Concluding observations of the Human Rights Committee : Suriname. 04/05/2004.
CCPR/CO/80/SUR. (Concluding Observations/Comments)
Convention Abbreviation: CCPR
Eightieth session
Consideration of reports submitted by states parties
under article 40 of the covenant
Concluding observations of the Human Rights Committee
1. The Committee considered the situation of civil and political rights in Suriname
at its 2054th and 2055th meetings (CCPR/C/SR.2054 and 2055), held on 22 and
23 October 2002 in the absence of a report, but in the presence of a delegation.
At its 2066th meeting (CCPR/C/SR.2066), held on 31 October 2002, it adopted
provisional concluding observations pursuant to rule 69A, paragraph 1, of its
rules of procedure. Pursuant to the provisional concluding observations, the
Committee invited the State party to submit its second periodic report within
six months. The State party submitted its report within the deadline set by
the Committee. The Committee considered the second periodic report of Suriname
at its 2173rd and 2174th meetings (CCPR/C/SR.2173 and 2174), on 17 and 18 March
2004. At its 2189th meeting (CCPR/C/SR.2189), held on 30 March 2004, it adopted
the following concluding observations.
A. Introduction
2. The Committee welcomes the submission of the State party's second periodic report, which contains detailed information on Surinamese legislation in the area of civil and political rights, and the opportunity to resume its review of the human rights situation in Suriname. It regrets the very long delay in submitting the report, which was due in 1985, and the scarcity of information on the human rights situation in actual fact, which makes it difficult for the Committee to determine whether the State party's population is able fully and effectively to exercise the rights guaranteed by the Covenant.
3. The Committee welcomes the willingness of the State party to cooperate and to resume its dialogue with the Committee on the application of the rights guaranteed by the Covenant in Suriname, as evidenced by the presence of a delegation during the Committee's seventy-sixth session in October 2002 and during the present session. The Committee appreciates the efforts made by the delegation to provide answers to its questions. It regrets that the delegation was not in a position to provide full information on the current situation of civil and political rights in the State party, or to respond specifically to several of the issues raised by members of the Committee.
B. Positive aspects
4. The Committee welcomes the reforms in the State party's legislation since
the review of the initial report in 1980, in particular with respect to the
creation of democratic institutions and the recognition, in the Constitution
of 1987, of fundamental human rights and freedoms.
5. The Committee welcomes the fact that the Covenant takes precedence over domestic
law and that provisions of the Covenant may be invoked directly in the domestic
6. The Committee welcomes the delegation's information that human rights training is provided for the police, the judiciary, teachers and students and recommends that the State party extend such training to other parts of the Surinamese population.
C. Principal subjects of concern and recommendations
7. The Committee is concerned at the continued impunity of those responsible
for human rights violations committed during the period of military rule. In
particular, investigations into the December 1982 killings and the 1986 Moiwana
massacre remain pending and have not yet produced concrete results. The information
supplied by the delegation that all such cases are still being investigated
is disturbing, especially given the lapse of time since their occurrence. The
Committee further considers that this situation reflects a lack of effective
remedies available to victims of human rights violations, which is incompatible
with article 2, paragraph 3, of the Covenant.
The State party should give special priority to bringing to justice the perpetrators
of human rights violations, including human rights violations committed by police
and military personnel. The perpetrators of such acts must be tried and punished
if found guilty, regardless of rank and political status. The State party should
take all necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of such acts. Victims
and their relatives should be provided with adequate compensation.
8. The Committee regrets that the State party has not provided detailed information
concerning the implementation of the Committee's findings in its Views on communications
Nos. 146/1983 and 148-154/1983 (Baboeram et al. v. Suriname).
The State party is urged to implement the Committee's findings on communications
Nos. 146/1983 and 148-154/1983. The State party should consider adopting appropriate
procedures for implementing the Committee's Views under the Optional Protocol.
9. The Committee regrets that the State party has not provided the information
requested on the domestic application of article 4 of the Covenant and whether
national legislation further spells out the modalities under which article 23
of the Constitution may be invoked. The Committee has no information as to which
factors are considered "a threat to the life of the nation" justifying
derogation from particular rights, or which factors justify continued derogation.
The State party should ensure that the implementation of article 23 of the Constitution
is in conformity with article 4 of the Covenant. Instances of detention during
a public emergency should be strictly limited.
10. The Committee notes that while the State party has not carried out judicial
executions for almost 80 years, the death penalty remains on the statute books
for the offences of aggravated murder, premeditated murder and treason.
The Committee encourages the State party to abolish the death penalty and accede
to the Second Optional Protocol to the Covenant.
11. While the Committee notes that the State party is taking measures to investigate
and punish police officers involved in incidents of ill-treatment of detainees,
including beatings and sexual abuse of detainees (especially during the initial
stages of detention), it remains concerned that such incidents continue to be
reported (arts. 7 and 10).
Allegations of ill-treatment in custody should be investigated by an independent
mechanism, and those held responsible should be prosecuted and receive appropriate
punishment. Victims of such treatment should receive full reparation, including
fair and adequate compensation. Appropriate human rights training should continue
to be given to law enforcement personnel.
12. The Committee notes with concern the high incidence of domestic violence
and the absence of appropriate legislation to protect women against such violence.
It notes the delegation's additional information that acts of domestic violence
may be prosecuted under alternative provisions of the Criminal Code (arts. 3
and 7).
