The Committee considered the
initial report of South Africa
(CEDAW/C/ZAF/1) at its 387th,
388th and 393rd meetings, on
24 and 29 June 1998 (see CEDAW/C/SR.387,
388 and 393).
Introduction by the State party
The representative of South
Africa indicated that her country
had acceded to the Convention
on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women, without reservations,
on 15 December 1995. The representative
noted that the struggle to improve
the status of women in South
African society paralleled the
country's efforts to reconstruct
a society out of the legacy
of the oppressive apartheid
The representative informed
the Committee that the new constitution
was written in non-sexist and
accessible language and had
been widely disseminated in
11 languages and in Braille.
The constitution guaranteed
equality between men and women
and prohibited discrimination
on the basis of, inter alia,
sex, pregnancy and marital status.
Gender equality and provisions
for affirmative action had also
been constitutionally entrenched.
The representative noted that
shortly after the new Government
took office in 1994, an Office
on the Empowerment of Women
was established within the President's
office to develop a women's
empowerment policy for the new
Government. Following an extensive
consultative review, South Africa
adopted a national machinery
with a multi-pronged approach
to gender mainstreaming and
transforming gender relations.
The Office on the Status of
Women operated within the Office
of the Deputy President and
was mandated to translate government
objectives of gender equality
into meaningful government programmes.
A draft policy on women's empowerment
and gender equality had recently
been completed. The Commission
on Gender Equality was charged
with facilitating the transformation
of gender relations in civil
society through education and
public advocacy. Despite those
advances, the representative
indicated that the national
machinery still required consolidation.
The representative noted that
continuing deep entrenchment
of patriarchy and customary,
cultural and religious practices
contributed to widespread discrimination
against women in South Africa.
She informed the Committee that
violence against women and children
was increasing, including domestic
violence, sexual violence and
sexual harassment, and described
several policy initiatives in
that area.
The representative reported
that only 6 per cent of African
women 20 years and older had
graduated from tertiary education,
while 20 per cent of African
women had not had any formal
education. Unemployment was
higher among women than men
and women were most often self-employed,
with little job security and
lower incomes than those in
the formal wage employment sector.
Consequently, the Government
had passed a number of bills
designed to ameliorate the situation.
The Government had also adopted
temporary special measures in
order to accelerate the equality
between women and men in the
public sector. A 1995 white
paper on the transformation
of the public service had set
a target of 30 per cent for
women among new recruits to
middle and senior management
within the public service. She
noted that although few senior
judges were currently women,
a position paper on the transformation
of the judiciary had recently
been developed. She also indicated
that South African women currently
comprised 40 per cent of the
staff of foreign missions.
The representative stated that
the prevalence of human immunodeficiency
virus/acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (HIV/AIDS) was highest
among heterosexual African women
aged 20 to 24, particularly
those who were poor and otherwise
marginalized, and that health
care was available to pregnant
women and children under age
six at State clinics and hospitals.
She indicated that according
to the Customary Marriage Act,
a woman married under customary
law was deemed to be a minor
under her husband's guardianship,
but that Parliament was considering
repeal of that and other acts
pertaining to married women's
rights under customary law.
The representative concluded
by reiterating the Government's
firm commitment to bringing
its legislation in line with
the Convention as well as to
fully implementing the Convention
and the Beijing Platform for
Action and to providing services
that will improve the quality
of life for women in South Africa.
Concluding comments of the Committee
The Committee commends the Government
of South Africa for ratifying
the Convention, without reservations,
in December 1995. It commends
the Government for the clarity
and frankness of the report
as well as the oral presentation,
and for the extensive replies
to the questions posed by the
The Committee expresses its
appreciation to the Government
of South Africa for its high-level
delegation, headed by the Minister
for Welfare and Population Development,
which also included representatives
of non-governmental organizations.
The report refers to some of
the Committee's general recommendations
and describes programmes put
in place to implement the Beijing
Platform for Action.
Positive aspects
The Committee notes the efforts
undertaken by the Government
at the level of legislation,
policies, programmes and awareness-raising
to redress the effects left
by apartheid on women and to
achieve gender equality. It
recognizes the crucial role
women have played in the country's
transition to a democratic,
multiracial society and their
continuing active participation
in and contribution to the creation
of an enabling environment of
respect for human rights.
The Committee commends the establishment
of national machinery as well
as other bodies for achieving
the goal of gender equality.
It also notes the active partnership
of Government with non-governmental
organizations and the existence
of a vibrant women's movement.
The Committee notes with satisfaction
that while health workers are
not forced to participate in
the provision of legal abortions,
they may not obstruct access
to services for termination
of pregnancy.
and difficulties affecting the
implementation of the Convention
The Committee notes that the
legacy of apartheid for women
includes widespread discrimination
and underdevelopment, and is
visible in areas such as women's
high levels of unemployment,
illiteracy and poverty and in
the violence against women.
The Committee notes that while
the constitution of South Africa
includes an equality clause,
the continuing existence of
conflicts between the constitution
and religious and customary
laws perpetuates practices in
various areas that are discriminatory
to women.
Principal subjects of concern
and the Committee's recommendations
The Committee recommends the
adoption of a definition of
discrimination in the constitution
and other legislation which
reflects the definition contained
in article 1 of the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women.
The definition should be one
which can be easily applied
by courts in cases of discrimination
on the basis of sex.
