The Committee considered the combined
third and fourth periodic reports of
Mexico (CEDAW/C/MEX/3-4 and Add.1) at
its 376th and 377th meetings, on 30
January 1998 (see CEDAW/C/SR.376 and
Introducing the report, the representative
stated that the Mexican constitution
guaranteed equal rights for women and
men. Furthermore, the constitution explicitly
mentioned women's equal rights in the
areas of education, family planning,
nationality, employment, wages and political
In order to implement the commitments
made at the Fourth World Conference
on Women in Beijing, Mexico had established
a national machinery for the advancement
of women, under the Ministry of the
Interior, which was in charge of putting
into practice the National Programme
for Women: Alliance for Equality, the
document containing Mexico's strategies
for the implementation of the Beijing
Platform for Action. The Executive Coordination
Office of the national programme for
women was responsible for bringing together
and coordinating inter-agency activities,
which would allow the full implementation
of the National Programme for Women
and other governmental programmes. Thus,
the Consultative Council and the Social
Comptroller were integrated as organs
for counselling, following up and surveying
the programme. These two bodies were
integrated by women belonging to different
sectors of society.
The Government of Mexico had taken steps
to conform its national policies with
international agreements on the status
of women. In January 1994, the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs had established a
coordination unit for international
women's issues that monitored the implementation
of international agreements. Furthermore,
the National Human Rights Commission
analysed whether the Mexican law complies
with international agreements on women's
and children's rights and proposed amendments
thereon to the current law.
The representative reported that Mexico
had established quotas to promote the
participation of women in political
decision-making. The federal election
legislation called on political parties
to establish a limit of participation
of candidates of the same gender. Subsequently,
two main political parties had established
quotas to ensure that at least 30 per
cent of their candidates were women
and one had established a preferential
option to select women.
Mexico had enacted special laws and
reformed the civil and criminal code
for the Federal District in order to
combat and punish domestic violence.
Furthermore, consultations had started
at the local level to reform the civil
and criminal codes of the majority of
the States of Mexico with regard to
violence against women. In addition,
special programmes had been launched
to support women victims of violence.
Girls and women were under-represented
in higher education; however, their
enrolment has increased in recent years.
The rate of illiteracy in Mexico was
declining but remained high among older
women and rural and indigenous women.
This had led to the establishment of
compensatory programmes aimed at overcoming
the educational backwardness in rural
and indigenous communities, which were
in a state of extreme poverty or were
isolated and lacked access to normal
educational services. The National Institute
of Adult Education addressed its action
to a population comprised mainly of
women and also offered non-formal employment
training services. The National Educational
Promotion Council operated in settlements
with less than 150 inhabitants with
the objective of establishing schools
in the communities themselves.
The representative stated that women
in the paid labour force had to cope
with the double burden of work and family
responsibilities and tended to be concentrated
in the lower paid professions. The Mexican
Government paid special attention to
the need to train women under the Training
Fellowships for Unemployed Workers Programme
of the Ministry of Labour.
Maternal mortality had declined significantly,
owing to awareness-raising and training
campaigns. Furthermore, the increased
use of contraceptives had led to a decline
in fertility. In order to make health
care more responsive to women's needs,
the Ministry of Health had launched
a programme to incorporate gender in
all activities of its policy and programmes.
Health policies and programmes have
also been implemented in order to decrease
and prevent the occurrence of cervix-uterine
and breast cancer.
Households headed by women were most
vulnerable to poverty. In order to combat
poverty, the Mexican Government had
been implementing the Food, Health and
Education Programme, established in
1997. The Programme was establishing
a series of affirmative measures in
favour of the female population, after
recognizing the disadvantages faced
by women and girls in terms of food,
education and health. The Government
also provided microcredits to women
and supported women entrepreneurs.
The situation of rural women in Mexico
was very diverse, depending on their
ethnic origin and the region. However,
women in rural areas generally had less
access to education and health care.
The national machinery had launched
policies and programmes to improve the
situation of women in rural areas, such
as the conformation of a rural women
national network, in order to link governmental
organizations, with the goal of promoting
integral development.
