Decision 7 (46) on Rwanda : Rwanda. 16/03/95.
A/50/18,para.25(7). (Decision)
Convention Abbreviation: CERD
A. Decisions adopted by the Committee
25. The following decisions were adopted by the Committee under this agenda item at its forty-sixth session.
7 (46). Rwanda
The Committee expresses its dismay at the tragic circumstances prevailing in Rwanda and endorses the conclusions of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Rwanda of the Commission on Human Rights (E/CN.4/1995/71, paras. 49-51). It underlines his statement in paragraph 50 that very rapid action is required if the international community is not to be the powerless spectator of a second war and further massacres, and his recommendation 4 (b) about the convening of an international conference. The Committee also underlines the conclusions of the representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced persons (see E/CN.4/1995/50/Add.4) concerning the importance of international action to secure the return of displaced persons.
The Committee decides that this text should be transmitted to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
1097th meeting
16 March 1995