Barker, Dan (1992). Maybe Right, Maybe Wrong: A Guide for Young Thinkers. New York: Prometheus Books. ISBN 0-87975-731-0. Prometheus Books, 59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, New York 14228-2197, tel 716-691-0133, fax 716-691-0137.
The book for 8- to 12-year-olds aims to give children information and so equips them for critical thought by teaching important humanitarian ideas. It discusses learning right from wrong, stressing such aspects as the difference between rules and principles and the importance of an individuals rights. Simple language and illustrations make this book accessible to older children.
Branson, B., Margaret Stimmann, and Judith Torney Purta, eds. (1982). International Human Rights, Society, and the School. Washington, DC: National Council for the Social Studies Bulletin No. 68. $7.25. ISBN 0-87986-044-8. National Council for the Social Studies, 3501 Newark Street NW, Washington, DC 20016.
Important issues, concepts, and research related to international human rights are discussed, and instructional guidelines and creative teaching strategies are preented in this resource for K-12 and college social studies/social science teachers. The bulletin consists of an introduction and seven chapters. Also listed are significant events and documents in international human rights and the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Center for Human Rights, United Nations, Geneva (1987-1993). Human Rights: Human Rights Fact Sheets Nos. 1-16. New York: Department of Public Information. United Nations, New York, NY 10017.
The series treats particular issues and problems in human rights. Excellent for teacher background and for short readings for senior high school.
Center for Human Rights, United Nations, Geneva (1989). ABCs of Teaching Human Rights: Practical Activities for Primary and Secondary Schools. New York: Center for Human Rights, United Nations, Sales Section, New York, NY 10017, tel 800-253-9646.
The booklet aims at fostering awareness and comprehension of human rights by providing basic information about rights and respect for self and others, within the context of the Universal Declaration of Rights. Activities for children of all age groups are outlined; those for younger children focus on nurturing their sense of self-worth and respect for others. The exercises for older children deal with current issues and promote a greater understanding of the issues. While part of the text contains traditional instructional materials about human rights, the central theme of the book is for children to experience human rights through various activities. Emphasis is on role playing for older children, while activities for the younger ones are more exploratory in nature.
Collins, H. Thomas, and Fred Czarra (1986), revised (1991). Global Primer: Skills for a Changing World. Denver: Center for Teaching International Relations Publications. $27. ISBN 0-943804-60-4. Center for Teaching International Relations, University of Denver, 2201 South Gaylord St., Denver, CO 80208, tel 303-871-3106, fax 303-871-2906.
Supplementary teaching activities for primary schools to help prepare children to live in a global world. The material demonstrates our global interdependence and helps the children realize that they are part of a larger community.
Comhlamh (1992). Teaching Human Rights. N. Ireland: Comhlamh. 1 pound. Comhlamh, 61 Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2, Ireland, tel 353-1-783490, fax 353-1-783738.
The packet contains an explanatory/resource sheet and four participant sheets, covering the topics of food, discrimination, censorship, and disappearances. Each unit looks at the relevant UN articles and current realities, a situation in Ireland, and a case study from outside Ireland. The packet aims to promote human rights education, to help people connect their own lives with those of people around the world, and to discuss the relationship between development and human rights. Other planned units include refugees, shelter, and inequalities confronting women.
Commission de Protection des Droits de la Jeunesse (1990). You Do Have Rights = Tu as des Droits. Montreal, Quebec: Commission de Protection des Droits de la Jeunesse. ISBN 2-550-20721-1. Commission de Protection des Droits de la Jeunesse, 505 Rene-Levesque Boulevard W, 12th Floor, Montreal, Quebec, H2Z 1Y7, Canada, tel 514-873-5435.
A booklet explaining the rights of Canadian young persons under the Youth Protection Act and the Young Offenders Act. The booklet focuses on the rights of youth under four section headings: "The Government and You," "Your Right to Privacy," "In a Reception Centre," and "Things May Change," dealing with the rights to reviews and appeals. A description of the Commission de Protection des Droits d la Jeunesse and a list of its offices are included.
Council of Europe (1992). The Human Rights Album. France: Council of Europe. ISBN 92-871-2095-1. Council of Europe, Palais de lEurope, B.P. 431 R6, 67006 Strasbourg, France.
The booklet briefly explains the 21 articles of the European Convention on Human Rights and its Protocols with the help of 11 illustrations. It also very briefly informs the reader about the essential aspects of the European Council.
Ferguson, Henry, ed. (1981). Handbook on Human Rights and Citizenship: Perspectives of Five Nations. Albany: New York State Education Department.
The handbook was designed to help students learn the cultural contexts in which human rights are variously defined. It provides a comparative study of five nations, selected for their geographic and cultural scope, as a unique way to study human rights. The study presents activities and strategies for establishing class objectives and for examining the definition of human rights. It contains 90 readings from five countries and international documents, which broaden the knowledge and understanding of human rights such as the Helsinki Agreement. Activities are included for different grade levels. An attitudinal questionnaire is included for students to assess the effect of the unit.