The representative concluded by stating
that Mexican women had advanced significantly
in recent years, but still faced many
obstacles to the full enjoyment of their
rights. She underlined the commitment
of the Mexican Government to continue
to design policies aimed at granting
women and girls equal treatment and
opportunities. She also recognized that
the most profound changes were born
in the deepest values and attitudes
of society, which could only be achieved
through processes that demanded time
and a strong political will.
Concluding comments
The Committee expresses its appreciation
for the third and fourth reports submitted
by the Government of Mexico, which reflect
the current state of compliance with
the Convention in Mexico and the programmes
established and actions taken to improve
the status of women.
The Committee points out that the significance
attached by the Mexican Government to
the Convention has also been illustrated
by the high level of the delegation
representing the State party at the
The Committee thanks the Government
of Mexico for its oral report, as well
as its replies to the Committee's questions
and its representative's statement,
translated into both French and English.
The Committee expresses its thanks for
the Mexican Government's exhaustive
and specific replies to all the questions
asked and for the updated information
provided in the statement of the representative
of the Government of Mexico.
The Committee congratulates the Government
of Mexico for the achievements made
since the last report in terms of both
legislative reform and real progress
in improving the status of women.
The Committee thanks the representative
of Mexico for the transparency with
which she discussed the socio-economic
and political situation of women in
her country and her Government's efforts
to implement the Convention and for
her objective and analytical presentation
of the obstacles to the advancement
of women in Mexico.
The Committee notes that the Mexican
Government's report and its replies
to the Committee's questions offer valuable,
comprehensive information on the various
programmes implemented and planned by
the Government of Mexico. The Committee
considers the specific information provided
on the situation of indigenous women
in Chiapas to be extremely important.
Positive aspects
The Committee expresses its satisfaction
at the Mexican Government's efforts
to implement the Convention through
many programmes, either in progress
or planned, for the advancement of Mexican
women and commends the legal framework
established for implementing the Convention.
The Committee stresses that the Mexican
Government has adopted the Platform
for Action without reservations and
has introduced a national action programme
to implement the Platform and for the
follow-up of commitments made in Beijing.
The Committee notes that the constitution
provides guarantees for the protection
of women's and men's rights, both as
individuals and as groups.
The Committee stresses the importance
of the establishment of the National
Programme for Women: Alliance for Equality
on 8 March 1995, which is a national
mechanism to promote activities designed
to improve the status of women that
was binding on Federal Government offices
and parastatal organizations. The Committee
notes with satisfaction that the executive
coordinator of the National Programme
for Women, which coordinates all efforts
to improve the status of women, is at
the high level of under-secretary of
The Committee recognizes with satisfaction
that the Convention serves as a framework
for both the National Programme for
Women and the National Human Rights
Commission and that the efforts to implement
the Convention are implicit in the National
Development Plan.
The Committee notes with satisfaction
that during the period from 1993, important
constitutional reforms have been introduced
in order to advance the status of Mexican
women and implement the Convention and
that constitutional reform has been
followed by changes in other legislation.
The Committee notes with appreciation
that pursuant to constitutional reforms,
primary and secondary education is now
compulsory for women and girls.
The Committee observes with satisfaction
that the civil, civil procedure and
penal codes have been modified in order
to facilitate proceedings with regard
to violence against women in the family,
including marital rape. It also commends
the 1996 Federal District law to prevent
and assist victims of intrafamilial
violence and the fact that Mexico has
signed the Inter-American Convention
on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication
of Violence against Women (the Convention
of Bel�m do Par�).
The Committee notes with appreciation
the recent adoption by the Congress
of the Union of an addendum to the Federal
Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures,
which states that national political
parties should consider providing in
their statutes that no more than 70
per cent of the candidates for deputy
or senator should be of the same gender.
The Committee notes with satisfaction
the efforts being made to implement
affirmative action programmes in a number
of areas, including the Federal Code
of Electoral Institutions and Procedures
and that these demonstrate a clear understanding
of paragraph 1 of article 4 of the Convention.