The Committee expresses concern
that, in spite of the legal
measures put in place, de facto
implementation of such laws
and policies have yet to be
achieved in many areas. It also
notes with concern the continuing
recognition of customary and
religious laws and their adverse
effects on the inheritance and
land rights of women and women's
rights in family relations.
The Committee notes the absence
of a definition of gender discrimination
in the constitution.
The Committee recommends that
the Government complete, as
a matter of priority, the adoption
of legislation as well as ensure
its effective implementation
in order that women's de
jure and de facto equality
will be guaranteed. It also
recommends that a uniform family
code in conformity with the
Convention be prepared in which
unequal inheritance rights,
land rights and polygamy are
addressed, with the aim of abolishing
The Committee is concerned that
the national machinery and the
Commission on Gender Equality
do not have sufficient financial
and human resources.
The Committee encourages the
Government to ensure that the
national machinery as well as
the Commission on Gender Equality
are provided with adequate resources
for entrenching gender equality
firmly at this formative stage
of the country's development
as a democratic, multiracial
The Committee expresses its
concern at the high level of
violence against women, including
the high incidence of rape,
particularly of young girls.
It notes in particular that,
given the persistent overall
high levels of crime and violence
in the country, there is a danger
that efforts to address violence
against women, although identified
as a priority area in the National
Crime Prevention Strategy, may
become submerged in the larger
struggle against violence in
The Committee recommends that
efforts to prevent and combat
violence against women continue
to receive the priority attention
they require, with a view to
ensuring a comprehensive approach.
Steps should be taken, including
through education, awareness-raising
and sensitization of the public,
to deal with stereotypical attitudes
that are amongst the root causes
of violence against women and
to emphasize the unacceptability
of such violence.
The Committee encourages the
Government to reinforce its
existing strong collaboration
with civil society and non-governmental
organizations on violence against
women with budgetary allocations
commensurate with the priority
attached to combating such violence.
The Committee recommends that
the seriousness of rape, including
marital rape, be emphasized
and the law fully enforced.
It also urges the Government
to undertake research into the
causes of the high incidence
of rape so that effective preventive
measures can be developed.
The Committee regrets that insufficient
attention was being devoted
to the problem of trafficking
in women.
The Committee recommends that
both the legal situation and
the reality with regard to trafficking
in women be addressed, and requests
that information on this issue
be contained in South Africa's
next report.
Notwithstanding the implementation
of several temporary special
measures in the political field
and appointments to decision-making
posts, the Committee is concerned
whether such measures have become
The Committee encourages the
Government to continue the use
of temporary special measures,
including quota systems, in
upcoming elections. The Government
is also urged to assess ways
of extending quota systems to
other governmental or governmentally
appointed bodies to increase
women's participation therein.
In that regard, particular attention
should be paid to public bodies
dealing with business and economic
matters to facilitate women's
achievement of decision-making
positions in those fields. The
Government is further urged
to ensure that supportive mechanisms
are in place for beneficiaries
of temporary special measures.
The Committee also suggests
that the Government consider
carefully the advantages and
disadvantages of different electoral
systems for the representation
of women.
Noting that women are under-represented
in the judicial system, the
Committee is concerned that
women have problems gaining
access to high judicial office.
It is concerned that, in the
appointment process, there is
an emphasis on factors which
generally favour male candidates.
The Committee recommends that
special temporary measures,
in accordance with article 4
of the Convention, be used to
address the low number of women
in the judiciary.
The Committee expresses serious
concern at the chronic high
rate of unemployment for women
and the insufficient implementation
of article 11 of the Convention.
Given the large number of self-employed
women and of women domestic/household
workers, the level of their
protection, including through
insurance or social security
schemes, raises grave concerns,
as does the move towards regulated
flexibility in employment legislation.
The Committee urges the Government
to focus, as a matter of priority,
on creating income generating
activities for women. Existing
efforts, including the use of
quotas in job creation schemes,
such as the community-based
public works programme, should
be expanded into areas where
the number of unemployed women
workers is particularly high.
The Committee is concerned about
the uneven distribution of health
care services in the country.
It notes that insufficient data
disaggregated by sex are being
kept on birth rates and in disease
registers. It notes with concern
that the practice of female
genital mutilation has not been
given attention.
The Committee encourages the
Government to continue its efforts
to ensure equal access to health
services throughout the entire
country. It further encourages
the Government to continue its
efforts to ensure women, particularly
poor women, access to family
planning programmes and related
information to increase women's
choices and as a means of empowerment.
It recommends further research
into the prevalence of female
genital mutilation and other
harmful practices, such as witch
burning, and recommends that
the Government ensure the prohibition
and eradication of such practices.
The Committee underlines that
vulnerable groups of women,
especially rural women, require
specific measures to empower
them to overcome the constraints
of poverty, low levels of education
and literacy, high unemployment
and high fertility rates. It
notes the need for rural women's
participation in land reform
The Committee encourages the
Government to implement special
programmes for vulnerable groups
of women in rural areas, including
education and employment. The
national machinery for women
is encouraged to work actively
on matters of land reform policy
and problems of rural women
to ensure their active participation
in those areas.
The Committee requests the wide
dissemination in South Africa
of these concluding comments
in order to make the people
of South Africa, and particularly
government administrators and
politicians, aware of the steps
that have been taken to ensure
de facto equality for women
and further steps that are required
in that regard. It also requests
the Government to continue to
disseminate widely, and in particular
to women's and human rights
organizations, the Convention,
the Committee's general recommendations
and the Beijing Declaration
and the Platform for Action.