The Committee considered the initial report
of Nepal (CEDAW/C/NPL/1) at its 434th and 439th
meetings, on 15 and 18 June 1999 (see CEDAW/C/SR.434
and 439).
(a) Introduction by the State party
The representative of Nepal informed the Committee
that there was an addendum to the initial report
of Nepal, which highlighted developments since
the submission of the report in May 1997. He
noted that in the past nine years, Nepal had
ratified several international treaties, including
those dealing with human rights. In conformity
with the provisions of those instruments, Nepal
had abolished the death penalty. The Nepal Treaties
Act of 1990 provided that the provisions of
an international treaty to which Nepal was a
party, which was inconsistent with a national
law, should supersede the national law to the
extent of such inconsistency. Several decisions
of the Supreme Court had also determined that
such inconsistencies should be resolved in accordance
with treaties.
The representative informed the Committee that
human rights in Nepal had developed on the basis
of equality. He noted that part three of the
Constitution of Nepal addresses fundamental
human rights. Despite those constitutional provisions,
both de jure and de facto discrimination
still existed in Nepal. Statutes based on traditional
practices and customs that were discriminatory
and inconsistent with the present Constitution
still existed, including the Muluki Ain,
which restricted women from independent use
of their property and inheritance of parental
The representative noted that although women
constituted 9.2 million, or 50.13 per cent of
the total population of 18.5 million, Nepalese
women faced sociocultural and economic discrimination
and there were no female ministers in the present
cabinet of Nepal. He informed the Committee
that Nepal was multi-ethnic, multilingual and
diverse, thus the status of women varied between
ethnic communities. However, the traditional
system of most communities in Nepal was patriarchal.
The representative noted that inequality between
women and men arose because of poverty, illiteracy,
traditional norms and stereotypes nurtured by
the patriarchal system. He informed the Committee
that half of the total population of Nepal still
lived in abject poverty and nearly 90 per cent
lived in rural areas.
The representative drew attention to the eighth
plan of the National Planning Commission and
the provisions of article 11 (2) (3) of the
Constitution, which provided for temporary special
measures so that women-specific targeted development
policies could be adopted in order to integrate
women in the national development programmes
and ensure participation in socio-economic and
political sectors. Some of the programmes established
under the eighth plan include the hiring of
4,150 teachers as well as free education for
females. In the area of health, training programmes
geared towards the improvement of the local
delivery system were organized for maternal
and child health-care workers, female health
volunteers and traditional birth attendants.
Recognizing that 57 per cent of Nepalese women
were engaged in agriculture, the Government
established a Women Farmer's Division within
the Ministry of Agriculture. Women-targeted
income-generating programmes were also set up
in the area of forestry and industry. In the
area of trafficking, the representative noted
that Nepal had established a self-reliance and
rehabilitation programme for victims of trafficking
and vulnerable girls. The victims underwent
a six-month training programme.
The representative noted that despite efforts
to improve the situation of women in Nepal,
challenges remained with regard to policies
and programmes. These included the lack of an
effective monitoring and evaluation system,
a high maternal mortality rate of 53.9 to every
10,000 births. He also noted that the average
life expectancy of Nepalese women was 53.4 years,
while that of the men was 55.9 years. The female
literacy rate in Nepal was about 30 per cent,
compared with 66 per cent for men.
The representative informed the Committee of
Nepal's long-term concept, which dealt with
the creation of a developed society on the basis
of gender equality, women's empowerment and
participation through gender mainstreaming in
all sectors of national development. The ninth
plan, 1997-2002, was directed at gender mainstreaming,
including through the assessment of women's
contribution to household labour within the
national accounting system, development of gender-disaggregated
indicators to measure women's participation
in development and effective coordination between
agencies and bodies engaged in the field of
women's development.
With regard to the elimination of gender inequality,
the representative informed the Committee that
laws and regulations that discriminated between
women and men would be reviewed by a task force
set up under the Ministry of Women and Social
Welfare. The Ministry had formulated a national
plan of action for the empowerment of Nepalese
women. The plan of action was designed to create
awareness among planners, policy makers and
politicians on gender and development issues.
The Ministry would increase the number of women
in Government and public service sectors through
classes organized by the Government and non-governmental
organizations (NGOs).
In reviewing the Beijing Platform for Action,
the Gender Equity and Women's Empowerment National
Work Plan 1997, which addressed the 12 critical
areas of the Platform, was formulated. The representative
informed the Committee that a national fund,
which would provide access to credit for Nepalese
women, would also be established. Concluding
the presentation, the representative noted that
Nepalese women still suffered discrimination,
but Nepal was committed to the goal of eliminating
all forms of discrimination.
