CSCE Budapest Declaration,
Towards A Genuine Partnership In A New Era,
DOC.RC/1/95 (21 December 1994)

Further Tasks of the CSCE Forum for Security Co-operation

The participating States,

Having reviewed and assessed the results achieved in the negotiations within the Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC),

Have decided that:

  1. The FSC will continue its work in accordance with its mandate and where appropriate develop new approaches to the items therein, taking into account the specific characteristics of the armed forces of individual participating States.

  2. The FSC will give increased attention to the improved implementation of existing CSCE commitments relating to confidence- and security-building. It will address their further development, and if appropriate, adopt new measures to meet new challenges.

  3. The FSC will also place special emphasis on tackling regional security problems (including crises) flexibly in ways appropriate to each case.

  4. Have also decided that:

  5. The FSC will develop a framework for arms control, including goals and methods for building, maintaining and improving stability and security in the CSCE region. This framework should be comprehensive in scope and should address the diverse challenges and risks to military security in the CSCE region. It will serve as a basis for an agenda for establishing new measures of arms control, including in particular confidence- and security-building, for the military forces of all participating States, with a view to strengthening the network of security commitments that the participating States undertake to each other. Specific arms control measures, including disarmament and confidence- and security-building, may vary in order to address the particular security needs of individual States or regions but may also embrace further CSCE-wide measures, taking into account the specific characteristics of the armed forces of individual participating States.

  6. In this context, the FSC will, inter alia, seek to promote complementarity between regional and CSCE-wide approaches. These efforts will also build upon the continuing experience and achievements in the area of arms control and confidence- and security-building. They will continue to be based on a co-operative and comprehensive approach to security and will be designed to promote coherence between CSCE arms control and confidence-building efforts and the overall goals of the CSCE.

  7. The above work of the FSC will not affect in any way the integrity of the CFE Treaty, nor any rights or obligations of States parties to the Treaty. It will recognize the critical role of that Treaty in ensuring military security and stability.

  8. Have further decided that:

  9. The FSC, while retaining its autonomy and decision-making capacity, will be better integrated into CSCE political, conflict prevention and crisis management activities, thus allowing practical co-operation between the FSC and the Permanent Council in the consideration of current issues affecting military security.

  10. The FSC will report on the above work by the 1996 Lisbon Summit and make recommendations.



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