Freire, Paulo (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Seabury Press.
In the course of his studies in the philosophy of education and travels in the Third World, the author evolved a theory for the education of illiterates based on the conviction that every human being, no matter how "ignorant" or submerged in the "culture of silence," is capable of looking critically at his/her world in a dialogical encounter with others. The book discusses a justification for a pedagogy of the oppressed, criticizes the "banking" concept of education as an instrument of oppression, describes the essence of education as the practice of freedom, and puts forth a theory of cultural action.
Global Education Associates (Winter/Spring 1989). Special Issues on Human Rights. New York: Global Education Associates, 45 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115.
An excellent short introduction to human rights, history, standards issues, and controversies. It is highly recommended as an essential handbook for teachers and is usable as a text for senior high school and up.
Gottlieb, Stephen S. (1991). A High School Students Bill of Rights. Teaching Resources in the ERIC Database (TRIED) Series. Bloomington: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills. $9.95. ISBN 0927516225. ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, Indiana University, 2805 E. 10th St., Suite 150, Bloomington, IN 474082698.
Designed to tap the rich collection of instructional techniques in the ERIC database, this compilation of lesson plans focuses on teaching high school students their constitutional rights and responsibilities. The 40 lesson plans cover the courts and basic rights, the rights of criminal suspects, the rights of minors and education law, and individual freedom at school and in the working world. The book includes an activities chart that indicates the focus and types of activities (such as class discussion, creative writing, critical reading, role playing, group activities, etc.) found in the various lessons. The United States Bill of Rights, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are attached.
Heater, Derek (1984). Human Rights Education in Schools: Concepts, Attitudes and Skills. Strasbourg, France: Council for Cultural Cooperation.
The first two chapters of this tudy concern the neglect of human rights education in the schools and problems associated with this neglect and objectives of human rights education. Other chapters discuss major concepts in human rights, values, attitudes, and intellectual and action skills that should be fostered. The conclusion stresses the need for the continuation of eighteenth century enlightenment goals of toleration, justice, and humanity.
Hoffman, Dorothy, and Mary Eileen Sorenson (1991). The United Nations: A Right to Rights. Educating for Peace Project, United Nations Association of America & United Nations Association of Minnesota. $6.95.
General introduction to the United Nations work in the area of human rights. Contains specific lessons on how the international standards are developed and applied.
Hudson, Dale (1992). New Tools for International Understanding: A Peace Education Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary School Student. Global Educators Marketplace, P.O. Box 165, Kapaau, HI 96755.
Although not human rights curricula as such, this is an excellent collection of learning activities based on the core value of the universality of human dignity, "The Oneness of Humankind." It comprises lessons that make a fine introduction to constructive human relations and positive peace.
Lister, Ian (1984). Teaching and Learning about Human Rights. Strasbourg, France: School of Education Division. Free. School of Education Division, Council of Europe, 67006 Strasbourg Cedex, France.
Discusses what a human rights course should consist of, i.e., the objectives, course content, teaching methods, and evaluation techniques. Human rights education must foster attitudes of tolerance and respect, provide knowledge about human rights, and develop students awareness of how to translate human rights into social and political reality. A bibliography of further reading concludes the publication.
Reardon, Betty A. (forthcoming). Educating for Human Dignity. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Order Center, P.O. Box 4836, Hampden Station, Baltimore, MD 21211, tel 800-445-9880.
Drawing on her many years as a peace educator, Betty Reardon has compiled a sampler of excellent lessons for teaching human rights and dignity. Hers is the only book that takes a developmental approach to the subject, with each chapter discussing the social and developmental purposes for teaching human rights at a particular age level; the activities that follow model those suggestions. The authors of the individual lessons provide a rich variety of styles and creative ideas. One chapter offers lists of resource agencies and curriculum materials.
Selby, David (1988). Human Rights. Cambridge: Press Syndicate. ISBN 0-521-27419-2. Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP, United Kingdom.
The book gives a clear introduction to human rights. It begins by looking at what actually are human rights, international covenants, and different viewpoints from east-west and north-south. Case studies from Latin America, the Soviet Union, East Timor, and the West are examined. The defense of human rights is discussed from the level of UN involvement to international and local pressure groups. Many photographs, cartoons, maps, and diagrams are used. Some questions are included alongside the text.
Starkey, Hugh, ed. (1991). The Challenge of Human Rights Education. London: Villiers House. $24.95. Villiers House, 41/47 Strand, London WC2N 5JE, United Kingdom: Council of Europe, Cassell Educational Limited.
