The Committee considered the third periodic report
of Colombia on articles 1 to 15 of the Covenant
(E/1994/104/Add.2) at its 32nd, 33rd and 35th meetings
on 21 and 22 November 1995 and, at its 54th meeting
on 6 December 1995, adopted the following concuding
A. Introduction
The Committee welcomes the periodic report submitted
by Colombia, which largely complies with the guidelines
for the preparation of reports. The written responses
to the list of issues submitted to the Government,
as well as the report of the Defensoría del Pueblo
de Colombia (Ombudsman), were also informative
and helpful to the Committee. The competence and
frankness of the Government's representatives, as
well as their willingness to respond to all the
questions put by members of the Committee, were
also appreciated. Lastly, the Committee welcomes
the information provided by non-governmental organizations,
as well as the stated willingness of the Government
to continue the dialogue with them.
B. Positive aspects
The Committee notes with satisfaction the status
of international human rights instruments in domestic
law, the human rights provisions contained in the
1991 Constitution and the extensive programme of
legislative reform aimed at improving respect for
human rights and ensuring effective procedures of
redress for violations of fundamental rights. It
also takes note of the intention of the Government
to ratify the Additional Protocol to the American
Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights (Protocol of San Salvador).
The Committee welcomes the establishment of the
Office for Human Rights and of the Defensoría
del Pueblo (Ombudsman) as well as the commission
mandated to follow up the international recommendations
addressed to the Government of Colombia, and hopes
that, in its next report, the Government will provide
a detailed account of the activities and progress
made by those bodies, as well as of the role played
by the tutela mechanism established by the
1991 Constitution for the protection of economic,
social and cultural rights.
The Committee takes note of the adoption of the
Development Plan for the period 1994-1998 - the
"Social Leap" - and acknowledges the efforts
made by the Government to respond to the acute social
problems affecting the country. Although aware of
the persistence of these problems, it commends the
Government's programmes to improve the social welfare
system, enhance access to education, promote the
rights of indigenous peoples and improve care for
the homeless, particularly street children.
The Committee welcomes the Government's determination
to respond to the problem of violence against women
by reviewing relevant provisions of the criminal
law and by improving its programmes on behalf of
women. It also notes with satisfaction that Colombia
intends shortly to ratify the 1994 Inter-American
Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication
of Violence against Women (Convention of Belém do
C. Factors and difficulties impeding the implementation
of the Covenant
The Committee notes with concern the persistence
of a climate of wide-scale violence in Colombia,
especially in the Uraba region. This factor seriously
destabilizes the country and impedes the Government's
efforts to ensure to all the full enjoyment of economic,
social and cultural rights. The Committee notes
that such violence is in part brought about by serious
inequalities in society, such as enormous disparities
in the distribution of national wealth, including
land ownership.
The Committee notes that the frequent recourse to
the establishment of a state of emergency has adverse
repercussions on the enjoyment of economic, social
and cultural rights in Colombia.
D. Principal subjects of concern
The Committee is seriously concerned about the persistence
of a high level of poverty affecting the majority
of the country's inhabitants. In particular, the
Committee notes with concern that Colombia's infant
mortality rate is one of the highest in South America.
While recognizing the Government's efforts to redress
the situation, the Committee emphasizes that it
is anomalous that such levels of poverty should
persist in a country with a steadily expanding economy.
The Committee expresses its concern at the disappointing
results achieved by most programmes to combat poverty
and improve living conditions, especially since
funds allocated in the budget for social expenditures
have not been fully used for that purpose.
The Committee emphasizes the considerable importance
of the problem of displaced persons, estimated at
approximately 600,000. Hundreds of thousands of
peasants have been uprooted and forced to migrate
to the cities, where they swell the numbers of slum
dwellers and are in effect unable to satisfy their
most basic requirements. The primary reason for
these displacements is the high level of violence
in certain regions of the country.
The Committee stresses its concern at the existence
of a high number of abandoned children, or street
children, deprived of all their rights (family environment,
education, health, housing, etc.). The Committee
is concerned by the fact that the "Community
Mothers Programme" designed to help the children
is insufficiently funded, bearing in mind the important
social work accomplished by these women, without
appropriate training and work conditions.
The Committee is concerned that the Government's
action is not sufficiently energetic to eradicate
the odious practice of so-called "social cleansing",
by which some criminal groups threaten and kill
persons whom they consider disposable, including
The Committee is concerned to note that the rule
of law appears to have completely broken down in
the Uraba region, and in particular that the State
no longer ensures the provision for the community
of the most basic social, educational and health
The Committee expresses concern about the extensive
discrimination against women. For example, it is
noted that the wages of women are on average 30
per cent lower than those of men.
