The Committee considered the combined
second and third periodic reports
of Indonesia (CEDAW/C/IDN/2-3) at
its 377th meeting, on 2 February 1998
(see CEDAW/C/SR.377).
In introducing the reports, the representative
stated that in terms of Indonesia's
State ideology, the Pancasila,
and the 1945 constitution, as well
as the Basic Guidelines of State Policy
of 1978, women's right to equality
was explicitly guaranteed. However,
the de facto situation is that women
remain unequal to men in terms of
rights and opportunities because of
a combination of traditional and cultural
practices and certain laws that are
contrary to the spirit, if not the
letter, of the principle of equality.
The view that the man is the head
of the family and the woman the manager
of the household reflects this.
The Government of Indonesia established
a national machinery in 1978, well
before its ratification of the Convention
in 1984. In its current form, the
national machinery consists of a State
Ministry for the Role of Women, which
operates at both the national and
provincial levels and has responsibility
for policy formulation, coordination,
consultation, advocacy, monitoring
and evaluation of the status and of
the role of women in development.
The representative reported that in
1994 the State Ministry had established
a Planning and Foreign Affairs Unit
to enhance its coordinating and advocacy
capacity. Its research and outreach
work was being facilitated through
the establishment of women's studies
centres at institutions of higher
learning. Also, as a first step in
engendering the national development
plan, the Government had developed
a profile of the status and role of
women in all sectors of development.
The representative noted that in spite
of that progress the national machinery
was still underresourced, both financially
and in terms of human resources.
As a follow-up to the Beijing Conference,
the Government had launched a national
movement - the Outlook of Harmonious
Gender Partnership between Men and
Women in the Family, Society and Development
- with a view to inculcating values
of equality in the citizenry. It had
also translated the Platform for Action
and the Convention into local languages.
However, the representative reported
that the particular focus of the Government
was on the four core areas of poverty
eradication, education, health and
In the sphere of political decision-making,
the representative noted that even
though there were no legal barriers
to women's participation, it remained
low because of traditional attitudes.
The Government intended to address
the situation through consultation
with different sectoral ministries,
institutions, non-governmental organizations
and political parties.
Indonesia did not yet have specific
laws and regulations relating to trafficking
in women, but it was proposing to
undertake the rehabilitation of women
victims. Likewise, it was also proposing
to deal with the specific issues of
women's human rights within the general
context of human rights violations
through the newly established independent
National Commission on Human Rights.
There was no specific framework for
dealing with violence against women.
Prostitution was formally banned by
the Government, but since its practice
through the ages had proved very difficult
to eradicate, the Government of Indonesia
had taken steps to localize prostitution,
that is, to leave the practice only
within specifically authorized areas.
The Government was also making efforts
to rehabilitate women involved in
Indonesia was a source of considerable
migrant labour for her neighbours
and the Middle East. The majority
of those workers were women, mostly
from rural backgrounds. They tended
to face problems, including violation
of rights, such as torture and rape.
The Government had established a computerized
system to monitor the mobility of
women overseas and was intensifying
the pre-departure training of women.
The representative stated that Indonesia
would be taking concrete measures
to revise gender-discriminatory legislation,
to ratify United Nations human rights
treaties and to sensitize the courts
with regard to sexual offenders. Equal
rights to inheritance between women
and men had been established in a
Supreme Court judgement in 1960 and
polygamy had been outlawed. However,
the prevalence of socio-cultural values
and traditional norms reduce the impact
of the legal framework.
The representative reported that the
current economic crisis affects both
women and men, although the Government
has taken measures at both the central
and regional levels to provide for
equal access to employment for disadvantaged
women, in addition to existing efforts
to encourage entrepreneurship and
access to resources such as land and
Finally, the Government intends to
pursue its commitment to the advancement
of women on different fronts and has
set itself goals and deadlines, including
the reduction of the maternal mortality
rate by the end of 2018 and the near
eradication of illiteracy by 1999.
The Government intends to enhance
the status and role of women in development
as it seeks to achieve a just and
prosperous society.
comments of the Committee
The Committee notes with satisfaction
the combined second and third periodic
reports of Indonesia, which are frank,
detailed and demonstrate a desire
to move the women's agenda forward.
Nonetheless, the Committee expresses
disappointment that change has not
taken place as fast as it should have
in Indonesia and that many of the
problems that have been identified
during consideration of the State
party's initial report remain unresolved.
The Committee appreciates the Government's
efforts to address the large number
of questions posed by the pre-session
working group. The additional information
provided by the delegation in the
oral presentation raises a series
of further questions.
The Committee notes with satisfaction
that the Convention forms part of
the domestic law of Indonesia and
has been cited before courts in discrimination
The Committee is pleased to learn
that the Indonesian Government has
addressed the implementation of the
Beijing Platform for Action through
the introduction of an Indonesian
National Action Plan.
