Decisions of the Nineteenth Session : . 10/07/98.
A/53/38/Rev.1,pg.51. (Decision)
Convention Abbreviation: CEDAW
Decisions of the Nineteenth Session
Decision 19/I. Timing of pre-session working group
The Committee, at its eighteenth session, decided to effect a transition to a pattern of work in which the pre-session working group meets at the session prior to which the reports before that pre-session will be considered. The Committee therefore decided that, in order for the transition to this new pattern of work to be effected smoothly, the pre-session working group for the twenty-first session would meet as a third working group during the twentieth session and would remain, if necessary, for up to three days after the twentieth session to consolidate the lists of issues and questions with respect to the reports to be considered at the twenty-first session.
Decision 19/II. Concluding comments
The Committee decided to revise its procedures and format for the elaboration of concluding comments with a view to streamlining the comments, while retaining flexibility (see paras. 395 to 397).
Decision 19/III. List of issues and questions for consideration of periodic reports
The Committee requested the Secretariat to prepare drafts, lists of issues and questions with regard to periodic reports, based on an analytical comparison of current States parties' reports, with previous reports and the Committee's discussion thereon and other relevant information, including concluding observations of other treaty bodies. The draft lists prepared by the Secretariat would be sent in advance of the meeting of the pre-session working group to those Committee members designated as country rapporteurs.