(b) Concluding comments of the Committee
The Committee expresses its appreciation to
the Government of Nepal for submitting its initial
report, which follows the guidelines of the
Committee. It also commends the Government on
the addendum to the initial report, which updates
the report and for the oral presentation of
additional information. The Committee notes,
however, that the report does not include sufficient
reliable statistical data disaggregated by sex,
and provides insufficient information relating
to the implementation of a number of articles
in the Convention.
The Committee welcomes the fact that Nepal ratified
the Convention without reservations in 1990
shortly after it established a system of multi-party
The Committee commends the Government of Nepal
for sending a high-level delegation, headed
by the Secretary of Ministry of Law and Justice.
Positive aspects
The Committee commends the efforts made by the
Government of Nepal to enact the new 1990 Constitution,
prohibiting direct and indirect discrimination
based on sex, and establishing an independent
The Committee notes with satisfaction that as
a result of the 1997 Self-Governance Act, approximately
40,000 women are now involved in local government.
The Committee commends the Government for the
Basic Primary Education Programme, launched
in 1992, which is directed at the improvement
of women's and girls' education and contributes
to the advancement of women's social status,
as well as playing a key role in strategies
for poverty alleviation.
The Committee welcomes the creation of the Women
Development Division under the Ministry of Local
Development to, inter alia, execute two
central micro-credit programmes for women and
to implement programmes on income generation
and community development.
The Committee commends the Government of Nepal
for the adoption of the ninth plan which places
women's issues in the mainstream of development.
It also welcomes Nepal's commitments to reviewing
existing legislation and enacting appropriate
laws in accordance with international instruments.
The Committee also commends the national plan
of action for gender equality and the empowerment
of women formulated by the Ministry of Women
and Social Welfare and endorsed by the ninth
The Committee notes with appreciation that many
NGOs play an active role in the implementation
of the Convention.
Factors and difficulties affecting the implementation
of the Convention
The Committee notes that different cultural
practices and traditions and persisting highly
patriarchal values and norms affecting all spheres
of life are impediments to the full implementation
of the Convention.
The Committee notes that terrorist insurgencies
and the frequent governmental changes causing
political instability in the young democracy
of Nepal have also been obstacles to the full
implementation of the Convention.
The Committee considers that the widespread
poverty in rural and remote areas and the gap
between the situation of women in urban areas
and those in rural and remote areas as a major
obstacle to the full implementation of the Convention.
Principal areas of concern and recommendations
The Committee is concerned that the Government
has not taken sufficient action to reflect the
provisions of the Convention in domestic laws,
or to amend prevailing discriminatory laws.
The Committee is also concerned about the interpretation
of discriminatory laws by the Supreme Court
and the Court's view that if any laws do not
conform with culture and tradition, society
will be disrupted.
The Committee recommends that a definition of
discrimination in compliance with article 1
of the Convention be included in the relevant
laws. The Committee also urges the Government
to amend, as a matter of priority, discriminatory
laws on property and inheritance, the laws on
marriage, nationality and birth registration,
the Bonus Act, and discriminatory criminal laws,
including the new law on abortion.
The Committee is concerned at the very low literacy
rate amongst women, especially in rural and
remote areas, and the persistence of both a
quantitative and qualitative gender gap at all
levels of education. It is also concerned that
the Basic Primary Education Programme covers
only a small number of girls and women, and
that illiterate women are systematically barred
from vocational training because of the minimum
educational requirements for entry into vocational
centres. The Committee is also concerned that
school curricula and textbooks convey gender
stereotypes and entrench a vision of male superiority.
The Committee urges the Government to introduce
and implement policies and programmes for free
and compulsory education for all girls at the
primary level; vocational and skill development
training for income generation, especially for
marginalized rural women; and the facilitation
of women's access to non-traditional and non-stereotypical
education. The Committee also recommends that
the Government take concrete measures to increase
the number of women in higher education, in
particular in non-traditional fields. The Committee
also recommends that school curricula and textbooks
be reviewed in order to eliminate gender stereotypes.
The Committee urges the Government to take effective
measures, including incentives, to ensure that
parents comply with the obligation of compulsory
education. It recommends that massive social
awareness campaigns be undertaken to encourage
women's education.
