Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
21. In its decision 1 (42), the Committee had expressed its grave concern over the ongoing ethnic conflict taking place in the territory of the former Yugoslavia and had requested the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), as well as other successor Governments, to submit by 31 July 1993 additional information on the implementation of the Convention in its territory. The information received (see CERD/C/248) from the Government of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) was considered by the Committee at its 1003th to 1006th meetings, during its forty-third session, on 13 and 16 August 1993 (see CERD/C/SR.1003-1006). During that consideration, the representative of the State party declared his Government's willingness to fulfil its obligations under the Convention and to cooperate with the Committee, as well as other international bodies, in the search for constructive solutions (see A/48/18, para. 529).
22. Taking into account that willingness expressed by the Government during the consideration of the matter and the need to promote a dialogue between the Albanians in Kosovo and the Government, the Committee, in its concluding observations, offered its good offices in the form of a mission of its members. The purpose of the mission would be to help promote a dialogue for the peaceful solution of issues concerning respect for human rights in Kosovo, in particular the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination and, whenever possible, to help the parties concerned to arrive at such a solution (see A/48/18, para. 546). The Committee had requested the State party to respond by 1 October 1993 if it wished to accept that offer. The response was subsequently received and a mission consisting of three Committee members (Mr. Hamzat Ahmadu, Mr. Yuri Rechetov and Mr. RĂ¼diger Wolfrum) visited the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) from 30 November to 3 December 1993.
23. During its visit, the good offices mission met with authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), and the Republic of Serbia, the Serbian authorities in Kosovo and representatives of the ethnic Albanians of Kosovo. The mission had no difficulty in establishing contacts and expressed appreciation for the close cooperation of all the authorities and individuals contacted as well as the very frank and open nature of the exchange of views. The members of the mission felt that there was a need for its continuation since during the visit they had received positive indications that the mission might be able to accomplish the task with which it was entrusted.
24. At its forty-fourth session, the Committee considered, in private meetings, the interim report of the good offices mission. As a result of that consideration, the Committee requested its chairman to address a letter to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia expressing the Committee's appreciation to the Government for the cooperation and assistance extended to the good offices mission and proposing, inter alia, that a number of specific steps, particularly in the fields of education and health care, be taken with a view to normalizing the situation in Kosovo. The Committee also outlined possible conditions for bringing together in a future meeting in Serbia a group of representatives of the provincial, republican and federal authorities and representatives of ethnic Albanians from Kosovo with members of the good offices mission.
25. At its forty-fifth session, the Committee considered, in private meetings, the response received from the Minister for Foreign Affairs, which drew attention to the decision adopted at the Fifteenth meeting of States parties to the Convention, on 17 January 1994, excluding the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) from participating in that meeting. As a result of the discussions, the Committee requested that its chairman communicate to the Minister for Foreign Affairs its wish that cooperation of the State party with the good offices mission be continued, as agreed upon by the Committee at its forty-fourth session. The Committee also reiterated its request, contained in the concluding observations adopted by the Committee at its forty-third session (see A/48/18, para. 547), that the State party provide it with further information on measures taken to implement the Convention.