143. The Committee considered the initial
report of Liechtenstein (CEDAW/C/LIE/1)
at its 410th, 411th and 414th meetings,
on 25 and 27 January 1999 (see CEDAW/C/SR.410,
411 and 414).
Introduction by the State party
In introducing the report, the representative
of Liechtenstein noted that de jure
equality between women and men in Liechtenstein
had been achieved later than in many
other countries. In 1992, a constitutional
amendment stating that women and men
had equal rights provided the basis
for a 1996 law that guaranteed gender
The representative indicated that since
1996 the focus of the Government had
been on achieving de facto equality
between women and men in all spheres
of life. Implementation of legal and
other measures in compliance with the
Convention formed part of an overall
strategy that also incorporated implementation
of the Beijing Platform for Action.
Liechtenstein had submitted to the United
Nations the national action plan for
the implementation of the Platform and
had ratified several regional and international
human rights treaties, including the
European Convention on Human Rights
and the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights. Liechtenstein
had also accepted the communications
procedures of the first optional protocol
to the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights, the Convention
against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman
or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,
and strongly supported the adoption
of an optional protocol to the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women.
The representative indicated that there
had been an increase in the proportion
of women represented at all levels of
education, but that at the tertiary
level male students still constituted
two thirds of all students. Male students
also predominated in such disciplines
as law and economics and in technical
studies, including computer studies.
Female students were well represented
in the humanities.
The representative reported that while
there had been an increase in the number
of women in positions of leadership
in communes and commissions since acquiring
the right to vote in 1984, women were
still underrepresented at all levels
of governance. She noted that although
there was no system of quotas, the Government
remained committed to achieving equal
representation of women in senior leadership
The representative informed the Committee
that non-governmental organizations,
many of which received financial support
from the Government, played an active
role in measures to promote the advancement
of women. They were involved in such
activities as the facilitation of networking
and the provision of day-care centres
for children as well as a women's shelter
for battered women and children.
The representative noted that the Government's
focus was now on the achievement of
de facto equality for women through
a variety of programmes. These had included
a 1997 exhibition on the theme: "Girls
with a head on their shoulders get down
to work", which had sought to motivate
girls to expand their choice of occupations.
Currently, the educational curriculum
was being revised to incorporate the
principle of equality and the practical
involvement of women and men in the
achievement of that principle.
The representative indicated that the
proposed equal rights act would prohibit
discrimination at the workplace, provide
protection against retaliatory dismissal
and the right to bring legal claims,
including class action complaints, and
reduce the burden of proof. The proposed
act would also provide the Government
with a legal basis to give financial
support to companies in order to enable
them to enact positive measures for
the promotion of women at the workplace.
comments of the Committee
The Committee commends the Government
of Liechtenstein for the timely submission
of its initial report, one year after
its accession to the Convention. It
welcomes the report, especially the
well-structured and informative oral
update, which provided frank and clear
information on the situation of women.
Together with the exhaustive replies
provided to the Committee's numerous
questions, the presentation provided
a comprehensive view of the efforts
undertaken by the Government in order
to achieve full compliance with its
obligations under the Convention.
The Committee expresses its appreciation
to the Government of Liechtenstein for
its high-level delegation, headed by
the Minister for Foreign Affairs, who
is also the Minister for Family Affairs
and Equality between Men and Women.
This enabled the Committee to obtain
a realistic picture of the progress
made and of challenges that lay ahead
in the achievement of equal rights of
women and men.
Positive aspects
The Committee welcomes the Government's
withdrawal of its reservation to the
The Committee notes with satisfaction
the establishment of a national machinery
to implement the Convention and to follow
up and implement the commitments of
the Platform for Action adopted at the
Fourth World Conference on Women.
The Committee commends Liechtenstein
on its accession to numerous regional
and international human rights instruments.
The Committee also commends Liechtenstein
for its rapid progress in removing discriminatory
and difficulties affecting the implementation
of the Convention
The Committee notes that the persistence
of deep-seated social and cultural attitudes
which impede the implementation of the
Convention and inhibit the attainment
of de facto equality.
areas of concern and recommendations
The Committee expresses concern that
patriarchal patterns of behaviour persist
and thereby compromise de jure
equality between women and men that
has been achieved.
The Committee expresses deep concern
at the persistence of de facto inequality
between women and men, which is particularly
reflected in the low participation of
women in public life and decision-making,
in the economy and in their underrepresentation
in tertiary education.
The Committee urges the Government to
ensure that the proposed equality rights
act not only covers working life, but
extends to all spheres of life, in order
to accelerate equality in both public
and private life.
The Committee urges the Government to
improve the collection and use of data
disaggregated by sex in order to provide
strong factual information on the situation
of women in all areas covered by the
Convention, and on the progress made
in its implementation over time. Such
information will provide the basis for
the design of appropriate policies and
programmes to accelerate the achievement
of equality.
The Committee is concerned about the
situation of women in employment and
work. It expresses its concern about
the highly segregated labour market,
and the concentration of women in low-paid
employment and part-time work.
The Committee recommends that the Government
avail itself of the existing body of
research and practice on equal pay for
work of equal and comparable value in
order to overcome pay inequity. The
Committee also recommends that the Government
review the existing system of social
security, particularly with regard to
marginal part-time work and the law
on parental leave, with a view to ensuring
that the system, including in its effects,
does not discriminate against women.
While commending the initiative of the
Government to subsidize the employment
of women in private enterprises, the
Committee notes the inadequacy of measures,
including temporary special measures
to accelerate de facto equality between
women and men and affirmative action
to address the situation of women in
all areas.
The Committee urges the Government to
implement temporary special measures
in accordance with article 4, paragraph
1, of the Convention in order to accelerate
the advancement of women in all areas.
Temporary special measures to promote
women have been successful in addressing
structural discrimination against women
in politics and employment and in accelerating
de facto equality for women.
The Committee encourages the Government
to realize gender equality and requests
that it include in its next report detailed
information on the impact of policies
and programmes aimed at implementing
the Convention and achieving gender
The Committee expresses serious concern
regarding the issue of violence against
women, in particular the lack of comprehensive
information on its incidence.
The Committee recommends that the Government
review its policies and measures with
regard to violence against women, taking
into consideration general recommendation
19 on violence against women. It also
recommends that a review be made of
the law relating to prostitution to
ensure that prostitutes are not penalized.
The Committee notes the high number
of children born out of wedlock. It
recommends the development of studies
and indicators to determine the impact
of laws and policies on women, since
linkages between the strict anti-abortion
law and the high incidence of children
born out of wedlock might be revealed.
The Committee urges the Government to
institute measures to prevent single
mothers from facing the financial and
social risks of poverty.
The Committee requests the Government
of Liechtenstein to provide information
addressing the concerns raised in the
present concluding comments in its next
periodic report required under article
18 of the Convention.
The Committee requests the wide dissemination
in Liechtenstein of the present concluding
comments in order to make the people
of Liechtenstein, and in particular
its government administrators and politicians,
aware of the steps that have been taken
to ensure de jure and de facto
gender equality and the further steps
required in this regard. The Committee
also requests the Government to continue
to disseminate widely, and in particular
to women's and human rights organizations,
the conventions, the Committee's general
recommendations and the Beijing Declaration
and Platform for Action.