University of Minnesota

Decisions of the Twenty-first Session, CEDAW, U.N. Doc. A/54/38/Rev.1,pg.47 (1999).


Decisions of the Twenty-first Session : . 25/06/99.
A/54/38/Rev.1,pg.47. (Decision)

Convention Abbreviation: CEDAW
Decisions of the Twenty-first Session

Decision 21/I: Exceptional reports

The Committee decided that it may sometimes be necessary to request exceptional reports from States parties, under article 18.1 (b) of the Convention, in order to obtain and examine the information on an actual or potential violation of women's human rights, where there is special cause for concern about such violation. In this respect, the Committee decided to adopt the following standards and guidelines:

(a) There should be reliable and adequate information indicating grave or systematic violations of women's human rights;

(b) Such violations are those that are gender-based or directed at women because of their sex;

(c) Reports should focus on a particular issue or issues identified by the Committee;

(d) States parties shall submit their reports for consideration at such session as the Committee determines.


Decision 21/II: Observations by States parties on concluding comments

The Committee decided that observations by States parties on concluding comments will be circulated to members of the Committee and their receipt acknowledged in an annex to the Committee's next annual report to the General Assembly. The Committee may decide to make available such observations independently of its annual report.



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