The Committee considered the second
periodic report of France (CEDAW/C/FRA/2/Rev.1)
at its 222nd meeting, on 27 January
(see CEDAW/C/SR.222).
In presenting the report, the representative
of France addressed a major concern
of the Committee at the time of the
presentation of the initial report,
namely, the replacement of the Ministry
for Women's Rights by a delegation for
the status of women, which was lower
in the administrative hierarchy. She
said that, in turn, the delegation had
been replaced in 1988 by a State Secretariat
for Women's Rights with the full powers
of a ministry and its own budget. That
decision had shown the Government's
political will to make the defence of
women's rights one of its priorities.
The tasks of the Secretariat were to
ensure the implementation and monitoring
of adopted legal texts and to propose
new measures. It had a central administration
and regional and departmental delegates
to promote women's rights, mainly in
the fields of employment and professional
training in close collaboration with
the Ministry of Labour and Professional
Training. In order to make the best
use of its modest budget, the State
Secretariat had chosen as its priorities
measures for promoting equality in employment
and measures to combat sexual violence,
and positive developments had been registered
over the past few years; however, the
two major areas where failures could
be noticed were women in power and women
at work.
The representative said that French
women had not obtained a share of power
in 1945 when they had been given the
right to vote, but rather in the 1970s
when the process of dissociation between
sexuality and procreation had been accomplished
through the adoption of the contraception
and abortion laws. She said that contraception
and abortion were the true revolutions
of the twentieth century, constituting
not a power-sharing between women and
men, but a transfer of power from men
to women. Women alone could decide on
maternity, they could determine whether
they chose to live with the child's
father, to be married and to recognize
the father's rights. They alone currently
had the power in the family under the
The representative said that the French
mentality was still influenced by the
Napoleonic Code, which had given women
an inferior position in society. Considerable
strides had been made in general, but
women continued to suffer from that
heritage. In the twentieth century,
women in France had acquired freedom
and dignity and had passed from being
objects of history to subjects of history.
It was to be hoped that women would
achieve equality in the twenty-first
Regarding the concern expressed by members
at the maintenance of the reservations
to the Convention, the representative
said that some of them had been withdrawn.
Yet there was no intention of withdrawing
the remaining ones under articles 5
(b) and 16, paragraph 1 (d), regarding
the exercise of parental authority,
nor the ones related to social security
provisions under article 14, paragraph
2 (c) and (h), regarding the acquisition
of property by rural women, since the
legal situation in France was extremely
beneficial to women. The reservation
to article 16, paragraph 1 (g), regarding
the right to choose the family name
was also being maintained, although
a new law of 1993 gave both parents
more flexibility in choosing the first
name of their children and made it easier
to change one's name. Regarding the
reservation to article 29, the representative
said that there were mediation bodies
in the country and that France did not
consider it necessary to refer disputes
to the International Court of Justice.
Members asked additional questions about
the availability of special programmes
for immigrant women and their families
and about related problems. They recommended
that France should play a vanguard role
in maintaining human rights and, therefore,
also respond strongly to campaigns against
Asked about the attitude of the Government
to practices of polygamy and female
circumcision among immigrants, the representative
said that both were forbidden on French
territory and that immigrants had to
comply with the relevant French legislation.
related to specific articles
Regarding the measures taken to combat
sexual harassment, the representative
said that the Government had enacted
a bill in 1992. According to a survey,
21 per cent of the women in France had
been victims or witnesses of sexual
harassment, representing 19 per cent
of all working women. In order to afford
women better protection, sanctions for
sexual harassment had been provided
in the Penal and Labour Codes if the
perpetrator was hierarchically superior
to the victim.
In combating marital violence, the State
Secretariat had tripled its subsidies
over the last years for assisting shelters
and creating new ones. Furthermore,
a national awareness-raising campaign
had been launched on television to shock
the public by the statistics on violence
against women, accompanied by a nationwide
telephone hot line for listening to
the victims, giving them guidance and
legal counselling and providing them
and their children with accommodation.
Asked by members about the Government's
position regarding pornography, the
representative said that it was sanctioned
by imprisonment or monetary fines.
Additional questions concerned the number
of court cases dealing with sexual harassment,
the type of sanctions applied and the
occupational groups to which most victims
of sexual harassment belonged.
Regarding questions about the number
and age of prostitutes, the representative
said that no official data were available,
but that the number of prostitutes was
probably in the range of 10,000 to 15,000.