As one of its major purposes, the Council of Erope strives to "uphold the principles of parliamentary democracy and human rights." Published by the council, this compilation of essays provides a comprehensive overview available on teaching human rights. Its approach as well as its authorship is international. Most chapters focus on what and how to teach in different levels and institutional settings, as well as on specific issues such as multiculturalism, womens rights, and global studies. Many essays contain suggestions for classroom activities. Also included is the text of the Councils Recommendations on Teaching and Learning Human Rights and an insightful discussion on its implementation.
Tanikawa, Shuntaro (1991). The Illustrated Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Tokyo: AI Japanese Section. Y2500. ISBN 4-323-01260-8. Amnesty International Japanese Section, Daisan-Sanbu Building 2F/3F, 2-3-22 Nishu-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169, Japan, tel 81-3-3203 1050, fax 81-3-3232 6775.
Illustrated childrens book on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Based on the original animated film produced by AI United States.
Tarrow, Norma Bernstein, ed. (1987). Human Rights and Education. Oxford: Pergamon Press. ISBN 0-08-033887-9.
The book brings together the work of leading educators and reflects a conviction that education is not only encompassed within the concept of human rights, but that it is the ultimate sanction and guarantee of others. It is responsible for informing people of their responsibilities and their rights and should build public awareness that oppressive laws and inappropriate traditions may be reformed.
Totten, Samuel, and Milton Kleg (1989). Human Rights. Hillside, NJ: Enslow Publishers. ISBN 0894901567.
The well-documented survey tells the history of human rights from ancient Greece and China to the present day. Offering interviews and eyewitness accounts that vividly show what effect the denial of human rights has upon peoples everyday lives, the book discusses such topics as racism, genocide, discrimination, torture, hunger, and political prisoners. The book emphasizes that all people have not only the right to live by their own beliefs with respect and dignity, and without fear and repression, but also the responsibility to protect these rights. To this end, the book offers specific suggestions on how readers can actively work to protect human rights.
UNESCO (1982). Human Rights Teaching. Vol. III. France: UNESCO, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris, France.
Deals with single issues providing useful substance for teaching.
United Nations (1983). World Concerns and the United Nations: Model Teaching Units for Primary, Secondary and Teacher Education. New York: United Nations Publishing Office, United Nations, New York, NY 10017.
Part of the UN Fellowship Program for Educators and the UNESCO Associated Schools Project, these units contain materials on a variety of global issues relevant to human rights.
United Nations (1992). Human Rights Teaching Curriculum for Cambodians. New York: United Nations Public Inquiries Department of Information, New York, NY 10017.
The manual comprises three different courses: A and B level courses are intended for primary education, C level is for seondary education and the general adult population. Each course consists of 12 lessons lasting 45 minutes (A level), one hour (B level) or two hours (C level). Each lesson uses various methods such as case studies, discussion, narratives, or role plays. In addition, it includes "cultural information" on common features between human rights education and the teaching of Buddhism. Even though the curriculum is originally designed for Cambodians, it can be mod-ified for formal and informal teaching in other Asian countries.
United Nations (1993). Teaching About the UN: Human Rights. New York: United Nations Publications. $29.95. United Nations Publications, Room DC2-0853, New York, NY 10017, tel 800-253-9646, fax 212-963-3489.
The video and book set focuses on the plight of abused children throughout the world and the United Nations effort to create universal standards of fairness and decency through the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Students will appreciate the vulnerability of the young by witnessing abusive labor practices, military conscription, and homelessness. They will learn to define and promote the rights of the individual, both in their own community and the world.
United Nations Association of the United States of America (1992). Basic Facts About the United Nations. New York: United Nations Publications. United Nations, New York, NY 10017, tel 800-253-9646.
This book contains a general introduction to the role and function of the United Nations and related agencies, highlighting and outlining main objectives and achievements. Also included in the text are the charter and statutes of the International Code of Justice.
Whalen, Lucille (1990). Human Rights: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO Inc. $39.50. ABC-CLIO Inc., P.O. Box 1911, Santa Barbara, CA 93116-1911, tel 800-422-2546.
The handbook offers a history of human rights in the twentieth century, biographical sketches of human rights heroes, and thoroughly annotated listings of human rights organizations, books, periodicals, and films, as well as electronic information sources such as computer networks and databases. The final section provides the texts of the most significant international human rights instruments, excluding, however, the Conventions on the Rights of the Child and the Womens Convention, which were ratified after the handbooks publication date.
Wolf-Wasserman, Miriam, and Linda Hutchinson (1978). Teaching Human Dignity: Social Change Lessons for Every Teacher. Education Exploration Center, P.O. Box 7339, Powderhorn Station, Minneapolis, MN 55407.
Stories, poems, comments, and reflections on issues of social change dealing with racism, ethnic studies, womens studies, minorities, and colonialism. Other paradigms such as art, music, drama, math, science, and the media are used to illustrate the theme of social change.
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