University of Minnesota

Procedural Decisions of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Papua New Guinea, U.N. Doc. A/50/18, para. 25(8) (1995).


Decision 8 (46) on Papua New Guinea : Papua New Guinea. 16/03/95.
A/50/18,para.25(8). (Decision)

Convention Abbreviation: CERD
A. Decisions adopted by the Committee

25. The following decisions were adopted by the Committee under this agenda item at its forty-sixth session.

8 (46). Papua New Guinea

The Committee reiterates its concluding observations, adopted at its 1010th meeting on 19 August 1993 and at its 1060th meeting on 12 August 1994, in which it expressed concern at reports of serious human rights violations in Bougainville, including summary executions and population transfers, as well as possible large-scale mining operations in Bougainville without due regard to the rights of the ethnically distinct population or the adverse effects of environmental degradation.

It notes with appreciation that a process to re-establish peace on the Papua New Guinea island of Bougainville has been initiated and that the "Mirigini Charter" was signed on 25 November 1994. The Committee, however, notes with concern that most leaders of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army and the organization known as the Bougainville Interim Government did not participate in the Bougainville Peace Conference, held in October 1994, which provided the basis for discussions leading to the signing of the "Mirigini Charter".

The Committee urges that in the future all parties participate in the negotiations towards a total cessation of armed conflict and the restoration of peace, which is crucial to the full implementation of human rights without distinction as to race, colour or national or ethnic origin.

The Committee renews its offer to the Government of Papua New Guinea to provide assistance in efforts to strengthen national mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights and in particular for protection against racial discrimination. It calls upon the Government of Papua New Guinea to renew its dialogue with the Committee, in accordance with article 9 of the Convention, and to expedite its periodic reports which were due on 26 February 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993 and 1995, respectively, and which should contain specific information on the situation prevailing on the island of Bougainville. Such information should reach the Committee in time to be considered at its forty-seventh session in August 1995.

1097th meeting
16 March 1995


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