Financial assistance for the reintegration
and rehabilitation of former prostitutes
was available, and prostitutes had to
pay tax. The representative said that
prostitution came within the purview
of the Ministry of the Interior.
The representative said that women in
France were still excluded from the
political arena. That backlog was a
heritage from the past as the French
Revolution had not encompassed gender
issues, and women had obtained the right
to vote very late. In the French Parliament
only 5 per cent of the deputies were
women. The reason why there were more
French women in the European Parliament
than in the National Assembly was that
voting was done on the basis of lists
and the European Parliament was not
of such political concern. Women were
still excluded from political participation
in spite of such dynamic steps as appointing
women to 6 out of 45 ministers' posts
or a woman as prime minister.
Asked whether actions similar to those
taken to combat sexual violence would
initiate progress, the representative
said that the political activity of
women depended on the political determination
of the parties. Candidates for elections
were nominated by the party officials.
One way of enabling more women to obtain
political power would be to establish
positive discrimination procedures;
however, such measures were not popular
with the French people.
Asked for further information on the
declaration that had been signed by
the leaders of the four main political
parties in 1989 to modify the modus
operandi of the political parties
and what effect it had had on the attitude
of the parties, the representative said
that the declaration was not supported
by sufficient political will. Members
of political parties were mostly men
because political life, as practised,
was not compatible with the requirements
of family life.
Referring to an additional comment by
a member that the new definition of
power referred to by the representative,
meaning power in the family, might overcome
the division between the private and
the public domain, the representative
said that the present young generation
of women were admitted to the same curricula
as men to prepare themselves for participation
in political life. They could, therefore,
also take up positions of authority
and impose equality. Replying to the
question whether women were equally
disadvantaged in public office and the
civil service, the representative said
that civil service jobs were compatible
with family life and, since 1980, significant
progress had been made in that sector.
Further questions posed by members concerned
the type of measures that were being
undertaken to overcome the obstacles
to political power-sharing by women,
the attitude of women's associations
vis-�-vis the low representation
of women in political life, the relationship
of the State Secretariat with women
leaders of women's organizations, trade
unions and other areas of political
power, and the support given by the
State Secretariat to their initiatives.
Members also asked whether political
parties had adopted a quota system,
whether they encouraged women to participate
in politics at the local and national
levels and whether the financial support
given to women was the same as that
given to men.
Asked whether the system of scholarships
still existed for deserving young girls,
the representative replied in the affirmative.
Turning to measures taken to promote
gender equality in employment, the representative
said that the participation rate of
French women aged between 25 and 60
years, who constituted 46 per cent of
the active labour force, was 76 per
cent, the highest in the European Economic
Community (EEC). Even though women did
not leave the labour force to have children,
France had one of the highest birth
rates in Europe. Girls outnumbered boys
at secondary school and at university
and they also obtained better marks.
However, the wage differential between
women and men was on average 30 per
cent and the rate of unemployment for
women was twice as high as that for
men. The representative explained that,
on the one hand, there was still a generation
of women who had never worked, apart
from many immigrant women who had no
professional qualifications and were
often illiterate and, on the other hand,
there was the first generation leaving
mixed schools who continued to choose
traditionally female jobs that earned
them lower pay than jobs in more technical
sectors. In order to change the behavioural
patterns of girls, parents, teachers,
trainers and employers, the Secretary
of State had initiated in 1992 a major
national campaign entitled "This
is technical, this is for her".
Simultaneously, all heads of universities
had to work out a five-year plan under
the supervision of the Ministry of National
Education for diversifying the orientation
and training of girls.
The representative said further that,
during the previous three years, great
efforts had been targeted on combating
female unemployment by retraining women
for technical jobs in various branches
of industry, thus responding to the
needs of industry, and also on integrating
women into the labour market. Under
the supervision of the Secretary of
State and the Minister of Labour, regional
committees had been set up to monitor
the employment of women. The State Secretariat
had also created a special fund to finance
the costs connected with retraining,
such as care for children or an aged
parent, transport and accommodation.
Since it was considered that the law
on professional equality had not had
the desired impact, a training manual
had been developed on equality in employment
with the intention of demonstrating
to companies the economic advantages
of training and employing women.
The representative said that equality
in the field of education was not matched
by equality in employment and in remuneration
because girls were still being trained
in traditional fields as a result of
the persistent image of women's roles
on the part of parents, teachers and
employers. Trade unions had never taken
an active part in promoting women's
equality in professions. She said that
thought should be given to the image
of women that sons received in their
education. It was a primary concern
of the society to reorient family policy.