The Committee welcomes the Mexican Government's
initiative in establishing an information,
documentation and research system on
the situation of women, and considers
this to be an important tool in designing
better policies to promote equality,
which would also reflect women's non-remunerative
The Committee acknowledges with satisfaction
the considerable number of women working
in the judicial system and that women
occupy 19 per cent of high-level judicial
The Committee welcomes the reinstitution
of the Women, Health and Development
Programme in 1995 and the elaboration
of the Reproductive Health and Family
Planning Programme, 1995-2000, both
of which are evidence of the efforts
to improve the quality of health care
for women in the country.
The Committee commends the Government's
initiative to encourage women's non-governmental
organizations to participate in programmes
to implement the Convention.
The Committee commends the Mexican Government
for objecting to reservations lodged
by some States parties to the Convention.
Factors and difficulties affecting the
implementation of the Convention
The Committee notes that, while the
Convention is part of the Supreme Law
and its implementation is compulsory
at the federal level, the specific legislation
of a number of Mexican states contains
elements that discriminate against women
and are not in keeping with the provisions
of national legislation and the Convention.
The Committee notes that implementation
of the Convention is hampered by the
fact that Mexico is a territorially
vast, multi-ethnic and multicultural
developing country with a difficult
economic situation that affects the
most vulnerable strata of society, and
women in particular.
Principal areas of concern
The Committee expresses its concern
with regard to the discrimination faced
by indigenous women, where the health,
education and employment indicators
are below the national average. It also
expresses concern about the situation
of rural women living in poverty and
in extreme poverty.
The Committee expresses concern with
regard to the situation of indigenous
women and children, particularly in
the state of Chiapas since, in conflict
zones where the police or armed forces
are operating, women are often the innocent
victims of violence.
The Committee expresses concern with
regard to de facto discrimination, referring,
in this regard, to the situation of
women workers in factories where, according
to information received from various
sources, Mexican labour legislation,
particularly legislation on the reproductive
rights of women workers, is being violated.
The Committee also refers to the situation
in certain areas where the principle
of equal salary for work of equal value
is not applied and where women of child-bearing
age are subject to mandatory pregnancy
tests as a condition of employment.
The Committee notes that the report
does not describe cases where the Convention
has been used to support claims for
women's human rights. The Committee
is concerned that the absence of such
cases is either because women lack awareness
of the Convention and its primacy in
domestic law or because they lack sufficient
resources to access the legal system.
The Committee notes that, in spite of
the legislative measures Mexico has
taken, violence against women, particularly
domestic violence, continues to be a
serious problem in Mexican society.
The Committee notes the high, and unsatisfied,
demand for contraceptive methods, particularly
among poor urban women, rural women
and adolescents. It also notes with
concern cases in some localities in
which contraceptive methods have been
used without women's express consent,
which is required under Mexican law.
The Committee expresses serious concern
at the possible existence of an illicit
traffic in women. It notes that if there
is trafficking in women, that this is
a serious violation of their human rights.
The Committee warns that, in the present
circumstances, the gender-equality policy
in the regular educational system may
be affected by the decentralization
of education in Mexico.
The Committee draws attention to the
lack of access to health-care services
for children and old people.
The Committee considers that the policies
to promote equality within the family
are insufficient, since stereotyped
roles are perpetuated in the family
by deeply rooted traditions of men's
superiority. In addition, the Committee
notes that certain legal provisions
might continue to promote inequality
and traditional roles within the family.
The Committee refers to the high rate
of teenage pregnancy and the lack of
access for women in all States to easy
and swift abortion.
The Committee expresses concern at the
absence of information about Mexican
women who migrated abroad.
Suggestions and recommendations
The Committee encourages Mexico to continue
to allow women's non-governmental organizations
to participate in the implementation
of the Convention.
The Committee recommends that, despite
the structure of the Federal Government,
the constitution and the Convention
of Bel�m do Par� should be implemented
throughout the country in order to speed
up legal change in all states, and requests
the Mexican Government to provide, in
its next report, information on the
measures it has taken in that regard.
The Committee recommends that the Mexican
Government continue its efforts to reduce
poverty among rural women, particularly
indigenous women, and to work together
with non-governmental organizations,
making special efforts to promote education,
employment and health programmes conducive
to the integration of women into the
development process, both as beneficiaries
and as protagonists. In view of the
relatively high growth levels of the
Mexican economy that have been mentioned,
the Committee would welcome a more equitable
redistribution of wealth among the population.
