1. The Committee considered the second periodic report of Tanzania
(CCPR/C/42/Add.12) at its 1188th to 1190th meetings, held on 20
and 21 October 1992 and adopted* the following comments:
A. Introduction
2. The Committee compliments the State party on the high quality
of its report. In addition to giving the relevant laws and regulations,
the report contains detailed information on actual practice and
the factors and difficulties affecting the implementation of the
Covenant. The Committee notes with satisfaction that the report
includes a candid appraisal of existing legislative deficiencies
in the lights of the relevant General Comments adopted by the
Committee. The Committee, however, regrets that the report was
submitted after a delay of some five years and expects that, given
the reporting experience which the State party has now acquired,
similar delays will not occur in the future.
3. The Committee observes that answers provided by the delegation
to the numerous questions raised by members of the Committee greatly
contributed in the consideration of the report and in establishing
a constructive dialogue.
B. Positive aspects
4. The Committee welcomes the measures undertaken by the State
party and the substantive progress recently achieved toward democratization,
which should provide a more effective legal framework for the
effective application of the Covenant. The Committee also notes
with satisfaction that a bill of rights has been incorporated
into the constitution; that political parties are now being registered
under a multi-party system and that the first multi-party elections
to the National Assembly and to the Presidency have been scheduled;
and that a more important role is foreseen for the Judiciary in
the protection of human rights.
C. Factors and difficulties impeding the application of the
5. The Committee notes that some aspects of democratic reform
may have been adversely affected by structural adjustment policies
tending to decrease the resources available for implementing those
reforms. At the same time, the Committee underlines that this
does not exempt the State party from the full and effective application
of the Covenant.
D. Principal subjects of concern
6. While welcoming the wide-ranging political and legal reforms
in progress, the Committee recognizes that the transition to true
democracy is far from complete. A number of gaps still need to
be addressed regarding present legislation and the guarantees
provided for under the Covenant. The Committee emphasizes that,
in undertaking any review of existing national law and in formulating
new legislation and administrative rules, a primary consideration
should be compatibility with the provisions of the Covenant.
7. The Committee is concerned over the unclear position of the
Covenant in national law, particularly in cases where conflicts
could arise between the Covenant and the Constitution. In this
regard, article 32 of the Constitution regarding emergencies is
clearly not in conformity with the international obligations of
the State party under article 4 of the Covenant. Under that provision
no derogation is permissible from certain fundamental rights,
among which is the right to life. The Committee is concerned that
the grounds for declaring a state of emergency are too broad and
that the extraordinary powers of the President in an emergency
are too sweeping. Other concerns of the Committee in regard to
specific provisions of the Constitution which are incompatible
with the Covenant include article 30 (1) which provides a wide
scope for limitations of rights and freedoms and article 25 which
provides for the possibility of forced labour.
8. Other areas of concern include the unavailability of statistics
concerning the application of the death penalty; the extraordinary
powers accorded to the President with regard to preventive detention;
the extent of delays with regard to the scheduling of criminal
proceedings; the restriction of the right to peaceful assembly
by the requirement of pre-permission by local authorities; insufficient
publicity given to the Covenant with the result that the general
public may not be informed of the protections afforded under it;
continuing inequality with regard to the status of women; and
the continued use of corporal punishment, the application of which
the Committee considers to be degrading and inhuman treatment.
9. Additionally, the Committee is concerned that some aspects
of the customary law which are still being applied in many of
the lower courts may not be in compliance with the provisions
of the Covenant.
E. Suggestions and recommendations
10. The Committee recommends that the State party should provide
a clear legal basis for giving full effect to the provisions of
the Covenant. The Committee further suggests the enactment of
legislation to provide that customary law, which is incompatible
with the provisions of the Covenant, is null and void.
11. The Committee recommends the amendment of those provisions
of the Constitution and other national law which are not in conformity
with the Covenant. In particular, the Committee suggests that
a thorough review be undertaken of provisions relating to states
of emergency with a view to ensuring their full compatibility
with article 4 of the Covenant in all respects. The Committee
affirms the vital role played by the responsible exercise of the
freedom of expression in the transition to democracy and recommends
that the State party ensure that the exercise of this right is
fully respected. Steps should also be taken to guarantee freedom
of assembly without the requirement for pre-permission or such
other restrictions as may jeopardize the freedom in question without
necessarily being a threat to public order. Ongoing and active
monitoring should be undertaken to ensure that democratic guarantees
which have recently been established in law are observed in practice.
To this end, the Committee considers that an active and independent
judiciary is indispensable and recommends that measures be undertaken
in this regard to further strengthen it.
12. The Committee considers that active measures should be undertaken
to ensure that the provisions of the Covenant are made widely
known to the general public and, in particular, to members of
the judiciary and the legal and other professions most directly
concerned with its application. Both Covenants should be translated
into the national language, Swahili, and integrated into educational
curricula at all levels. Although welcoming the improvements made
with respect to ensuring equal opportunity for women, the Committee
notes that the situation still warrants further progress, particularly
in relation to property and inheritance rights and questions concerning
parental authority.
* At the 1203rd meeting (forty-sixth session), held on 5 November