Human Rights Committee
Eighty- sixth session
New York, 13-31 March 2006
Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article 40 of the
CovenantConcluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)
1. The Human Rights Committee considered the second periodic report of the Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) (CCPR/C/HKG/2005/2) at its 2350th and
2351st meetings (CCPR/C/SR.2350-2351), on 20 and 21 March 2006. This report is the
second submitted by the People’s Republic of China after the return of the HKSAR to
Chinese sovereignty on 1 July 1997. The Committee adopted the following concluding
observations at its 2364th and 2365th meetings (CCPR/C/SR.2364), on 30 March 2006.
A. Introduction
2. The Committee welcomes the submission of HKSAR’s second periodic report, which
was elaborated in conformity with the reporting guidelines, and the constructive dialogue
with the delegation who provided comprehensive replies to the written and oral questions
formulated by the Committee. The Committee welcomes also the wide publicity given to
the report, the list of issues and its previous concluding observations. The Committee
appreciates the process of consultations undertaken by the HKSAR for the preparation of
the report, which included cons ultations with civil society.
International covenant
on civil and
political rights
21 April 2006
Original: ENGLISH
B. Positive aspects
3. The Committee welcomes initiatives taken to respond to the needs of minority
communities, such as the establishment of the Ethnic Minorities Forum and the provision
of funding for community level projects. It also welcomes the public education efforts
carried out to foster a culture of mutual understanding and respect among people of
different races.
4. The Committee notes with appreciation the initiatives undertaken to promote non -
discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation.
5. The Committee welcomes the putting in place, following a judgement of the Court of
Final Appeal, of administrative procedures for the assessment of claims of torture made by
persons facing deportation.
6. The Committee welcomes the withdrawal of the National Security (Legislative
Provisions) Bill introduced in 2003 under article 23 of the Basic Law, in view of the
serious concerns which the Bill raised regarding the protection of rights under the
7. The Committee welcomes the measures taken in order to tackle domestic violence,
including preventive measures, crisis intervention, support services for victims, treatment
of offenders and the ongoing revision of the legislative framework.
C. Principal subjects o f concern and recommendations
8. The Committee regrets that the HKSAR has not implemented a number of
recommendations contained in its previous concluding observations
(CCPR/C/79/Add.117). It remains concerned regarding the limited mandate and powers of
the Ombudsman, including its lack of oversight function of the police, and the Equal
Opportunities Commission (article 2).
The HKSAR should consider the establishment of an independent human rights
institution compliant with the Paris Principles.
9. The C ommittee remains concerned that investigations of police misconduct are still
carried out by the police themselves through the Complaints Against Police Office
(CAPO), and that the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) does not have the
power to ens ure proper and effective investigation of complaints or for the effective
implementation of its recommendations (article 2).
The HKSAR should ensure that the investigation of complaints against the police
is carried out by an independent body, the decisions of which are binding on relevant
10. The Committee remains concerned at the absence of adequate legal protection of
individuals against deportation to locations where they might be subjected to grave human
rights violations, such as thos e contrary to articles 6 and 7 of the Covenant.
The HKSAR should establish an appropriate mechanism to assess the risk faced
by individuals expressing fears of being victims of grave human rights violations in
the locations to which they may be returned.
11. The Committee is concerned at reports that Hong Kong residents detained on the
Mainland encounter difficulties in having contact with their families in Hong Kong (article
The HKSAR should take measures to ensure that the notification system between
the Regional and Mainland authorities is complied with and that cases of detention
are notified promptly to the relatives in the Region.
12. The Committee remains concerned that no clear legislative framework exists
regarding the capacity of law enforc ement agencies to intercept communications and carry
out covert surveillance (article 17).
The HKSAR should enact legislation on the matter which is in full conformity
with article 17 of the Covenant and provide a mechanism of protection and redress to
individuals claiming interference with their privacy or correspondence.
13. The Committee is concerned about reports of intimidation and harassment against
journalists and media personnel, frequently in connection with debates on political issues
(article 19).
The HKSAR should take vigorous measures to prevent and prosecute
harassment of media personnel, and ensure that the media can operate independently
and free from government intervention.
14. The Committee is concerned that the current definition of th e offences of treason and
sedition in the Crimes Ordinance is too broad (articles 19, 21, 22).
The HKSAR should amend its legislation regarding such offences to bring it into
full conformity with the Covenant.
15. The Committee notes with concern that, as a result of the right of abode policies,
many families remain separated or their members feel necessitated to stay in HKSAR
illegally. In some cases, family members who have been repatriated to the Mainland are
not even provided with two-way permits to visit their families in HKSAR (articles 23 and
The HKSAR should ensure that its policies and practices regarding the right of
abode fully take into consideration its obligations regarding the right of families and
children to protection enshrined in articles 23 and 24 of the Covenant.
16. Notwithstanding the measures adopted by the HKSAR to tackle the problem of
domestic violence, concerns persist, including regarding the handling of cases by the
police and the funding of social services to assist the victims (articles 3, 23, 24).
The HKSAR should make sure that police officers receive proper training to deal
with cases of domestic violence and ensure adequate allocation of resources for
protection and provision of assistance to the victims.
17. The C ommittee is concerned about allegations of threats and acts of vandalism against
some legislators during the run up to elections in 2004 and it regrets that the HKSAR did
not provide it with information on the difficulties caused to legislators of the Demo cratic
Party (articles 19 and 25)
The HKSAR should investigate allegations of harassment of legislators, ensure
that they do not recur and take the necessary steps for full compliance with articles
19 and 25.
18. The Committee recalls that in the concluding observations regarding the part of the
fourth periodic report of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
relating to Hong Kong, adopted on 1 November 1995, it referred to the reservation made
by the United Kingdom according to which ar ticle 25 b) did not require the establishment
of an elected legislature in Hong Kong. The Committee took the view that once an elected
Legislative Council is established, its election must conform to article 25 of the Covenant.
As stated at that time, and reiterated in its concluding observations on the initial report of
the HKSAR, adopted on 4 November 1999, the Committee still considers that the electoral
system in Hong Kong does not meet the requirements of article 25, as well as articles 2,
paragraph 1 and 26 of the Covenant. Furthermore, the Committee is concerned that the
implementation of the procedure for interpretation of the Basic Law, such as on electoral
and public affairs issues, does not include adequate arrangements to ensure that such
interpr etations are in compliance with the Covenant (articles 2, 25, 26).
All necessary measures should be taken whereby the Legislative Council is
elected by universal and equal suffrage. It should be ensured that all interpretations
of the Basic Law, including on electoral and public affairs issues, are in compliance
with the Covenant.
19. While welcoming the measures taken by the HKSAR to combat racial discrimination,
the Committee remains concerned at the absence of relevant specific legislation (article
The Committee urges the HKSAR to adopt the necessary legislation in order to
ensure full compliance with article 26 of the Covenant.
20. The Committee sets 2010 as the date for the submission of the HKSAR’s third
periodic report. It requests that the present concluding observations be published and
widely disseminated to the general public, as well as to the judicial, legislative and
administrative authorities.
21. In accordance with rule 71, paragraph 5, of the Committee’s rules of procedure, the
HKSAR should submit within one year information on the follow -up given to the
Committee’s recommendations in paragraphs 9, 13, 15, 18. The Committee requests the
HKSAR to include in its next periodic report information on its remaining
recommendations and on the implementation of the Covenant as a whole.