The Committee suggests that Mexico evaluate
areas, such as the private sector, that
are not covered by affirmative action
and, in its next report, submit a consolidated
evaluation of all affirmative-action
The Committee proposes that, in its
next report, Mexico should provide more
information about existing mechanisms
to enable women to seek redress from
the courts on the basis of the Convention.
The Committee expresses the hope that
the Government will continue to monitor
compliance with labour laws in the factories
and pursue the work of raising awareness
among factory employers.
The Committee also requests the Ministry
of Agrarian Reform to continue its institutional
intervention to persuade public land
(ejido) assemblies to allocate
to women the parcels of land to which
they are entitled.
The Committee recommends that the Government
consider the advisability of revising
the legislation criminalizing abortion
and suggests that it weigh the possibility
of authorizing the use of the RU486
contraceptive, which is cheap and easy
to use, as soon as it becomes available.
The Committee requests that information
be given in the next report on the impact
of programmes to reduce and prevent
teenage pregnancy.
The Committee recommends the introduction
of training for health personnel with
regard to women's human rights, and
particularly their right, freely and
without coercion, to choose means of
The Committee suggests that the Government
continue to work for the adoption of
nationwide legislation on all forms
of violence against women, including
domestic violence, adjusting state laws
to national laws.
The Committee requests the Government
to consider the possibility of implementing
an integrated, long-term plan for combating
violence. Such a plan could include
taking legal action, training judicial,
law enforcement and health personnel,
informing women about their rights and
about the Convention and strengthening
victims' services.
The Committee recommends that strong
action be taken against persons who
commit violence against women, and that
it should be made easier for women to
bring court action against offenders.
The Committee recommends that the Government
address the matter of whether it intends
to legalize prostitution and whether
this issue has been subject to public
debate in its next report. It strongly
recommends that new legislation should
not discriminate against prostitutes
but should punish pimps and procurers.
The Committee recommends that the legal
penalties for rape be amended and that
the State ensure their implementation.
It also recommends rape awareness campaigns
be conducted for non-governmental organizations
and legislators.
The Committee suggests that action be
taken against employers who discriminate
against women on grounds of pregnancy.
The women concerned should be supported,
and society sent a clear signal that
such discrimination is not to be tolerated.
The Committee requests information in
the Government's next report on the
avenues of appeal open to women who,
upon a division of property in divorce,
suffer economically despite their contribution
to the family's assets.
The Committee requests information in
the Government's next report on women
who migrate abroad, where they go and
whether any authorized agency regulates
such migration.
The Committee requests that the next
report provide comparative data on men's
and women's access to pensions and the
minimum amount of such pensions.
The Committee requests information in
the next report on whether homosexuality
is penalized in the criminal code.
The Committee requests information on
women heads of rural enterprises and
on programmes for the economic advancement
of rural women.
The Committee recommends the introduction
of education programmes on the provisions
of the Convention and the rights of
women for judicial personnel, law enforcement
officers, lawyers and others who are
responsible for applying the law. The
Committee also recommends that further
steps be taken to increase the numbers
of women at all levels of the judiciary
and law enforcement agencies.
The Committee proposes that a campaign
be conducted to educate women about
the content of the Convention, alerting
them to their economic, political, civil
and cultural rights.
The Committee welcomes the systematic
inclusion of statistics in future reports
in order to facilitate a dialogue with
the Committee on women's de facto situation.
In particular, the Committee requests
data on the implementation of the information
system that is beginning to be applied.
The Committee recommends that the Government
of Mexico pay special attention to safeguarding
the human rights of women, including
indigenous women and women in conflict
zones, especially where police and armed
forces are operating.
The Committee recommends that all states
of Mexico should review their legislation
so that, where necessary, women are
granted access to rapid and easy abortion.
The Committee requests the wide dissemination
in Mexico of the present concluding
comments, in order to make the people
of Mexico, and particularly its government
administrators and politicians, aware
of the steps that have been taken to
ensure de facto equality for women and
the further steps required in this regard.
The Committee also requests the Government
to continue to disseminate widely, and
in particular to women's and human rights
organizations, the Convention, the Committee's
general recommendations and the Beijing
Declaration and Platform for Action.