observations of the Committee on the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination
209. The ninth, tenth
and eleventh reports of Morocco, submitted in one document (CERD/C/225/Add.1),
were considered by the Committee at its 1020th and 1021st meetings,
on 4 March 1994 (see CERD/C/SR.1020 and 1021).
210. The report was
introduced by the representative of the State party who pointed
out that his country had presented a core document (HRI/CORE/1/Add.23)
comprising information concerning the territory and the population
of Morocco and the legal framework and national organizations protecting
human rights. He emphasized the recent ratification by Morocco of
the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women. Since the last dialogue between the Committee and
Morocco in 1988, a number of decisions and measures reinforcing
the protection of human rights had been taken.
211. Members of the
Committee thanked the Moroccan delegation for its written report
and core document and for its oral introduction. They noted with
satisfaction that the report contained responses to questions raised
during the examination of the eighth periodic report of Morocco,
although it also contained many matters already dealt with in the
previous report and a number of points needing further explanation.
212. It was noted that
the Moroccan Constitution established the equality of all citizens
before the law and the rights of foreigners in Morocco, that Morocco
had recently set up an advisory council for human rights composed
of representatives of all parties concerned, and that bilateral
and multilateral conventions ratified in the manner prescribed by
the Constitution were incorporated in domestic law and their provisions
could be invoked before Moroccan courts.
213. With regard to
article 2 of the Convention, members of the Committee wished to
know what were the legislative rules ensuring the independence and
impartiality of the judiciary. They emphasized the fact that the
Moroccan nation was historically and constitutionally a single indivisible
whole, but they wondered why censuses and studies carried out by
the authorities employed only socio-economic and not racial, ethnic
or linguistic criteria, which would give a more complete idea of
the composition of the population.
214. With respect to
article 4 of the Convention, members of the Committee expressed
doubts as to the conformity with article 4 of the Convention of
the claim that there was no need to adopt specific measures of a
legislative, administrative or judicial nature to prohibit any act
or encouragement of racial discrimination; they requested further
information on the legislation and regulations existing to "put
a stop to any racist movements that might emerge or to punish any
act of racial discrimination". The Committee noted that the
criminal law penalized the spreading of ideas of racial superiority
or hatred, and provided penalties for those who showed any desire
to assist, encourage or finance such activities, but it was not
said if any case of this kind had occurred, and what the penalties
imposed were. It was asked whether the statement made in paragraph
27 of the report meant that associations or political parties with
ethnic objectives were forbidden. Further information was sought
on the incidence of discrimination against Blacks (whether Moroccans
or of other nationalities), Sahraouis and Berbers, and on the measures
taken to prevent it. The Committee wanted to know what measures
were taken to preserve the Berber culture and if persons of Berber
and Sahraoui origin encountered difficulties in gaining access to
education or employment.
215. With regard to
article 5 of the Convention, it was noted that no practical information
had been supplied on free and equal access of Moroccans and foreigners
to the courts. The members of the Committee sought information on
cases of discrimination before the courts, on allegations of the
arbitrary arrest of Blacks and Sahraouis, and on special detention
centres in which persons could be detained without trial. They also
asked for information concerning the work of the commission established
to review the Moudawana (Code of Personal Law) in the field of the
advancement of the status of women, and concerning the new Labour
Code. Members of the Committee asked whether the Sahraouis could
travel without restraint, and why the Baha'is were refused passports
to leave the country. They wished to know more about the functions
of the advisory council for human rights created in 1990, and whether
it had concluded that racist acts had occurred in Morocco.
216. With respect to
article 6 of the Convention, members of the Committee asked for
practical information relating to the remedies available in cases
of discriminatory acts or practices. They wished to know whether
those remedies and recourses were available to associations and
organizations acting on behalf of victims of such acts.
217. Replying to the
questions raised by members of the Committee, the representative
of the State party stressed the primacy of international law in
his country; the provisions of instruments such as the Convention
could be invoked directly before Moroccan courts, which offered
adequate protection against the offences referred to in article
4 of the Convention. He said that different cultures and societies
had different expectations and definitions of terms and this should
be taken into account when assessing human rights considerations
in Morocco. He also claimed that Islam had always allowed freedom
of worship for the "revealed" religions and that the whole
concept of discrimination was alien to Islam. He recognized that
the wording of paragraph 41 of the report was misleading in that
it spoke of "restoring rights to women", when Moroccan
women had never been deprived of any rights.