The Committee notes with concern the drop in the
real value of wages. According to a report of the
Defensoría del Pueblo, in March 1995, 23.8
per cent of the active population, in the seven
principal towns of the country, received the minimum
legal wage (approximately US$ 135) and 64.2 per
cent received less than twice the minimum legal
wage. Thus some 75 per cent of workers cannot afford
to fill the "family basket", which costs
two and a half times the minimum legal wage.
The Committee is seriously concerned about the violation
of the right of many workers to form and join trade
unions and to participate in collective bargaining
and strike action. The Committee considers that
the restrictions placed by law on the right to strike
are far too extensive and cannot be justified by
reasons of national security or public order. It
regrets that the present tripartite commission for
trade union development does not have a mandate
to consider these grave matters.
The Committee is concerned at the high rate of child
labour, particularly in arduous and unhealthy occupations
(such as brick making and mining), and at the insufficient
action taken by the Government to combat this practice.
The Committee notes that the implementation and
monitoring of health and safety measures in the
workplace have not reached the desirable level,
due, inter alia, to the insufficient number
of labour inspectors.
The Committee notes with concern that there is a
considerable shortfall in housing, amounting to
3.7 million units, and that many inhabitants live
in precarious conditions in housing which does not
correspond to the definition of adequate housing
under article 11 of the Covenant and as detailed
by the Committee.
The Committee notes that, despite a series of governmental
initiatives, effective access to education is limited
in Colombia. The Committee is particularly concerned
that universal primary education, as provided for
in the Covenant, is not yet attained. It is also
concerned about the decline in the quality of secondary
education and about the work situation of teachers.
E. Suggestions and recommendations
The Committee recommends that the Government, through
its economic development programmes and a modification
of the tax and fiscal system, now under consideration,
address the problem of the inequitable distribution
of wealth, with the object of effectively combatting
the poverty that characterizes the country. The
Committee also recommends concerted efforts to improve
the efficiency of Colombia's economic and social
development programmes.
The Committee recommends that the Government continue
to give priority to efforts to relieve the plight
of indigenous communities, displaced persons, the
homeless, and other persons living on the margins
of society. The Committee urges the Government to
ensure that these persons' most basic needs are
addressed, irrespective of any long-term strategy.
The Committee is of the view that the phenomenon
of so-called "social cleansing" has not
been eradicated and it recommends the utmost vigilance
in this regard, in particular the punishment of
the perpetrators of such crimes. The Committee also
recommends that the root causes of this phenomenon
be addressed with all means available to the Government.
The Committee urges that greater attention be given
to the problem of discrimination against women and
that programmes be implemented for the eradication
of inequalities between men and women. Such programmes
should, at the same time, aim to raise public awareness
and interest in the economic, social and cultural
rights of women.
The Committee recommends that the Colombian Government
adopt all necessary measures to harmonize in practice
its legislation on trade union freedom and collective
bargaining with its international obligations in
this regard.
The Committee also recommends that the Government
take all necessary steps to ensure for all the right
to free primary education. It further recommends
that the Government take measures to improve the
quality of secondary education and the material
conditions of teaching staff.
The Committee recommends that human rights education
be provided at all education levels, particularly
in primary education, and also in the training of
police officers, members of security and armed forces,
magistrates and judges.
The Committee also considers that the Colombian
Government should:
(a) improve the training of "community mothers"
and regularize their work situation, treating them
for all purposes as workers in the employ of a third
(b) combat the practice of non-utilization of budget
items earmarked for social expenditure in the State's
overall budget and ensure that such appropriations
are used for the purposes for which they were budgeted;
(c) improve the supply of housing, especially low-cost
housing for the benefit of the poorest sectors,
in urban areas and also in rural areas, and allocate
resources to provide the entire population with
drinking-water and sewerage services.
The Committee considers that it would be desirable
to improve the system of social statistics collection
based on relevant indicators, to ensure that the
Government and all institutions concerned can objectively
assess the problems and progress made in the area
of economic, social and cultural rights.
The Committee recommends that Colombia make the
best possible use of the technical assistance available
to it from the United Nations Centre for Human Rights
in cooperation with United Nations bodies and the
appropriate specialized agencies, with a view to
promoting the enjoyment and protection of economic,
social and cultural rights for all.