Notas al Estado de Suriname en relación con el viaje, en misión oficia de la Secretaria Adjunta de la Corte.


May 17, 1993

REF.: CDH/S-193-93

Your Excellency:

I have the honor of addressing your Excellency in order to inform you that the Deputy Secretary of the Inter American Court of Human Rights, Miss Ana Maria Reina, will travel in official mission to Suriname from the June 14 to 29, 1993.

The schedule of Ms. Reina's mission is as follows:

MIAMI-PARAMARIBO 06-14-93 SURINAME AIR 4978 14:15 hrs. 21:25 hrs.

MIAMI-PARAMARIBO 06-29-93 SURINAME AIR 4977 07:30 hrs. 12:50 hrs.

The Deputy Secretary of the Court has been entrusted to make all the necessary contacts with the Government and private institutions to allow the Court to gather information in order to calculate the indemnization in the Aloeboetoe et al. case against Suriname, and which are the possible means of payment by your Government.

I would like to request Your Excellency, on behalf of the Inter American Court of Human Rights, that the Government of Suriname provide all the necessary protection and cooperation to the Representative of the Court in order that she can fulfill the objectives of the mission.

Accept, Excellency the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Manuel E. Ventura


His Excellency

Subhas Ch. Mungra

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Paramaribo, Suriname

May 17, 1993

REF.: CDH/S-194-93

Your Excellency:

I have the honor of addressing your Excellency in order to inform you that the Deputy Secretary of the Inter American Court of Human Rights, Miss Ana Maria Reina, will travel in official mission to Suriname representing the Court from the 14th. to the 29th. of June, 1993. Ms. Reina will travel the 14th. of June from Miami to Paramaribo in Suriname Air (PY) flight number 4978 which arrives at 09:25 p.m., and her departure is scheduled for the 29th. of June at 07:30 a.m., Suriname Air (PY), flight number 4977 to Miami.

Miss Reina's mission is related to the economic factors and feasible ways of payment of the beneficiaries' indemnization in the Aloeboetoe et al. case against Suriname.

We will appreciate, Your Excellency, if you contact your Government in order that it grants to the Deputy Secretary of the Inter American Court all the cooperation and necessary protection, as Representative of the Court, during her stay in Suriname, all this to allow her to fulfill the objectives of the mission whiteout problems.

Please find enclosed a copy of the letter sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Suriname, His Excellency Subhas Ch. Mungra.

Accept, Excellency the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Manuel E. Ventura


His Excellency

Dr. Willem Alfred Udenhout, Embajador

Representante Permanente de Suriname

Organization of American States

4301 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 108,

Washington D.C. 20008 USA

May 17, 1993

REF.: CDH/S-196-93

Dear Mr. Tjong A Hung:

I would like to inform you that the Inter American Court of Human Rights will send its Deputy Secretary, Miss Ana Maria Reina, in an official mission to Suriname from the 14th. to the 29th. of June, 1993. Ms. Reina will travel in Suriname Air from Miami and she will arrive in fight No.4978 at 21:25 hrs; she is scheduled to depart on the 29th. at 07:30 hr. in Suriname Air fight No.4977 to Miami.

I would like to ask your cooperation in order that Miss Reina will have the support of your staff in order to help her in the coordination of interviews, meetings or any other pertinent matters. We have been in contact with Mr. Christopher Healy, and if you deem it appropriate, we would greatly appreciate if he could be the person to assist Miss Reina regarding her mission.

Miss Reina's mission is related to the economic factors and feasible ways of payment of the beneficiaries' indemnization in the Aloeboetoe et al. case against Suriname.

I am enclosing a copy of the letter we sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Suriname, His Excellency, Subhas Ch. Mungra. In order to facilitate the accomplishment of Miss Reina's mission, please let us know if you have any comments regarding my request of cooperation, or information related to measures she should take before her departure from Costa Rica.

Your cooperation and any support you can give Miss Reina will be highly appreciate by the Inter American Court of Human Rights.

Manuel E. Ventura Robles


Dr. Armand R. Tjong A Hung, Representative

Organization of American States

National Office

P.O. Box 1816

Paramaribo, Suriname


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