218. The mandate of
the Advisory Council was to assist the King in all matters of relevance
to human rights; it was composed of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs,
of the Interior, of Justice and of Islamic Affairs, and representatives
of all political parties, trade unions and non-governmental organizations
dealing with human rights. The Council had set up three working
groups dealing with police custody and custody pending trial, prison
conditions and contacts with non-governmental organizations dealing
with human rights. The Council had no specific mandate concerning
racial discrimination and had as yet received no complaint under
that heading.
219. With respect to
the treatment of foreign residents, the representative said that
Moroccan law offered them the same protection as Moroccans; the
services of a court interpreter were made available if necessary.
He added that Black Moroccans were integrated into Moroccan society
and suffered no discrimination; the only form of hostility to which
they might be exposed was the "day-to-day" antipathy that
might be encountered anywhere among individuals. Concerning languages
spoken in Morocco, the representative said that since the eighth
century all Moroccans had shared the same language, Arabic, though
other languages such as Berber and Spanish were spoken. In addition
to Arabic, French was compulsory in school from a certain level.
Schools were attended by students of Arab and Berber origin alike.
220. With respect to
the information sought on special detention centres, the representative
said that the Government of Morocco cooperated with non-governmental
organizations, which played a very useful part in denouncing human
rights violations, but he strongly denied the allegations of disappearances
of Sahraouis. In 1991, some 270 of those reported to have disappeared,
who had in fact been held under house arrest, had been released.
Baha'ism was regarded as a heresy and as a danger to Islam, although
it might be practised in private. Baha'i propaganda was prohibited.
Non-monotheistic religions might also be practised if this did not
disturb public order.
221. The Committee thanked
the representative for his informative remarks, but noted that article
4 of the Convention was not being implemented in the manner required.
Concluding observations
222. At its 1038th meeting,
on 17 March 1994, the Committee adopted the following concluding
(a) Introduction
223. It is noted with
satisfaction that the report of the State party was prepared in
accordance with the Committee's guidelines for the preparation of
State party reports (CERD/C/70/Rev.3) and appreciation is expressed
to the State party's delegation for the additional information that
it provided to the Committee. It is also noted with satisfaction
that Morocco has submitted a core document (HRI/CORE/1/Add.23) containing
useful information of a general character and that the report under
consideration contains replies of the Government to the comments
made by the Committee on the eighth periodic report of Morocco,
which was considered in 1988. It is regretted, however, that the
ninth and tenth periodic reports were not submitted on time and
that the combined report under consideration covers a period of
almost six years. It is also noted that the report did not provide
concrete information on the implementation of the Convention in
practice and therefore did not fully comply with the State party's
obligations under article 9 of the Convention.
(b) Positive aspects
224. The legislative
and administrative measures adopted by the Government of Morocco
with a view to enhancing the protection of human rights in general
and eliminating racial discrimination in all its forms are welcomed.
It is noted with satisfaction that all international human rights
treaties ratified by Morocco, including the International Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, have been
incorporated into domestic law and that their provisions are directly
applicable and may be invoked before Moroccan courts. It is also
noted with satisfaction that the Advisory Council for Human Rights
has recently been set up in order to advise on human rights-related
(c) Principal subjects
of concern
225. It is regretted
that the report does not contain information on the demographic
composition of the Moroccan population and attention is called in
this regard to paragraph 8 of the guidelines.
226. Concern is expressed
once again that the State party has not implemented the provisions
contained in article 4 of the Convention, which call for the adoption
of specific penal legislation. In that connection, it is recalled
that where the criminal law contains specific provisions covering
racist acts, a State is better placed to deal with such phenomena.
227. It is regretted
that insufficient information was provided on the implementation
of articles 5 and 6 of the Convention, in particular information
on the number of complaints of racial discrimination, the situation
of the rural population, and information on the protection of the
right, without discrimination, to freedom of thought, conscience
and religion.
(d) Suggestions and
228. The Committee wishes
the Government of Morocco to provide, in its next report, information
on the ethnic composition of the Moroccan population, in the light
of paragraph 8 of the guidelines.
229. The Committee strongly
recommends that the State party comply fully with the obligations
under article 4 of the Convention and that necessary legislative
measures be taken in order to give effect to the provisions of that
230. The Committee draws
the State party's attention to the periodicity of reporting established
by the Convention and urges the State party to comply with it. The
twelfth periodic report, due on 17 January 1994, could be of an
updating character, containing responses to these questions and
comments of the members of the Committee at the forty-fourth session.
231. The Committee draws
the attention of the State party to the amendment to article 8,
paragraph 6, of the Convention, which was approved by the fifteenth
meeting of States parties and by the General Assembly in its resolution
47/111, and encourages the State party to expedite its action formally
to accept that amendment.