Decision 2 (45) on Burundi : Burundi. 16/08/94.
A/49/18,AnnexIII. (Decision)
Convention Abbreviation: CERD
Decisions adopted by the Committee at its forty-fifth sessions
Decision 2 (45). The situation in Burundi
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,
Deeply concerned at the massive violations of human rights and acts of racial discrimination occurring in Burundi, a State party to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which may lead to further deterioration of the current critical situation with genocidal dimensions,
Recalling the measures and procedures outlined in its working paper on the prevention of racial discrimination, including early warning and urgent procedures, a/
Regretting the adverse effects of local mass media reports that foster racial hatred and violence,
Expressing its appreciation for the positive role played by several non-governmental organizations in monitoring developments and undertaking the "International Inquiry into Human Rights Violations in Burundi since 21 October 1993",
Concerned at the recurring large-scale ethnic violence in the area and emphasizing the need for the investigation and prosecution of the perpetrators as a means to restore confidence in the rule of law, thus facilitating the return of the refugees and displaced persons,
Affirming that the victims and their families should be compensated in accordance with article 6 of the Convention,
Confirming the conclusions and recommendations it adopted on Burundi at its forty-fourth session,
Stressing the need for reconciliation, rehabilitation and reconstruction in the interests of the whole population of Burundi,
1. Recommends that the Secretary-General and competent United Nations organs, such as the Security Council, consider urgent measures in cooperation with the Organization of African Unity, with a view to avoiding a new human tragedy in Burundi;
2. Welcomes the establishment by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights of an office of the Centre for Human Rights at Bujumbura;
3. Supports the technical assistance programme for Burundi and invites Governments of States parties to contribute substantially for the success of this programme;
4. Expresses its readiness to cooperate with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the fields of its competence, especially concerning legislative, administrative and judicial reform and the training of government officials and magistrates, and requests him to inform the Committee of relevant developments and of the results of his efforts.
1063rd meeting
16 August 1994