Ref.: Provisional Measures
Father Daniel Vogt et al.
Mr. Secretary:
On behalf of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and on the instructions of its President, Dean Claudio Grossman, I herewith transmit to you, and through you to the Honorable Court, the provisional measures in the case of Father Daniel Vogt (Case No. 11.497), pursuant to Article 63(2) in fine of the American Convention on Human Rights, and Article 24 of the Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
The decision to request these measures from the Honorable Court was taken on March 26, 1996, pursuant to Article 76 of the Regulations of the Commission, on the basis of the information and grounds set forth in the decision attached hereto.
For purposes of the processing of this request, the Commission will be represented before the Illustrious Court by its President, Dean Claudio Grossman as its Delegate, and by its Assistant Executive Secretary, Dr. David Padilla, and Dr. Denise Gilman as its Advisors. They will be assisted by Dr. José Miguel Vivanco, Dr. Anne Manuel, Dr. Viviana Krsticevic, Dr. Ariel Dulitzky, Dr. Marcela Matamoros, Dr. Francisco Cox, and Dr. Bertha Argüello.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Domingo Acevedo
Assistant Executive Secretary
Mr. Manuel Ventura-Robles
Inter-American Court of Human Rights
San José, Costa Rica