The Committee considered the second periodic report of Belgium
(CCPR/C/57/Add.3) at its 1142th and 1143rd meetings, held on
7 April 1992, and adopted (at the 1148th meeting, held on 10
April 1992) the following comments:
A. Introduction
The Committee commends the State party on its excellent report
which contains detailed information on law and practice relating
to the implementation of the Covenant's provisions subsequent
to the consideration of the initial report. The Committee appreciates
the comprehensiveness of the report which is in conformity with
the Committee's guidelines. In particular, the Committee is
grateful for both the oral and written responses provided by
the State party representative. The Committee also appreciates
the high competence of the delegation and considers that the
dialogue with the State party was fruitful and constructive.
B. Positive aspects
The Committee notes with satisfaction the changes in law and
in practice during the period under review, in particular, the
several decisions of the Court of Cassation affirming the applicability
of certain provisions of the Covenant; the law on economic reorientation
prohibiting any discrimination based on sex; the law abolishing
all discrimination between children born in and out of wedlock;
the draft law permitting immediate communication between the
accused and his lawyer; the bill proposing to abolish the death
penalty; and the planned accession to the Second Optional Protocol
to the Covenant.
C. Factors and difficulties impeding the application of the
The Committee notes some of the major difficulties experienced
by Belgium; such as, the centrifugal character of Belgian federalism,
the bipolar nature of the legal system, and the language differences
among the population. The complexity of the Belgian legal framework
seems to have impeded a direct reference to the Covenant to
a certain extent.
D. Principal subjects of concern
Although noting the direct applicability of several provisions
of the Covenant which form part of Belgian domestic law, the
Committee is concerned about the difference between civil rights
enjoyed by citizens and those enjoyed by aliens, which may lead
to discrimination against aliens. Other areas of concern include
the scope of interpretation given to article 6 of the Covenant;
the adequacy of monitoring pre-trial detention as well as the
impartiality of the authorities who examine those arrested;
the adequacy of remedies for wrongful detention; the adequacy
of information on freedom of expression especially in relation
to television broadcasting; and arrangements as to freedom of
assembly in open air.
E. Suggestions and Recommendations
The Committee recommends to the State party more adequately
to reflect in internal administrative practice the provisions
of the Covenant which are not reflected in the European Convention
for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
(e.g. arts. 25, 26 and 27); and to ensure that the laws regarding
restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly are compatible
with those provided for in the Covenant. The Committee also
recommends that the State party further improve the effectiveness
of the protection granted to minority rights at the communal
level. The Committee further recommends that the State party
reconsider its reservations so as to withdraw as many as possible.