Nota de la ComisiĆ³n Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de 20 de marzo de 1987.


May 8, 1987


My dear Mme. President:

I have the honor to refer to my letter of March 25, 1987 in which I acknowledged receipt of the motion of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights dated March 20 in Cases Nos. 7920, 7951 and 8097 (Honduras).

Having reconsidered the language of my Resolution of January 30, 1987, I find myself compelled to adhere to it.

Of course, the motion of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, together with my responses, will be submitted to the Court as soon as it convenes for whatever decision it might wish to take.

Please accept the expression of my highest consideration and esteem.


(s) Thomas Buergenthal

Dr. Gilda M.C.M. Russomano
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Organization of American States
Washington, D.C.



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