University of Minnesota

Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,
Declaration on the situation of Rwanda (1996).



48TH Session
26 February - 15 March 1996

Declaration on the situation of Rwanda

Recalling its Concluding Observations on Rwanda adopted at its 1039th meeting, on 17 March 1994, and its decision 7 (46) of 16 March, 1995, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination considers that the presence in Rwanda of the United Nations Mission is of capital importance to ensure the restoration of peace and security, the normalization of public institutions, as well as to promote international cooperation in the quest for national conciliation and the restoration of the social fabric.

The existence of a considerable number of detained persons, regardless of their ethnic origin, is also a matter of constant concern for the Committee. The persistence of certain organs of the mass media in Rwanda in inciting ethnic intolerance and distrust is a continuing obstacle to the efforts for peace. To bring this situation to an end, the Committee considers that the United Nations presence is essential.

The current efforts by the international community in Rwanda will not be sufficient to establish lasting peace, reduce the deep-seated causes of instability, and secure a return to democracy and the rule of law, unless structural measures are taken to secure agreement on the form of government acceptable to all people of Rwanda, to guarantee personal security for everybody and to build a democratic society. The Committee recommends the convening of a constitutional conference for that purpose, involving all parties to the conflict. The Committee is ready to assist in the preparation of such a conference in cooperation with other human rights bodies, notably the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The Committee regrets the withdrawl of UNAMIR from Rwanda and believes that the Secretary-General of the United Nations and other U.N. bodies should keep under constant review the situation in Rwanda.


1153rd Meeting

13 March 1996



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