The State party should take legal and educational measures to combat domestic
violence. It is invited to educate the population at large about the need to
respect women's rights and dignity.
13. While the Committee has noted the efforts made by the State party to deal
with the situation regarding trafficking in women, in particular through legislation
and international cooperation, it remains concerned about the slow progress
in implementing those policies (arts. 3 and 8).
The State party should ensure that effective measures are taken to combat trafficking
in women.
14. While noting the State party's acknowledgment that there are problems with
lengthy pre-trial detentions, as well as its denial that incommunicado detention
is practised, the Committee remains concerned that domestic law provides for
the possibility that a detainee may not be brought for the first time before
a judge until 44 days after his detention and about reports that prisoners are
kept in incommunicado detention, and that in both cases this apparently occurs
without access to a lawyer (art. 9, paras. 3 and 4).
The State party should correct the above practice forthwith, as it is incompatible
with article 9, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Covenant. It should amend its relevant
legislation without delay to ensure that anyone arrested or detained on a criminal
charge is brought promptly before a judge, in conformity with the provisions
of article 9, paragraph 3, of the Covenant.
15. While acknowledging the efforts made by the State party to reform its prison
system and construct new prison facilities to overcome the problem of overcrowding,
the Committee expresses its concern at the persistence of poor prison conditions
and serious overcrowding. It also notes that the backlog in the adjudication
of cases encountered by the judicial system contributes to this situation.
The State party should take appropriate measures to reduce the number of persons
in detention and to improve prison conditions in order to comply with article
10 of the Covenant. Additional resources should be allocated to the judiciary,
in order to reduce the number of detainees in pre-trial detention.
16. The Committee regrets that the State party has not provided information,
as requested, about the role of military courts, their jurisdiction and composition,
and how the State party ensures their independence and impartiality.
The State party should ensure that military courts, if operating, function in
accordance with the rights set out in the Covenant, in particular in accordance
with the rights laid down in article 14. The State party should provide the
Committee with the relevant information.
17. The Committee is concerned about the compatibility with the Covenant of
the low age of criminal responsibility in Suriname (10 years), having regard
in particular to reliable information about the ill-treatment of children in
detention and the long delays in pending trials.
The State party should revise its legislation with regard to the age of criminal
responsibility, which at its present level is unacceptable under international
standards. The State party should inform the Committee as to how its practice
complies with articles 10, paragraph 2 (b), 14, paragraph 4, and 24 of the Covenant.
18. The Committee is concerned that the current Asian Marriage Act provides
for "arranged marriages" and sets the minimum age for marriage at
13 years for female and 15 years for male citizens of Asian descent. These ages
are incompatible with articles 3 and 26 and article 24, paragraph 1, of the
Covenant. Marriage at such a young age, and in particular arranged marriages,
is also incompatible with article 23 of the Covenant, which stipulates that
no marriage shall be entered into without the free and full consent of the intending
spouses. While the State party submits that citizens of non-Asian descent also
may marry under this Act, it has not responded to the Committee's request for
statistics on how many non-Asians have actually done so (arts. 23 and 24).
The State party should take steps to change the current marriage legislation
and to bring it into conformity with the Covenant.
19. While noting the State party's effort to establish a "nucleus centre"
to provide schooling in the interior of the country, the Committee remains concerned
at reports indicating that as few as 40 per cent of children living in the interior
of the country attend primary school, thus depriving many children of the possibility
of attending school on an equal footing with children in other parts of the
country (art. 26).
The State party should ensure that all children are afforded equal opportunities
for access to schooling, and that school fees do not prevent them from receiving
primary education.
20. While the Committee welcomes the State party's Gender Policy Programme,
including a timetable for reviewing several provisions in domestic laws that
are discriminatory against women, it remains concerned that discriminatory legislation
in relation to gender still exists, including in the Personnel Act, the Identity
Act, the Nationality and Residence Act and the Elections Act (arts. 3 and 26).
The State party is invited to eliminate any existing legislation that discriminates
in relation to gender.
21. The Committee is concerned at the lack of legal recognition and guarantees
for the protection of indigenous and tribal rights to land and other resources.
It regrets that logging and mining concessions in many instances were granted
without consulting or even informing indigenous and tribal groups, in particular
the Maroon and Amerindian communities. It also notes allegations that mercury
has been released into the environment in the vicinity of such communities,
which continues to threaten the life, health and environment of indigenous and
tribal peoples. The latter are also said to be victims of discrimination in
employment and education, and generally with respect to their participation
in other areas of life (arts. 26 and 27).
The State party should guarantee to members of indigenous communities the full
enjoyment of all the rights recognized by article 27 of the Covenant, and adopt
specific legislation for this purpose. A mechanism to allow for indigenous and
tribal peoples to be consulted and to participate in decisions that affect them
should be established. The State party should take the necessary steps to prevent
mercury poisoning of waters, and thereby of inhabitants, in the interior of
the State party's territory.
22. The State party should widely publicize the present examination of its second
periodic report by the Committee and, in particular, these concluding observations.
The State party is further invited to make publicly available, including to
the Committee, the findings of the Commission to Prepare an Institution Charged
with Investigating Violations of Human
Rights in Suriname.
23. The State party is requested, pursuant to rule 70, paragraph 5, of the Committee's rules of procedure, to forward information, within one year, on the implementation of the Committee's recommendations contained in paragraphs 11 and 14 above. The State party's third periodic report should be submitted to the Committee by 1 April 2008.