University of Minnesota


Treaties, Interpretation and Application;
Other Relevant International Law Provisions

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,
1155 U.N.T.S. 331, 8 I.L.M. 679, entered into force January 27, 1980.
Ratification information
Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,
G.A. res. 2625, Annex, 25 UN GAOR, Supp. (No. 28), U.N. Doc. A/5217 at 121 (1970).
Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, in Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its Fifty-third Session,
UN GAOR 56th Sess., Supp. No. 10, at 43, U.N. Doc. A/56/10 (2001) .
Dublin Statement on the Process of Strengthening of the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Body System (Nov. 19, 2009), reprinted in 2010 Neth. Q. Hum. Rts 116, 121 (2010).



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