Asked whether any efforts were being
made to introduce job-sharing, about
flexible working hours, and whether
women were in favour of such arrangements,
the representative said that, although
a great percentage of women worked in
part-time employment, it was not out
of choice. She was sceptical about part-time
work and said that it had been imposed
on women for family reasons. Most women
would prefer to work full time so as
to earn enough money to be able to pay
for child care. Turning to questions
about the introduction of shorter working
hours for women, she said that the working
hours should be shorter for men and
women as was already the case in some
other countries. Asked about night work,
she said that if a ban on industrial
night work were to be introduced for
women, women would be the first ones
to be dismissed when those enterprises
experienced difficulties.
Members asked the representative whether
the principle of equal pay for work
of equal value was applied in France
and (considering the differential between
men and women) which obstacles prevented
its strict application and whether the
differential was attributable to the
fact that many women worked part time.
The representative replied that appropriate
laws existed and only a few women had
chosen part-time employment; lack of
implementation was the problem. It was
extremely difficult to prove wage discrimination.
More women were engaged in work that
required special skills than in executive
An additional question was raised as
to whether part-time employment affected
women's social security benefits.
The representative mentioned the measures
taken against the so-called "anti-abortion
squads" that had demonstrated for
the past few years at State hospitals
and private clinics to stop the abortion
services and to intimidate the women
who were seeking assistance and the
staff in order to undermine the provisions
of the abortion law of 1975. As their
activities had been non-violent, they
remained unsanctioned because of a gap
in the law. A new law had been put into
force to put such acts under sanction.
Asked about more information on the
consequences and use of the anti-contraception
pill RU 486, the representative said
that its use had not resolved the abortion
problem. It was freely available to
women aged between 25 and 40 years.
However, young women did not use it
to the same extent, which led to early
pregnancies and clandestine abortions.
She put the number of abortions per
year at 170,000, compared with 600,000
births per year. Contraception campaigns
included the use of condoms because
of the incidence of HIV infection, and
recently it had been decided to distribute
them free of charge to high-school students.
The representative said that the rate
of marriages ending in divorce had been
30 per cent during the past 10 years
and the number of one-parent families
had doubled, and had been over 1 million
in 1990.
Concern was expressed by members about
the high rate of divorce and they asked
what its causes were and whether any
measures were envisaged to remedy that
situation. Whereas the representative
made only the level of independence
of women responsible for the phenomenon,
members said that in other countries
divorce was very common also, but for
different reasons. They asked whether
any research was being carried out on
the incidence of single female-headed
families, whether freedom of choice
was the only reason, whether it had
any effect on the role of the male spouse,
whether the Government supported women's
preference for one-parent families,
whether it was envisaging any measures
to combat that phenomenon, whether French
women considered it to be an achievement
and what the consequences of its increase
were for the structure of French society
and in what way the phenomenon was being
When members said that the appropriate
environment ought to be created in order
to make it possible for women to have
a career and a family life in the traditional
sense, the representative replied that
while it was the concern of the State
Secretariat to offer women the best
possible conditions, it could not decide
for women on the private lives they
wished to have. Taking into account
the fact that France was one of the
EEC countries with the highest birth
rate without its women feeling the need
to be married, the representative said
that the Government was neither encouraging
nor discouraging that situation and
that no links should be established
between the promotion of women's rights
and the existence of families.
Referring to additional comments on
the high rate of one-parent families
in France, the representative said that
the main reasons for the one-parent
families were the high divorce rate
- emphasizing that 85 per cent of the
divorces had been initiated by women
after three to four years of marriage
- widowhood as a result of accidents,
and the choice of young women to give
preference to their professional career
over marriage, and to cohabitation without
contracting a marriage. She said that
young women were more aware of their
identity than their mothers.
The additional comments of members referred
to the difference in marriageable age
for women and men.
The members commended the report for
its clear structure and adherence to
the general guidelines regarding the
form and content of reports, and praised
France for having played a pioneering
role in many sectors of human rights
and in advancing the status of women.
They also commended its presentation
by the Secretary of State herself and
the fruitful and constructive dialogue
following the presentation. However,
concern was expressed about the late
submission of the revised version of
the report and the fact that a number
of questions prepared by the pre-session
working group, that had been transmitted
to the Government, had not been responded
to in the oral presentation.