourage the services concerned to take
into account the rights of women to property
and to provide them with the necessary credit.
The Committee stresses, with concern, that although
the laws prohibit all discrimination against
women at the level of employment, men and women
are segregated and differentiated at the time
of recruitment and in the allocation of responsibilities,
as well as in levels of remuneration.
The Committee recommends that, in both the public
and the private sectors, the State party should
ensure strict respect for labour laws, and take
measures to eliminate discrimination in employment.
The Committee notes that the Government has
taken measures in the Individual and Family
Code to place restrictions on the practice of
polygamy, but it remains concerned that the
great majority of women are unaware of these
The Committee recommends that the Government
work towards the elimination of the practice
of polygamy. It recommends that it ensure enforcement
of the Individual and Family Code and protect
the rights of women. It also recommends that
the Government embark on a comprehensive public
effort, in cooperation with NGOs, directed at
both women and men, to change existing attitudes
regarding polygamy and particularly to educate
women on their rights and how to avail themselves
of these rights. The Committee also recommends
that the Government take measures to protect
the human rights of women who are already in
polygamous unions.
The Committee urges the Government to deposit
its instrument of acceptance to the amendment
of article 20 (1) of the Convention relating
to the Committee's meeting time.
The Committee also urges the Government to sign
and ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention
as soon as possible.
The Committee calls upon the Government of Burkina
Faso to include information on the subjects
of concern raised in these concluding comments
in the next periodic report, which it is required
to submit in accordance with article 18 of the
The Committee requests the wide dissemination
in Burkina Faso of the present concluding comments
so that the people, and particularly administrators
and politicians, are made aware of the steps
to be taken to ensure de jure and de
facto equality for women, and the further steps
required in that regard. It also requests the
Government to disseminate widely, in particular
to women's and human rights organizations, the
Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's
general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration
and the Platform for Action.