Decision 3 (47) on Papua New Guinea : Papua New Guinea. 16/08/95.
A/50/18,para.26(3). (Decision)
Convention Abbreviation: CERD
A. Decisions adopted by the Committee
26. The following decisions were adopted by the Committee under this agenda
item at its forty-seventh session.
3 (47). The situation in Papua New Guinea
The Committee refers to its concluding observations adopted at its 1010th meeting on 19 August 1993 and at its 1060th meeting on 12 August 1994, together with its decision 8 (46) adopted at its 1097th meeting on 16 March 1995. In decision 8 (46) the Committee reiterated its concerns regarding ongoing human rights violations in Bougainville, welcomed positive developments such as the signing of the "Mirigini Charter", and urged that all sectors of the population be permitted to play a part in programmes for the restoration of a durable peace. The Committee also requested the Government to expedite outstanding periodic reports, due for submission under article 9 of the Convention, in time for their consideration by the Committee at the present session.
The Committee regrets the failure of the government to submit the outstanding reports or to otherwise respond to the request of the Committee to renew a dialogue.
The Committee again calls on the Government to take all necessary steps to halt and redress human rights abuses in Bougainville based on ethnic grounds. In particular, it should undertake confidence-building measures enabling all the people of Bougainville to participate directly in decisions and processes directed towards a peace settlement and the re-establishment of civil society.
The Committee reiterates its request to the Government that it submit without further delay outstanding reports under article 9 of the Convention, preferably in time for their consideration at the forty-eighth session of the Committee in March 1996.
The Committee notes that the information on the human rights situation received by the Secretariat is not sufficient to assess the situation in Bougainville.
The Committee brings the present decision to the attention of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and requests him to take any possible action under his mandate towards its implementation.
1124th meeting
16 August 1995