The Committee is concerned that there is a need
to ensure greater gender sensitivity, knowledge
and training in gender-related issues among
groups charged with implementation of policies
and programmes to achieve equality for women.
The Committee urges the Government to launch
gender sensitization and advocacy programmes
aimed at the civil service and opinion leaders,
political decision makers, health professionals
and law enforcement officials so as to ensure
that a clear understanding of the obligations
under the Convention is achieved.
The Committee notes that the report does not
include sufficient reliable statistical data
disaggregated by sex, and provides insufficient
information relating to the implementation of
a number of articles in the Convention.
The Committee recommends that statistical data
disaggregated by sex be included in the next
report and that information be provided with
regard to all articles of the Convention.
The Committee expresses concern at the current
law, which criminalizes abortion, including
in cases of pregnancy through rape or incest.
The Committee considers that the current law
on abortion contributes both to the high maternal
mortality rate in Nepal and the higher number
of women prisoners in that State. It is also
concerned that the proposed amendments to the
current law continue to be restrictive, allowing
abortion only when the mother's health is in
The Committee urges the Government to revise
existing legislation and to reconsider the proposed
amendments so as to provide services for safe
abortions. The Committee recommends that the
Government prioritize prevention of unwanted
pregnancy through family planning services and
sex education. In these efforts, the Committee
suggests that the Government take account of
general recommendation 24 on article 12, "Women
and health".
The Committee is concerned about the high incidence
of prostitution and the increase in trafficking
in women and girls, in particular for the purpose
of prostitution. It expresses concern that girl
children are taken across the border for the
purpose of child marriage.
The Committee urges the Government to take effective
steps to review existing legislative provisions
on prostitution and trafficking in women and
their compatibility with the Convention, and
to ensure their full implementation and compliance.
It also calls upon the Government to initiate
regional and bilateral cooperation, taking into
account subregional, regional and international
agreements and standards on this issue. It urges
the Government to review its criminal code,
to punish persons who procure women for prostitution
or for trafficking, to establish repatriation
and rehabilitation programmes, and to support
services for victims of trafficking.
The Committee is concerned that, although the
Constitution guarantees that political parties
should reserve for women at least 5 per cent
of places on electoral lists of candidates for
elections to the House of Representatives, and
that at least three seats should be reserved
for women in the National Assembly, representation
of women in the National Legislature remains
very low. It is also concerned with the very
low participation of women in government administration.
The Committee recommends that the Government
take appropriate steps, including the introduction
of temporary special measures in accordance
with article 4.1 of the Convention, to ensure
greater participation by women at all levels
of decision-making.
The Committee expresses concern that traditional
customs and practices detrimental to women and
girls, such as child marriage, dowry, polygamy,
deuki (a tradition of dedicating girls
to a god or goddess, who become "temple
prostitutes", which persists, despite the
prohibition of the practice by the Children's
Act) badi (the ethnic practice of forcing
young girls to become prostitutes) and discriminatory
practices that derive from the caste system
are still prevalent.
The Committee recommends that the Government,
in coordination with civil society, including
women's groups and non-governmental organizations,
initiate policies and programmes to eliminate
discriminatory cultural attitudes towards women
and girls. It recommends implementation of an
extensive public awareness campaign in order
to increase the understanding of gender issues
and human rights of women amongst the people
of Nepal.
The Committee is concerned that women are concentrated
in low-skill jobs. It is concerned about both
the gender disparity in wages and the unequal
income distribution caused by the concentration
of the vast majority of women in unpaid family
The Committee urges the Government to adopt
labour legislation prohibiting wage discrimination.
It also recommends that the Government introduce
special measures to encourage women to participate
in all sectors of employment, and develop special
credit facilities for women to enable them to
establish small enterprises and that it introduce
special measures to encourage women to participate
in all sectors of employment.
The Committee notes with concern that there
is little information on the situation of women
in the rural areas, where the majority of the
population lives and where the majority of women
are engaged in the agricultural sector.
The Committee requests the Government to include
in its next report more information and data
on the situation of rural women, as well as
minority women, in particular with respect to
their access to public services.
The Committee requests the Government to respond
to the concerns in these concluding comments
in its next report.
The Committee requests the wide dissemination
in Nepal of the present concluding comments
in order to make the people, and in particular
government administrators and politicians, aware
of the steps that have been taken to ensure
de jure and de facto equality of women,
as well as the further steps that are required
in this regard. It also requests the Government
to continue to disseminate widely, and in particular
to women's and human rights organizations, the
Convention, the Committee's general recommendations,
and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for