University of Minnesota


Disaster Response Links

European Court of Human Rights
International Criminal Court
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Joint Statement of the Prosecutors of the International Criminal Court
Project on International Courts and Tribunals (PICT) Latest News
Rome Statute of the International Court - Division of Common Services
The Project on International Courts and Tribunals
The Sphere Project, Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, 2001
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, An Overview of Disaster Management, 1992
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, Contingency Planning: A Practical Guide for Field Staff, October 1996
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, Disaster Assessment, 1994
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, Disaster Economics, 1994
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, Disaster Management Ethics, 1997
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, Emergency Information Management and Telecommunications, 1997
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, Humanitarian Principles and Operational Dilemmas in War Zones
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, International Law of Disasters and Armed Conflict
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, The News Media and Humanitarian Action, 1997
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, The Role and Responsibilities of the UN Disaster Management Team, 2002
UN Disaster Management Training Programme/Transcend (J. Galtung), Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means: The Transcend Method, 2000
UNHCR/Help Age International, Older People in Disasters and Humanitarian Crises: Guidelines for Best Practice, 2000


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