University of Minnesota

Procedural Decisions of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Twenty-fifth Session, U.N. Doc. A/56/38 at 45 (2001).



Decisions of the Twenty-fifth Session : . 27/11/2001.
A/56/38,pg.45. (Decision)

Convention Abbreviation: CEDAW
Decisions of the Twenty-fifth Session

Decision 25/I: Proposed exceptional session1

Bearing in mind that, as at 20 July 2001, 168 States had ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and that 23 States parties had ratified or acceded to the Optional Protocol to the Convention, and taking into account that there are a significant number of reports of States parties awaiting consideration and that the Committee is concerned that the information contained therein will become obsolete, the Committee requests the General Assembly to:

(a) Approve on an exceptional basis, a session of three weeks' duration in August 2002, consisting of 30 meetings of the Committee to be used entirely for the consideration of the reports of the States parties in order to reduce the backlog of reports;

(b) Approve an enlargement of the pre-sessional working group scheduled to meet from 4 to 8 February 2002 in order to prepare issues and questions relating to reports to be considered at the exceptional session of the Committee in August 2002.

Decision 25/II: Pre-sessional working group

Recalling its decision 22/IV, the Committee decided that, in drawing up the list of issues and questions with regard to periodic reports, the pre-sessional working group should normally formulate a short list of issues and questions, focusing on themes addressed by the Convention.

Decision 25/III: Special session of the General Assembly on children

The Committee decided to adopt a statement to be forwarded to the special session of the General Assembly on children (see paras. 379-391 below). It also decided, subject to the availability of resources, to nominate one member to participate in the special session on its behalf.


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