The Committee expresses approval of
the fact that Indonesia has established
a Ministry for Women in the 1970s,
even before its ratification of the
Convention. The creation of women's
studies centres is also considered
to be a significant achievement by
the Government.
The Committee is pleased to note the
role of women's non-governmental organizations
in Indonesia, which have a history
of strong and effective action.
The Committee recognizes the success
of the Government's family planning
programme. The Committee views this
as an example of the Government's
ability to take highly effective steps
to improve the situation of women.
However, some concern is expressed
that the focus of the programme is
so predominantly upon women, and Committee
members emphasize the need also to
take into account men's responsibility
for family planning.
and difficulties affecting the implementation
of the Convention
The Committee notes the current economic
crisis in Indonesia and urges the
Government not to allow it to become
a justification for failing to implement
the Convention.
The Committee is convinced that the
existence of cultural attitudes that
confine women to the roles of mothers
and housewives presents a great obstacle
to the advancement of women. Policies
and programmes developed on the basis
of those stereotypes limit women's
participation and entitlements, thereby
impeding implementation of the Convention.
The Committee expresses the view that
cultural and religious values cannot
be allowed to undermine the universality
of women's rights. It also stated
its belief that culture is not a static
concept and that the core values in
Indonesian society are not inconsistent
with the advancement of women.
The Committee notes Indonesia's failure
to collect data on certain issues
that are crucial to the well-being
of women, such as the prevalence of
violence against women. Without such
data, neither the Government nor the
Committee can accurately monitor the
situation of women's equality in Indonesia
and the Committee could not offer
recommendations as to what measures
might be taken to combat the problem.
areas of concern
The Committee is very concerned at
the existence of laws that are not
in accordance with the provisions
of the Convention. It notes that discrimination
against women exists in laws regarding:
(a) Family and marriage, including
polygamy; age for marriage; divorce
and the requirement that a wife obtain
her husband's consent for a passport;
(b) Economic rights, including ownership
and inheritance of land; access to
loans and credits; entitlement to
social, health and other benefits
in the labour sector and the requirement
that a wife obtain her husband's consent
for night employment;
(c) Health, including the requirement
that the wife obtain her husband's
consent with regard to sterilization
or abortion, even when her life is
in danger.
The Committee also expresses concern
that there is no clear definition
of discrimination modelled on article
1 of the Convention in the constitution
or other national laws.
The Committee is pleased to note the
eradication of discrimination at the
de jure level in a number of
areas, including inheritance, but
it remains concerned about how equal
the situation actually is in practice
and how many women benefit from the
application of civil law.
The Committee was informed that Muslims
may choose whether Islamic or civil
law is to be applied to them. However,
the Committee is concerned as to who
decides this issue, and to what extent
Muslim women are able to choose to
have civil law applied to their affairs
rather than Islamic law.
The Committee expresses concern that
marriages between partners of different
religions are prohibited de facto
in certain regions of Indonesia.
The Committee expresses great concern
about existing social, religious and
cultural norms that recognize men
as the head of the family and breadwinner
and confine women to the roles of
mother and wife, which are reflected
in various laws, Government policies
and guidelines. It is unclear what
steps the Government is proposing
to take to modify such attitudes,
which present a serious obstacle to
the advancement of women in Indonesia.
Traditional gender stereotypes are
also perpetuated in formal education;
and textbooks have not been revised
to eliminate such stereotypes.
The Committee expresses concern that
the full implementation of the Indonesian
national plan of action, which represents
Indonesia's follow-up to its commitments
at the Fourth World Conference on
Women, might be impeded by prevailing
religious and cultural norms that
constitute the backdrop to Indonesia's
legal and policy efforts towards women's
The Committee is concerned about women's
low rates of participation in education,
as well as the high level of illiteracy
among women, especially in the rural
areas. It notes that education is
a basic human right and that while
the State has made some efforts to
facilitate the education of poor but
gifted children, the Committee remains
concerned about the access to education
of all children, including those from
minority groups.
The Committee is concerned that the
information provided demonstrates
that women are still employed in lower-paid
and lower-skilled work. It notes with
concern that the predominant view
appears to be that married women might
provide supplemental income for a
family, but that there is very little
emphasis on the right of women to
develop a career of their own.
The Committee is seriously concerned
about the lack of adequate laws to
address violence against women, as
well as the lack of systematic sex
disagreggated data collection and
documentation on the extent, forms
and prevalence of violence against
women in Indonesia.
The Committee is gravely concerned
about information it has received
with regard to violations of women's
human rights in East Timor.
