Islamic Code of Medical Ethics, reprinted in Encyclopedia of Bioethics 2705 (Warren Thomas Reich, et al. eds., rev. ed. 1995).
The Physician's Oath
I swear by God, The Great;
To regard God in carrying out my profession;
To protect human life in all stages and under all circumstances, doing my utmost to rescue it from death, malady, pain, and anxiety;
To keep people's dignity, cover their privacies and lock up their secrets;
To be, all the way, an instrument of God's mercy, extending my medical care to near and far, virtuous and sinner and friend and enemy;
To strive in the pursuit of knowledge and harnessing it for the benefit but not the harm of mankind;
To revere my teacher, teach my junior, and be brother to members of the medical profession joined in piety and charity;
To live my Faith in private and in public, avoiding whatever blemishes me in the eyes of God, His apostle and my fellow Faithful;
And may God be witness to this Oath.