The Committee is concerned that the
information provided on the situation
of women in areas of armed conflict
reflects a limited understanding of
the problem. The Government's remarks
are confined to the participation
of women in the armed forces and do
not address the vulnerability of women
to sexual exploitation in conflict
situations, as well as a range of
other human rights abuses affecting
women in such contexts.
The Committee notes the information
on the situation of migrant women,
which has been presented in the form
of a supplement to the report. However,
the Committee remains concerned that
this does not include discussion of
reports of the death as a result of
mistreatment and abuses of Indonesian
migrant women abroad, as well as cases
of trafficking for the purposes of
prostitution. It is concerned that
the Government lacks the mechanisms
to respond to abuses of Indonesian
women abroad.
The Committee is gravely concerned
about reported cases of coercion in
the course of the implementation of
the family planning programme. The
Committee points out that such coercion
contravenes the Government's obligations
under the Convention to ensure women's
reproductive rights to freedom of
choice and informed consent with respect
to methods of family planning.
The Committee is concerned that limited
information has been provided on the
problem of HIV/AIDS. There is no data
on the extent of the problem, rates
of increase or any sex-disaggregated
data. The Committee is particularly
concerned that the problem of HIV/AIDS
is being attributed to women in prostitution.
Concern is also expressed about programmes
designed to "clean the city streets"
of prostitutes whenever there is a
major international event in Jakarta.
Information provided to the Committee
by other sources suggests that women
taken off the streets have been subjected
to forced vaginal examinations.
The Committee is seriously concerned
about the extent of unemployment amongst
women, particularly those from female-headed
households, in the light of the current
economic crisis. It is also concerned
about wage disparities between female
and male workers, job-segregation
in the workforce, with women disproportionately
occupying low-skilled and low-paying
jobs, as well as women's unequal access
to social security, employment and
health benefits.
The Committee is concerned that not
enough is being done to address the
issue of prostitution and trafficking
in women as envisaged in article 6
of the Convention. It is also concerned
that not enough is being done to assist
these women through socio-economic
and health programmes and that preventive
measures and re-socialization efforts
are aimed principally at prostitutes
and do not address male clients.
and recommendations
The Committee recommends that, in
its next report, the Government of
Indonesia fully describe the results
of all measures to implement the Beijing
Platform for Action as described in
the Indonesian National Plan of Action
and the "Outlook of Harmonious Gender
Partnership between Men and Women
in Development". The Committee also
recommends that the Indonesian Government
take account of the Committee's remarks
on religious and cultural values and
their effect on the implementation
of these initiatives.
The Committee recommends that the
Government take appropriate measures
to mitigate the negative impact that
the current economic crisis may have
on women in Indonesia, particularly
in the areas of education, health
and employment.
The Committee urges the Government
to collect, as a matter of priority,
data on the extent, causes and consequences
of the problem of violence against
women in Indonesia. The Committee
also emphasizes the need for the gender
sensitization of authorities, including
the judiciary, law enforcement officers,
lawyers, social workers, health professionals
or others who are directly involved
in combating violence against women.
The Committee recommends that the
Government give priority to hastening
the pace of progress on women's issues
in Indonesia. The Committee urges
the Government to take stronger measures
to address the contradiction that
currently exists between the Government's
stated commitment to the principles
contained in the Convention and the
actual situation facing women in Indonesia.
The Committee recommends that in Indonesia's
fourth periodic report efforts be
made to consolidate the written replies
with other parts of the presentation,
to avoid overlap and to enable the
Committee to spend more time in dialogue
with the State party. The Committee
also requests that the report pay
particular attention to the priority
areas identified in the questions
of the Committee.
The Committee requests that in its
next report, the Government of Indonesia
provide information about government-supported
women's studies programmes and centres.
The Committee also requests information
on Government efforts to revise textbooks
to reflect values of gender equality.
The Committee urges the Government
to take immediate steps to eradicate
the practice of polygamy in Indonesia
and to change the other discriminatory
laws identified by the Committee in
paragraph 284 above.
The Committee recommends that the
Government take steps to ensure that
women in Indonesia have the right
to free choice of spouse as provided
for in article 16 (b) of the Convention.
The Committee recommends that appropriate
measures be taken to ensure that women
in East Timor are not subject to violations
of their human rights.
The Committee recommends that the
Government address the issue of trafficking
in women and prostitution, in accordance
with article 6 of the Convention,
and establish, inter alia,
socio-economic and health programmes
to assist women in this context.
The Committee requests the wide dissemination
in Indonesia of the present concluding
comments in order to make the people
of Indonesia, and particularly its
government administrators and politicians,
aware of the steps that have been
taken to ensure de facto equality
for women and the further steps required
in this regard. It also requests the
Government to continue to disseminate
widely, and in particular to women's
and human rights organizations, the
Convention, the Committee's general
recommendations and the Beijing Declaration
and Platform for Action.